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Everything posted by surfabilly

  1. thanks again for heads up on these. downloaded the first one last week and finished it last night. good read. just downloaded the second.
  2. congratulations! there is nothing in life more fulfilling (and frustrating at times) than being a father.
  3. just went last sunday. not posted.
  4. have used ashbusters as well when we were in east nashville. that's who i would call as well.
  5. i'm in for a lower and upper. thanks for putting this together guys. will be my first build and would love to attend any build class that was put together.
  6. i found a couple of videos on YouTube for sharpening the reels. found the kit at ace hardware. basically you brush the rubbing compound on each blade of the reel (not the bed knife) and run the reels in reverse. works well, but probably not as well as having each reel sharpened individually.
  7. didn't seem to take me any longer, except when the grass was too tall.
  8. used one for several years on a small lawn. wouldnt recommend for much over a quarter acre you don't want to let the grass get very high. two weeks without mowing will make it extremely difficult to cut. have to keep it sharp, which is fairly easy with rubbing compound. grass does look much better cutting with a reel, but i ended up going back to a gas mower after a couple of years. (when we started having kids and free time became more valuable)
  9. someone should call them out...by name. (warning: slight language)   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hNEniwpNmU0
  10. stay classy san diego. i'm ron burgundy?
  11. walmart at briley and dickerson in nashville has about: 20-50 rnd federal 9mm 5- 100 rnd federal 9mm 20- 50 rnd federal .45 just left.
  12. i was in whittaker's on wednesday of this week for the first time.  my in-laws are in owensboro and had told me about it, but had never gone.  man what a shop!!  they have more stock than i've seen anywhere else.  there had to be 100+ people in there while i was there.  they had two employees that were only running checks.  will make this a regular stop on my trips up there.  this and old hickory bbq.
  13. different response from cooper today: "Thank you for contacting me regarding possible firearms legislation in Congress.   I share your concerns because I am a gun owner and, like tens of thousands of Tennesseans, have a carry permit. Like you, I know many law enforcement officers who risk their lives every day for our protection. And we all have families whom we love dearly and whom we want to keep safe from violence.   It is too early to say what gun legislation will move through Congress. The President is pushing Congress to act, as you probably heard him say in his State of the Union Address, saying that each of several different ways to reduce gun violence deserves a vote. He mentioned more background checks, stopping straw purchases of guns for criminals, and keeping our police officers from being outgunned. He said that "Each of these proposals deserves a vote in Congress." He did not try to tell anyone how to vote.   I think the President is generally on the right track with this approach. More background checks are particularly interesting because the National Rifle Association has supported them in the past, a poll indicates that 74% of current NRA members support them, and the Republican Leader in the House, Rep. Eric Cantor, recently said that background checks need to be stronger. Apparently 40% of gun sales today involve no background check. Because Republicans schedule all the votes in the House, Cantor's comment could be significant.   The Feinstein bill to ban the future manufacture of certain types of "assault weapons" has received most of the media's attention, but Senator Feinstein has expressed doubts about whether her bill could pass the Senate. House passage would be even more difficult, according to most observers. No one is seriously proposing banning or confiscating guns from law-abiding citizens.   I will do my best to study any pending legislation and to vote in accordance with the U.S. Constitution that I am sworn to uphold, including, of course, the Second Amendment. My guess is that no votes will occur until this summer.   Let's stay in touch as the issue advances. Thanks again for taking the time to share your views with me. Sincerely, Jim Cooper Member of Congress"
  14. just left my local wm. they received .22, 9mm, and .223 today. they are limiting customers to 2 boxes of those three calibers. still some left. briley pkwy / dickerson rd.
  15. looks great. thanks for all the work you do, david!
  16. i have my great grandfather's mossberg model b .22 rifle. i haven't done anything with it because it really shows its age, and has an EXTREMELY light trigger. 1. i know that it is/was an inexpensive rifle and parts are hard to come by. still, it has sentimental value and i would like to see it restored a bit and brought back to life. 2. is there a gunsmith in the nashville area that you would recommend for such a project?
  17. i have my great grandfather's mossberg model b .22 rifle. i haven't done anything with it because it really shows its age, and has an EXTREMELY light trigger. 1. i know that it is/was an inexpensive rifle and parts are hard to come by. still, it has sentimental value and i would like to see it restored a bit and brought back to life. 2. is there a smith in the nashville area that you would recommend for such a project?
  18. santa came last night to my house. left me a combat shirt (correct size), a portable water filter (very cool), a small flashlight, and some surefire earplugs. thanks santa!!
  19.   late to the thread, but IF members of a militia were to be exempt would that include the federal militia?  i was wondering about the "militia argument" the anti-2A folks like to use so i looked up the US code regarding the militia.  seems that every able bodied male US citizen between 17 and 45 years old is a part of the federal militia.  here is the code:     -CITE- 10 USC Sec. 311 01/03/2012 (112-90) -EXPCITE- TITLE 10 - ARMED FORCES Subtitle A - General Military Law PART I - ORGANIZATION AND GENERAL MILITARY POWERS CHAPTER 13 - THE MILITIA -HEAD- Sec. 311. Militia: composition and classes -STATUTE- (a) The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 32, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard. (b) The classes of the militia are - (1) the organized militia, which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia; and (2) the unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or the Naval Militia. -SOURCE- (Aug. 10, 1956, ch. 1041, 70A Stat. 14; Pub. L. 85-861, Sec. 1(7), Sept. 2, 1958, 72 Stat. 1439; Pub. L. 103-160, div. A, title V, Sec. 524(a), Nov. 30, 1993, 107 Stat. 1656.) -MISC1-  
  20. targetsportsusa.com had pmags yesterday for 12.99. haven't checked today though. last week kygunco.com had them for $10.89. 3 days later they were $12.99 the next day they were $17.99
  21. targetsportsusa.com had pmags (no window) this afternoon @ $12.99 
  22. saw this on ttag this morning. are private schools exempt from laws regarding firearm carry, or is this a state by state regulation? http://www.thetruthaboutguns.com/2012/12/robert-farago/armed-fathers-protect-jewish-elementary-school-not-shown/
  23. not local, but try scott's outdoor sports in jay, fl. when i checked last month they had 12 at $679 +$20 shipping.


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