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Everything posted by Good_Steward

  1. Think you have me mixed up with someone else. I have met a few people from this forum through shoots, buying, selling, trading, etc., but no one has been to my house. Unless I know you and don't know I know you....
  2. I do not recall us meeting. I remember you were from Polk County somewhere? I grew up in Charleston, just a few miles from Benton (two rivers area) via backroads. Brother, if that ain't boonies, I don't know what is. As for as Signal, you are right. Kept waiting to be thrown off, myself... ;)
  3. And, I have a wife and two kids.
  4. I grew up in the boonies on a dairy farm and dealt with way more than my fair share of less than reputable characters working for us, my man. My career path and sheer determination have taken me from "by God, dirt floor poor" to where I am now. Sorry if I took offense at the implications of your statement.....
  5. Quite honestly, I think most all of OS's posts are assholish (if that is, indeed, a word) but I actually agree with him this time.
  6. The most iconic photo in the history of photos.
  7. Except the Romantic Comedies, too....because no one can know. Ever.
  8. And I thought it was just me........ ;) 19 of 20. Never used Facebook.
  9. No Brett Maverick? What about Paladin? Doc Holliday? Lash LaRue?
  10.     Can't be. That picture is no where near a voting booth.    Definitely a 'possum. 
  11. I don't post a lot, under 1,000 in 6 years, but even I have to ask: WTF are you talking about? Labor Unions are most certainly a "Northern" thing for the most part. And if there is no North or South, how the hell does my compass work?
  12. http://farm4.static.flickr.com/3590/3479873082_d70af8f5b9_o.jpg Bottom, second from left is what I think it is.
  13.     Yes. The way I am plotting the Tennessee ride will be 99% interstate or highway.    The "hit every county" rides will be much more relaxed, sightseeing type riding. 
  14. No offense taken. Kind of a test myself against the clock and the road kind of thing. Plus, I don't mind burning gas. :) As far as Sturgis, the overwhelming crowd is not for me. Can't handle that type of congestion. Hell, I don't even go to Riverbend because of that. Just not my thing.
  15. Nope. Quick pits and 70mph avg We did 1,200 in 20 hours going out to Vegas driving through a monsoon for 3.5 hours of that.
  16. Not a Sturgis guy, and because I can. This was inspired by the "Wisconsin 1,000". Figured I'd do the Tennessee twelve hundred. The rest of the counties will be hit in enjoyable fashion.
  17. So, a little thread resurrection here. The ride this thread documents was my first "iron butt", and was certainly testing. However, this riding season I plan on doing something a little more enjoyable. I plan to ride through every county in Tennessee during the course of the riding season. For those keeping track at home, that's 95 counties. During this, I have plotted one big ride to hit the 4 extreme points on the Tennessee compass in 1 ride, which will total 1,191 miles. To make that particular ride more challenging, I plan to do it in under 19 hours. So, there will likely be another thread coming regarding this, but would love to get input. If anyone else is on board, let me know and we'll put a ride together.
  18. I'm a shade over 6'6. My knees are already at that angle when I poop. Just an interesting personal tidbit for the TGO group. ;)
  19. No standing to pee? 'splains some things about the Ruskies, I suppose. The upper decker ban cracked me up, but for the life of me, I have no idea what the heck to bottom right one is.
  20.     I pay someone to keep me from overpaying my taxes.  My tax bracket is already high enough. 
  21.     CPA, all the way. 
  22. Comcast........sucks. EPB is the way to go in Chattanooga.
  23. Good looking boxer.
  24. We dock tails, etc, but I find the statement of "why do people have to mess with things" ironic, because that is exactly what we are doing when we cut ears, dock tails, dew claws, etc. Hell, even breeding "purebred" animals is "messing with things" Just my .02. I like the ears uncut, and that's how they'll stay.


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