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Everything posted by Good_Steward

  1. No, I do not plan to carry. I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here? Look, I don't care what you decide to do. It's your prerogative, but I don't get why you mention that you write editorials(?) for the times free press, yet do not feel compelled to voice that opinion in person? I guess if it's editorials, it's anonymous, since they don't have names attached to their staff editorial columns. Whatever the reason, it's your reason. It's important to me because support starts at the local level. I do not feel comfortable waiting on the state or federal government to voice my position for me.
  2. Flyboy, It has to start somewhere. I will not take a defeatist attitude about it like some on here. I also know a few of those attorneys and physicians, two being my in laws, one being my wife, and several couples that my wife and I "get together" with, and not one has had a problem with my guns. As a matter of fact, most that have never been around guns show more curiosity than anything, and ask to learn to shoot. So go tuck your tail between your legs if you want, but I will not cow down simply because I am in the minority!
  3. Welcome to TGO, brother! I served 6 years, '93 - 99, with the (formerly) MAG-42, in Marietta. You ever get out to Prentice Cooper?
  4. Thanks, TDR. Adjusting the trigger on it helped accuracy greatly, as well. It broke at 6 1/4 lbs when I got it, and it breaks at 2 3/4 lbs now. The X Mark Pro trigger is a snap to adjust on these. By the way, that load is listed on the target, but not the brass. It's once fired M118 brass, if anyone's curious.
  5. I've been in the process of load development for a Remington 700 VTR .308 that I bought from Kahrman a couple of weeks ago. I believe I found the sweet spot! This is the load that I've definitely decided on. The 3 shot group measured in at .192" (.5" exactly from outside to outside, minus .308" for the bullet diameter = .192" center to center). I've consistently shot .5" groups with some of the other loads, and this is a result of the tweaks on those loads. Thanks, Kahr! I'm enjoying the rifle greatly, even if I did miss the dime !
  6. Well, to each his own. I, personally, will stand up for ALL my rights. I don't particularly care which one of them people associate me with, because I'm proud of my pro-Constitution stance on all of 'em.
  7. Signal Mountain is conducting a town meeting at the town hall on Monday, July 13 at 6:30 pm concerning concealed carry in city parks. I encourage all Signal residents, I know of three on here (me, mousegunner, and m4coyote - I hope there are many more), to show up and voice your opinions. I will be there, and will voice my opinion when the opportunity presents itself. Unfortunately, I believe that we will be in the role of the opposition opinion, which is even more reason to show. It's time to fight for what is rightfully, and Constitutionally, ours. Cliff
  8. As for a dog… When I go outside my Doberman will be in the yard, but I will not let him get to the perp. If the perp pulls a gun he will be shot. I don’t care whether he is going to shoot me or the dog and I’m not waiting to find out. I can’t think of a better case for the use of deadly force. Absolutely, Dave. I agree 100%. Apparently though, to some people, if someone pulls that gun, you're not allowed to defend your home or property. Maybe he'll just go away if I "nice" him enough.
  9. You sound like liberals quoting instances with ccp holders. Find one out of a million, and you're all over it. It's not murder when a guy breaking into my car decides to pull a weapon for whatever reason. How do I know if he plans to shoot the dog or me? It's not murder, it's self defense. You go ahead and let the guy walk off. You have just identified yourself as a victim. Me personally, I will be more than happy to use whatever means the situation merits to defend myself, family, and home. And your hunting dogs are a far cry from what I'm talking about. Different being trained to run rabbits vs. protect your owner.
  10. "I was under the impression you'd send your dog out and stay inside. You going to shoot the guy through the window if he shoots your dog?" The situation stated that I would have been OUTSIDE with the BG. If you read the OP you would see that. If I'm out, giving this guy a desist command, and he basically laughs at me, I'm turning the dog loose on his a**. If a weapon comes out, then he would be killed without question. I didn't think that was hard to understand? And another thing, the dog is NOT an "unguided missle". The training is very strict in the fact that he must stop on command. http://www.schutzhund-training.com/protection.html You might want to educate yourself about things you don't know before making comments about them.
  11. Sorry Linda, I edited my previous post to give you a way to figure the year the rifle was manufactured.
  12. Well, the thing with that is, in this case, if I give my dog the command, the guy would have to already have the weapon out to use it before he was attacked. As I mentioned in an earlier post, he is a Shutzhund trained dog. Shutzhund translated means "protection dog" literally. In that case, there would never be a question. BG shot dead at first sign he had a weapon and intended to use it.
  13. On Marlin-branded Model 60 rifles, the first two digits of the serial number indicate the year of manufacture. For example, if the serial number starts with 18... The 18 is significant, because subtracting it from 2000 gives the date of manufacture for the rifle, 1982. Likewise, a serial number starting with 17 would be a rifle manufactured in 1983. This method has not been uniformly followed. It is valid only from 1971 through 1999. Prior to 1971, the first two digits indicated the year of manufacture. For example, a rifle with a serial number starting with 70... would have been made in 1970. Starting in 2000, this same old method has returned; the first two digits once more indicate the year of manufacture directly, with no subtraction required.
  14. Linda, congratulations on the purchase of a fantastic little rifle. The advice 56 gave you is spot on. And because of that little stud on the rod, you need to make sure that you push the rod down before trying to turn it to pull it out, as well.
  15. dadams, I once read a line that has really stuck with me: "My greatest fear is that when I die, my wife will sell all my stuff for what I told her I paid for it" Here's a few pics of mine already posted on here http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/ammunition-reloading/17748-reloading-bench-photos-4.html#post304725
  16. Joe, I can see both sides. Honestly, I have other means aside from my firearm to defend myself and family. In this situation, I would not hesitate to be in a physical confrontation with this person, because I do not believe it merits use of deadly force. If the situation is escalated by the BG by, let's say pulling a knife, then I would not hesitate to kill him for the sake of my safety. So yeah, there are a lot of unknown circumstances. Such is life.
  17. Actually, Boxers are one of the original Shutzhund dogs, along with Rottweillers, Dobermans, German Shepherds, Bouviers, and Giant Schnauzers.
  18. wow, dadams. it looks so . . . .so . . . . .civilized. All nice clean, and new looking. nice setup! As far as start up costs, I couldn't begin to tell you. I didn't keep a running total for fear that the wife would find out EXACTLY how much we have invested. I don't ask her how much she pays for clothes / shoes, and she doesn't ask about my guns / reloading / fishing and hunting equipment. Our marriage just works better that way.
  19. Yeah, Lucky's a little over 3 now, and had a little over 2 years of training to reach that level. I know that I've told you before that I travel a lot, and thought this would be a fantastic idea for home protection while my wife and children were home alone. Fortunately, the only time he has been given the "angreifen" (Attack! in German) command while in training. He did, however, score a 270 (max of 300) in training, so he is very enthusiastic about his job. Other than that, he is a typical Boxer. All play and a lot of slobber!
  20. That's when the loving family pet boxer, Lucky, reveals his Schutzhund 3 (SchH3) training. Good boy, Lucky! lol, that's 90 lbs of pure a** whuppin' in "protection" mode.
  21. I used to Dove hunt quite a bit, but not so much the last few years. I've always enjoyed it, though, and need a good reason to buy a nice side by side 12 gauge .
  22. Fantastic, Trauma. You mind if I hit you up with more questions when I have 'em? I just ordered the application packets from the ATF, so I'm sure I'll end up with more questions.
  23. Trauma, I did think you have to have some sort of shop. Is that not so? Because, honestly, it would have saved me more than the $200 i have paid just to have someone receive the guns my father in law and I have bought over the last few years.
  24. Yeah, J, I have already looked at it. You have to call and have them mail you the form. Just curious if it would be worth it. I think we all dream of having a gun shop. Maybe just a pipe dream, but I think it would do well in Chattanooga.
  25. If you want a target pistol, I don't think they make a better one out of the box than the Ruger MKII. However, if you want one for general plinking the P22 fits the bill nicely, though it is not nearly as accurate as the Ruger, and a little more tempermental about the ammo. It prefers CCI Mini Mags, where the Ruger eats everything with no complaints. I own both, and love 'em both. My wife and son prefer the P22.


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