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Everything posted by Good_Steward

  1. Don't know of a better choice than the 21a if a Walther P22 is too big. Never thought I'd hear that. lol
  2. Really? Everyone I have ever spoken with there has been fantastic. I'm sorry for your bad experience, I really am. That's a big thing for my family to go to the games because everyone is usually very friendly. I know all of the players and "Louie" the mascot go out of their way to have pictures taken with my 8 year old son, and sign autographs. Just goes to show that a few jerks can completely ruin a great day out.
  3. Good_Steward


    The kid made an observation. Insensitive? Yes. Incorrect? No. People are always being overly sensitive about something, that's why we have all the PC crap that we do now. If you're fat, you're fat. If your comfortable with your size, you probably don't care what someone else thinks. It's when people are already self conscious about something that the PC junk starts.
  4. Carters is the worst. The indoor pistol range will kill you over there, absolutely NO ventilation (plus, he's a gigantic ass) . I came out blowing black stuff out of my nose for three days every time I went. Carl's place over in Hixson, sportmans supply is a better range, but he's as big an ass as carter.
  5. I moved from the Charleston, TN (just north of Cleveland) area to Signal Mountain ( right outside of Chattanooga) a few years ago, and love it here. If you're in the area this time of year, I recommend taking in a Lookouts game. Nice stadium, and a lot of fun, even if the beer is watered down lol. The kids always love the aquarium, as well, which is just a few blocks from AT&T field. M4, you're right about the gunshops. It all went downhill when Ed closed his shop.
  6. I think it's a fantastic idea. Sure, the politicians might be there "politicking", but at least they will know what this contingent of constituents want, and if we show up in big #'s, they'll know that they ignore us at their own risk. David, I'm sure that Richard Floyd and Bo Watson would like to know. They are both very pro-gun (NRA members), and usually take time out to respond to my e-mails pretty promptly (usually within 2 hours). It's hard for me to get away from the Chattanooga area due to my job basically being short notice 24/7, but if we get a set date with good notice, I will make it point to attend.
  7. Y'all bringing anything, or just there to pick something up / browse? I may bring a gun or two, but likely I'll be looking to buy something (No antique tractors, btw) instead of selling / trading.
  8. lol strick, I went last September (?), and they had an antique tractor show going on down there as well. I believe it was the time before when they had jfest blaring out music as loud as the amps could go. Rough time finding parking when they have several events all at once.
  9. Joe, the last one I went to there was packed, but not a lot of great prices. It seemed like a lot of stuff was priced at MSRP. Usually better deals on the people bringing their own in looking to sell or trade.
  10. I love my M9. You won't go wrong picking this up for your boy.
  11. Hey Mike, what 1911 is that in your pics? Hard to tell from the angle of the pics.
  12. I've shot a CZ 75B (as well as a CZ 52) for years, and I absolutely LOVE the guns. There's a reason they're the 2nd most copied platforms in history ( according to G&A, they're 2nd only to the venerable 1911). It's hard to not love the entire CZ line.
  13. Dang, Billy! I thought you were a good guy and all, and ya have to throw that "Roll Tide" in there and mess everything up!
  14. Just asking, since it's supposed to be nice out this weekend. I'll be there, and just figured I would ask since it would probably be a good event for the SE crowd to get to, and see what everyone's buying / selling / trading / looking for, or whatever.
  15. All except the stripped lower.
  16. I agree, Garufa. It's just that with my work, I stay so busy that it's hard to get out of town (except for work), even on the weekends. I even have a hard time making it to Knoxville during football season. I usually end up giving away 2-3 games of my season tickets every year. That's the only reason I asked.
  17. Anyone know if there are ever any meets in this area?
  18. Are there ever any events in the SE Tennessee area? I see so many Chattanoogans and Clevelanders that I have to wonder if there are ever any meets at Prentice Cooper?
  19. Welcome (belatedly). I live in the Chattanooga area also. I moved here several years ago from Charleston, TN. I didn't realize there were this many Chattanoogans on here. Makes me wonder if there are ever any shoot meets at Prentice Cooper.
  20. LOL Uker, that's the part I like best, but then again, I do work in the research and development field. Maybe it's some kind of personality disorder? My wife says so. I think she calls it "being anal"? Or maybe that's "being an a**hole". Don't remember
  21. Exactly. I start out new loads at the lower end of the "suggested" points in the reload manuals, then go up in increments of .2 to right below the max (I never go all the way to max loads until I'm comfotable with the loads). I load 10 rounds of each, and then take them out for target practice to see which performs best. I'll narrow it down to the best two, and work on my loads from there in .1gr increments. Example: .45 ACP - 230gr XTP / AA #5 8gr - 10 loads 8.2 gr - 10 loads 8.4gr - 10 loads 8.6 gr - 10 loads After shooting these, I narrowed it down to the 8.4 and 8.6 loads. I then loaded 8.3 - 10 8.4 - 10 8.5 - 10 8.6 - 10 8.7 - 10 As you can see, the first round of reloads are kind of a "rough draft", with the second set being more specific. I settled on the 8.5 gr., since it seemed to shoot the best out of my pistol. Then, I loaded up 100rnds with the 8.5, and tested them to make sure that I had consistent results before reall cranking out some loads on the press. If it sounds tedious, it's because it is. But, it's well worth it, and not only do you find out what shoots best in your gun, you become more and more familiar with it, which is just about as important as anything else. Sorry for being long winded.
  22. Don't doubt your own experience. I had a G19 that was a total POS. I also have a PT140 that I've owned for about 5 years with no problems. Don't get me wrong, I like a Glock, but Taurus is a fine gun, no matter what a lot of gun snobs tell you. If you really really really want the best polymer gun on the market, though, you'll buy a Springfield.
  23. My 124gr 9mm loads are Winchester WSP primers, 7.8gr AA #7, 124gr XTP, with an COL of 1.142. Hope this helps.
  24. I see a lot of arguments against concealed carry in the capitol. To me. it does not make sense to restrict lawful citizens from practicing their 2nd Amendment RIGHT, no matter where they are. CCP holders have been approved by the state of Tennessee, so why shouldn't we be able to carry on ANY public land in Tennessee? The argument stating that they don't mind being restricted, because there is plenty of security is around is fine, just not with me. I don't see where the 2nd Amendment says "EXCEPT". Once again, any looney bastard that wants to assasinate someone is going to do it, or at least try, regardless of law. We ALL know that.
  25. It's being reported that Governor Bredesen plans to sit on the carry bill until the Tennessee General Assembly lets out for vacation. That is what is called a "pocket veto". Please send your e-mails to Bredesens office to let him know you want that bill to be passed into law. I sent: Governor Bredesen, First off, I would like to thank you for the excellent job you have done for Tennessee. I feel that you have done everything in your power to build a better Tennessee as our Governor. That being said, I sincerely hope that you make it legal for concealed carry permit holders, who have been authorized by the great state of Tennessee, to carry their sidearms into parks and restaurants. I know that you will, since it has such overwhelming approval from the Tennessee General Assembly, which does, in fact, reflect the citizens opinions. I am a gun owner, and I voted for you. Your constituent, Cliff Haney Signal Mountain, Tennessee


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