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Everything posted by surfabilly

  1. let him check his notes. he'll get back to you at the beginning of this thread.
  2. according to the crime lab firearm report it was indeed a 229 .40cal. the cases were federal jhp, but no mention other than that. hst maybe?
  3. sig p229 .40cal i haven't read what bullet was carried. will have to go back and see if it was mentioned in the gj documents.
  4. i have the benjamin trail as well and really like it. the scope is pretty bad, though. replaced it quickly. triggers on most popular air rifles are notorious for being horrible. check out reviews for an aftermarket trigger from charlie da tuna. i plan on ordering one to replace mine. the ordering process is a bit wonky, but from all accounts this is THE trigger for the most popular air rifles. http://www.charliedatuna.com (i am in no way affiliated with this gentleman.)
  5. count me in again as well.
  6. i like the idea of the playoff system, but agree there should be more teams involved. i think we will see that in a couple of years though. 8 or 16 teams. can't wait for nov. 15th.
  7. funny story. (and a bit off topic). i worked for berry's for several years. this was 15-20 years ago. at that time i was in my mid twenties, and was given dave's book by my father. i had no debt, but my dad thought it was a good read so i read it. several months later dave spoke at our church. i had the opportunity to have lunch with him afterward (my father was the pastor) and asked why he didn't mention pawn shops as a good way to save money on purchased items. his response was that he had never met a pawn broker that he trusted. i mentioned berry's to him and told him that i thought they would advertise if he would allow them to. the retail business of the pawn shop increased substantially with that advertising. pretty cool (at least i think so). now back to your regularly scheduled programming.
  8. check out berry's pawn in madison. they usually have a good selection of long guns. pistols and revolvers are hit or miss. nicest pawnshop in middle tn.
  9. thank you for sharing this. her argument is very compelling, and articulate. hopefully your niece will listen and take a critical and honest evaluation of her own convictions on this topic.
  10. thanks for posting this.
  11. to hope that most people will believe this tripe? http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/wonkblog/wp/2014/10/07/why-the-south-is-the-worst-place-to-live-in-the-u-s-in-10-charts/?tid=pm_business_pop i use to want to correct the misconceptions of the south from people who did not know any better. this article would have made my blood boil. these days i find myself hoping more will continue in their ignorance and stay away from the south. today, this article makes me smile. is that attitude wrong?
  12. if you don't mind me asking, where did you find the protector sights? i am looking for tritium sights, but prefer the blacked out rear sights. had a set of 10-8 fiber optic sights that i really liked, but they never seem to have the tritium in stock.
  13. dont know if this has been posted, but i just ran across this. i have not read the book, but will do so before the movie is released. what do you guys think? http://youtu.be/cRbAXWfthtA
  14. http://heavy.com/news/2014/09/alton-nolen-oklahoma-beheading-colleen-hufford-mark-vaughn/ look at this POS rap sheet. (about halfway down the page) pay attention to the dates. he should not have even been out. thank our legal system.
  15. may want to check your costco/sam's agreement. you probably signed a contract that states that they will check your receipt when you leave the store. not allowing them to do so is a breach of that contract. not excusing any assault that may have taken place, as that's just stupid, but refusing to hold up your end of a contract is wrong.
  16. found this: http://www.wyomingbusinessreport.com/article/20140827/NEWS/140829966/0/FRONTPAGE looks like a november move.
  17. taurus tcp. broken firing pin retaining pin?
  18. funny video, but... where do you work? :)
  19. that's it. thanks.
  20. http://12-gauge-rage.tumblr.com/post/88866279432 i have searched the interwebs, but have not found the answer. anyone know?
  21. where is this story? inquiring minds..
  22. don't forget family wash for shepard's pie! also pied piper eatery, battered and fried, and pharmacy. the food might be the only thing i miss about east nashville.
  23. you're still young. give it time. :)
  24. i wondered the same thing about a potential suit. it's sad that we have come to a point where the question is not "if" a suit will be filed, but who will file the inevitable suit. i would like to see a story where everyone takes there share of responsibility and moves on. another note: yahoo news has had this story at the top of there news crawler all day (which is rare a story stays there an hour). at noon it had over 15,000 comments. one recurring theme is that this little girl did not kill the instructor, the gun did. using this story as a refute to the old "guns don't kill people..." adage.
  25. i know this shouldn't suprise me coming from the huffingsome post, but this article is beyond the pale. http://m.huffpost.com/us/entry/5696546


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