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Everything posted by surfabilly

  1. next time try old hickory bbq for mutton. i like it better.
  2. surfabilly

    High Standard

    sorry to hear your friend passed. good to hear that he thought so highly of your friendship. congratulations on being a good friend. well done. oh, and that is a good looking pistola.
  3. pre-ordered mine this morning. shared it with a buddy who ordered as well. thanks for the info.
  4. this story can't be true. the news tells me criminals get their guns through a loophole in the gun show laws, or order them on the internet without a background check.
  5. i disagree. it simply is not the case. robert has the correct answer. as prices have steadily risen from manufacturers/producers (due in some part to .gov regulations), retailers have tried to do what they can to keep costs down on the shelf. this includes everything that has been mentioned and other things that may not be noticed. check out a can of mixed fruit. the number of cherries in each can is controlled to keep prices down.
  6. have you considered running for congress? i like your solution. i probably would have used twist ties.
  7. just in case anyone was looking: http://shop.802firearms.com/product.dornaus-dixon-bren-ten-1517
  8. 25/30. did get the emu question correct though. one of MANY guesses.
  9. mafiaoza's gets my vote. does anyone know if the franklin location has opened?
  10. not to be outdone, estwing announced a special edition giveaway late this evening.
  11. thank you for posting this.
  12. it wasn't hard to figure out who my secret santa was. the "man crate" of bbq items will certainly raise my game with the wife's family coming in this weekend. the pouch, pmags and vfg are awesome, but no one has been willing to let me try the iv out yet. will have to wait for the wife's family. the note is what gave away the identity though. this is a guy you want to party with. thanks santa!
  13. looks like a fire starter. fuel in the canister to soak the stone (usually pumice), light the stone and place under your firewood.
  14. i saw this question asked on a VERY leftwing forum yesterday. i had never considered the question before. this is the first link that came up on a Google search: http://blog.uritraining.com/?p=88 so, this site lists 16. other sites discount some of these because the "citizen" was an off-duty or former LEO, or former military.
  15. fox is reporting the shooters had "go bags" with extra magazines and pipe bombs. also that the shooters were wearing gopro cameras. also, the home had remote control cars with explosive devices staged to detonate? if this is true, pretty strong evidence to dispute the "spontaneous attack".
  16. no. i get a female dog.
  17. shots fired from vehicle. one in custody. still in pursuit of vehicle.
  18. pm sent. thank you for coordinating this.
  19. saw that this afternoon. definitely not the brightest bulb. happy to have that concern proven wrong.
  20. stuck out to me the other night. they had a former security talking head on that stated he has personally seen examples of explosive devices that can get through TSA security 100% of the time. that is worrisome. (sorry, i have the internet hiccups.) Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  21. don't remember what "news" channel i saw it on, but something Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  22. too late. some are already here. http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2015/10/21/us/where-syrian-refugees-are-in-the-united-states.html?_r=0 look at the last sentence of the third paragraph. where was the armory that was robbed recently? probably just coincidence, but makes you think. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N910A using Tapatalk
  23. wow. reminded me of a video i saw on one of the outdoor channels. (can't remember if there is language or not.) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VQSZ4c20KE Sent from my SAMSUNG-SGH-I317 using Tapatalk


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