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Everything posted by Good_Steward

  1. Hey guys, I just got back home from my weekly Prentice Cooper shoot 'em up. I just happened to meet two TGO members there, SheepDog and SteveO. Great guys with cool guns. Got to shoot SteveO's canned P-22, and reciprocated by letting him disentegrate some water bottles with the VTR. All in all, just a fun time. It made me think that a TGO meet and shoot would be a lot of fun, especially after getting to hang out with some other TGO guys at Joe's H15 / H1911 coming out party. Anyone interested in a shoot 'em up at the Cooper? I will say that it should start fairly early in the day to beat the crowd, but maybe a breakfast at the Waffle House at the bottom of the mountain could be an option? Let me know, and I'll try to get everything organized! Let me amend this to say that I would like to extend a personal invitation to TGO David, the guy who made TGO possible for all the great folks who congregate here!
  2. I agree with these guys, you don't want a "crimp". Just enough to take any flare out of the brass will suffice. A load you should look at is 8.7gr of AA #5 under a 230 grain. I've used a ton of different powders for .45, and this seems to be the best all around load.
  3. Main Entry: 1group Pronunciation: \ˈgrüp\ Function: noun Usage: often attributive Etymology: French groupe, from Italian gruppo, by-form of groppo knot, tangle, of Germanic origin; akin to Old High German kropf craw — more at crop Date: 1686 1 : two or more figures forming a complete unit in a composition According to Merriam - Webster dictionary, 3 fits the bill.
  4. Yes, it is a common hunting method here in Tennessee. I grew up shotgun hunting because of the crap that I hunted in. Brush and undergrowth that looked like it came straight out of the Jungle Book. Gotta love a big ol' 12 gauge slug in situations like that. I felt comfortable taking 75 - 85 yard shots out of a smooth bore gun. I would imagine that a good rifled slug gun would easily take that out to 125 or better.
  5. I agree. shot placement is key. But, shot placement with a .223 is very very very critical. Remember, this is not paper targets, but a tough animal. .243 is not much recoil and packs a helluva lot more wallop when it hits. I think that's probably the bare minimum I'll use for my son when he starts. I think somewhere along the lines of a .257 is a perfect combination of minimal recoil and killing effinciency.
  6. Personally, contrary to some, I do not believe that a .223 is adequate for deer.
  7. Hmmm, I figured that I load 100 PREMIUM cartridges that are custom tailored to my .308 that shoots around 1/3 MOA with for $50. The match ammo that comes CLOSE to matching the performance I'm getting is over $40 for 20. That's a $150 savings. Not too shabby. That's also not taking in to account all the other calibers I reload for. To clairify a bit: AA# 2230 = 20.99 lb Hornady 150 gr Bullets = $25 / 100 CCI LR primers = 3.25 / 100 Federal Gold Match (shoots consistent 1/2 MOA) = $44.95 / 100.
  8. 2008 Toyota 4-Runner 4.7ltr V-8 = 20.2 average all around, around 25 on interstate 2009 Subaru Forester 2.5ltr 4 cyl = 26.5 average all around, around 32 on interstate
  9. Jamie, it's $200 for the first 3 years. It may not be worth it to you, but I may end up working into a store. If not, I have $200 in disposable cash, anyway.
  10. Update of a month old thread. I finally received my application packet in the mail! I believe this will be the start of a long drawn out process.
  11. lol David Those Arfcom folks were all good guys! We had a ton of fun out there, too bad you didn't come.
  12. Welcome 687. I've actually been checking out arfcom some today. Y'all aren't nearly as big a group of *******s as Joe said you were!
  13. +1 on the muzzy. Best on the market from my personal experience. Here's what I use: Muzzy 125 Grain 4-Blade Screw-in 6pk
  14. Good_Steward

    Job leads?

    WTF Joe? Why did you have to bring up my last visit??
  15. Congrats Benfield, I have a 5 month old baby girl. She and my 8 year old son are the best things to ever happen to me. Man, those little girls will really grab onto those heart strings!
  16. I will add my by linking this: AIMED Point Shooting or P&S
  17. Colt Commander (70 series) 1911, and CZ75B. Two of my favorite all time handguns, as well as the two most copied handgun platforms. I love the Hi Power's, but they tend to bite me.
  18. Hey David, let us know when you have the appropriate equipment for doing rifles. I have an old Remington 788 .22-250 with a 24" barrel that needs to be refinished. I've thought about having it parkerized, but the option of different colors is appealing.
  19. +1 on the AA #5. Fantastic powder for all of those calibers.
  20. Fanastic, Brandon. Thanks for posting that. It's too bad none of the 5 council members care what the opinion of Signal's citizens are.
  21. I agree, bk. Lot of ignorance everywhere, but it's mostly caused by frustration with these jackasses. I will say this, though, it DOES go against State law. They voted OK to this matter. But, they had the miserable judgment of allowing local knee jerk emotional council members make bad decisions based on political affiliation, and the media telling them that it's "just plain wrong"
  22. This basically recaps what happened last night at the Signal Mountain town meeting. It also includes some snippets from Chattanooga council member Manny Rico. It appears that no matter what his constituents want, he's going to vote his opinion. POS. I hope everyone in Chattanooga remembers this bastard's quote at election time. Chattanooga Times Free Press | Signal bans guns in parks
  23. Well Folks, I spoke my peace at the meeting. 4 people followed after me all expressing pro-gun sentiments. All seemed to be going well. No anti-gun nuts opposing. Then the bastards promptly voted 5 - 0 for a ban in parks. So much for the "voice of the people" F$$$ all 5 of 'em.


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