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Everything posted by Good_Steward

  1. Well Folks, 2 people have e-mailed me wanting to meet on the 12th, and several others have voted for the 29th. Either way, I'm all for it, although I am leaning towards the 29th (this Saturday). I think the only thing against the 29th is that the carry in parks bill passes on the first. I would have to say that we have been carrying unloaded guns to plenty of places that we shoot, and I don't think one more time will hurt. So, let's say August the 29th at 9am at Prentice Cooper shooting range. If there are enough people interested, there is a waffle house at the bottom of the Mountain in Red Bank that we could meet at before the shoot. If anyone needs directions, just shoot me a PM and I'll get ya squared away. Looking forward to it, Guys!
  2. Hehe, sorry about that . . . . . . .
  3. Get's ya all warm and fuzzy, doesn't it? My 8 year old son reloads his own ammo, with close supervision from Dad, of course. I can't wait until my 6 month old daughter gets to the point where she can hang out in the gun room with the old man as well. Funny thing is that my son, who is all boy and wouldn't dare be associated with girly stuff normally, has helped me look for pink rifles (CZ makes a nice little 452 in pink, by the way) for his baby sister.
  4. OK. Any suggestions on another date that will accomodate everyone who wants to come? Like I said, I would like to have a day when everyone interested can make it.
  5. bheard, what's your barrel's twist rate?
  6. Thanks, enfield. I may sand it back down and give it a try. Good advice.
  7. Ghooge, the paint actually wasn't messing up. I never gave it a chance. I broke this gun down as soon as I got it home. I haven't even shot it. The everything looks great, mechanically, so I have no doubt that I can make it a good shooter with some patience and load development. I'll post up some pics as soon as I get it together, and maybe some good groups on targets after that!
  8. Kind of an oven bake. I used a converted school locker wrapped in furnace insulation and the heating element and controls from a large toaster oven. Thanks for the compliments, guys!
  9. I have a dillon, and it doesn't walk, but it sure will vibrate the hell out of the bench. I usuall set it on the floor on a "pig mat", which is a padded oil adsorbent mat. I do not deprime beforehand for the simple fact of worruing about the primer pocket / flashole being damaged. I throw some torn paper towels in every now and then to collect some of the crap from the media.
  10. After the first it is! Everyone else OK with that? Let's say the 12th?
  11. Tell y'all what, why doesn't anyone interested just shoot me a PM, so I can get a good head count. Anyone have any preferences as far as a date goes? I was thinking August 29th, but if everyone can agree on a different date, I'm good with that as well.
  12. Lord. I get to see both sides of this crap, and trust me, it is crap. I am a developmental engineer for an R&D company in Chattanooga. We are asked for estimates for our services and have customer samples sent to us constantly for treatability tests (always wanted for free, I might add). They are happy with our service, and then want to whine and bitch about the price. Simple solution has been given. This is our price based on a myriad of factors that basically boils down to our cost for materials and labor to set up treatment systems plus travel and a small profit, that's the best we can do. As a customer, I want the best deal I can get, but I also take into consideration what the product normally sells for in the area. If I can get a deal that's reasonable, I buy. If not, I don't. No bitching from me, because while the customer, me, may not always right, I do have the power to spend my money elsewhere. I'll give Joe my business for one simple reason: My first time in his shop. He made a great impression on me. I was waiting for another TGO member to meet up with me to buy his rifle, and Joe's shop just happened to be halfway in between our locations. The biggest part of it, though, was a scope that I still want, a beautiful Nikon that I just couldn't afford to buy since I was buying my third rifle in three weeks (as well as for the sake of my marriage after buying 3 rifles in 3 weeks ). Anyway, Joe, already knowing my play money was spent, offered the scope to me at a discounted price. Like I said, I couldn't afford the scope (1K+), but I did buy an Otis cleaning kit from him, because as cool as he had been to me I couldn't not buy anything since I used his parking lot as a gun counter. I can say that every gun shop open in Chattanooga right would have been dicks about the whole situation. I would also be willing to bet that a lot of the vendors on here would have been cool as well, and I hope to visit all of 'em before I die lol By the way Joe, speaking of gun prices and haggling, make sure to PM a price for the H15's to me when you guys get that squared away.
  13. Look, I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes. I've been hunting for 20 years, and I have to say that even an experienced hunter should not be hunting deer with a .223, much less an 11 yr old that has never been in the field. As any experienced hunter will tell you, there are just too many real world variables that can screw that "perfect" shot placement.
  14. Yeah, shot from a bench with a Harris BR-2 bipod. I think I should post some 3 shot groups, as well. WAIT! As luck would have it, I have a few 3 shot group pics that I'm damn proud of as well! .192" @ 100 These are from my .308 VTR during load development. I'm sure M&P will bust my azz for posting 3 shot groups, though.
  15. WTF? Are you trying to say that bullet diameter is the only difference between the .243 and .223?? Let's go to school for a moment, and compare apples to apples a .223 with an 80 gr bullet, from my loads over a chrony, travels at 2,743 fps with the max recommended load of AA 2520 delivers 1109 lbs of energy at 100 yards. That same weight 80gr bullet with the max recommended load of AA 4350 out of the .243 tavels at 3,348 fps and delivers 1616 lbs of energy at the same distance. To put this in perspective, let's say your maximum bench press is 300lbs. Someone loads up 400 pounds, and lets it go. That's the difference in the .223 and .243. While one day you MIGHT get that 400, right now, it's just NOT possible. Soooo, there's really no contest, especially when you consider that that same 80gr bullet is a low medium load for .243. Normal bullet weight for .223 is 55 - 63gr. Normal for .243 is 90 - 110. Big arse difference. Figured y'all needed some facts to chew on instead of conjecture. P.S. - The difference in diameter is .019", not .23".
  16. I started with a stock Marlin 336 in 30-30. It was a rough little gun with bumps and bruises, but I enjoy trying to restore firearms, so I thought this would be the perfect gun to try my hand with DK. I refinished the metal parts with a "Matte Black" color, and sanded down the butt and forearm to unfinished wood, and restored it with tung oil and 7 coats of true oil. I gave it the 0000 Steel wool treatment for every coat, including the last to give it a less glossy finish. The lever The floorplate The barrel / receiver, mag tube, lever, and floorplate The butt The above listed parts + the mag tube The before: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/firearms-classifieds/23740-wtt-marlin-336-something-smaller.html Hopefully, I'll have her put together in the next couple of days when I can find some spare time, and I'll post pics.
  17. I agree, gunfighter. Ton of fools there. They don't usually show up until after noon, though. I figure by then, we should already have a lot of lanes occupied and shot targets up for a coulpe of hours. I've also found out that if you take on the responsibility of rangemaster, people do pay attention.
  18. So, about 6 so far? That's a great start! I see some folks don't really like PC, but there's not many other places in this area to go where we could get a dozen guys that aren't members of a certain club in to one spot. If anyone else knows of a better place, please let me know.
  19. Maybe. It's about halfway into "Load Development" for my .22-250, and I started with three shot groups to determine a group of loads to work from. I think that Eric's is very impressive, regardless of if it's three shots or 10 shots. I think he found a sweet spot in his loads, and I encourage him to keep on shooting three shot groups if that's what he deems appropriate. I think that's the only point I was trying to make in the 3 versus 5 - 10 argument.
  20. I'll give you this, you're definitely thorough when you want to make a point. I understand what you're saying, but a .2" group at 100 yards is impressive as all get out, even with "just" three shots. Here is one I shot yesterday that you should appreciate, and can be attested to by another TGO member. This is a .22-250 at only 100 yards, but still a .445" 10 shot group (counting my "flyer at the bottom left, of course )
  21. lol abailey, I've not seen any up there lately. I think they like to go during the week when no one's there to use 'em for target practice.
  22. Gotta say, this thing is a ton of fun to shoot! Nice build job on the can, St33vO!
  23. Cool. Let's get some more folks on here interested, and then we'll argue over the exact date
  24. That's the point I wanted make make, Warbird. You want a round that's going to cause as much damage as possible for a fast, humane death. A worthy adversary deserves at least that much respect, and a .223 just ain't it.
  25. Bushnell rimfire 3-9 is a fantastic little scope for the cash (around $40 with rings). I highly reccomend it.


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