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Everything posted by Good_Steward

  1. Actually, the new "X-Mark Pro" triggers are super easy to adjust. Easier than the old 700's, IMO.
  2. I'll be more than happy to take it off your hands. This one needs a companion
  3. any Kel Tec.
  4. I got my first rifle for Christmas when I was 6. A Marlin model 60 that I still cherish. I thought it only appropriate that my son get his first .22 for Christmas when he was 6. That's been nearly 3 years now. The boy's turning into a seasoned shooter right in front of my eyes.
  5. Gotta say that the Lee factory crimp die is the best on the market as far as price / performance ratio.
  6. Gimpy, either / or. My list was for rifle brass. For pistol brass I don't get as detailed, except for my .454 Casull, which I use for long shots (relatively speaking) when handgun hunting.
  7. I had a conversation with another TGO member this weekend about prep work on brass. We went into detail, and found out that we do several things different. I thought it might be interesting to see who did what and why. Here's my process: 1.) Tumble (just a little polish) 2.) Clean out any crap from the tumbler with a wire brush 3.) Deprime 4.) Check case length for trimming 5.) Trim, if needed 6.) Deburr / Chamfer inside and outside case mouth 7.) Clean primer pocket 8.) Uniform flash hole 9.) Clean inside case again to clear any debris 10.) Sort brass by manufacturer, and then again by weight 11.) Dip case neck in motor micah
  8. Hey Pin, do you reload? I'm not sure about your .308, but my Remmy 700 .308 (1 - 12 twist) loves 150gr Hornady Interlock's over 40.5gr of 2230. Consistent 3 shot groups at .2", and 5 shot groups at .25" at 100 yards. I had posted some of the pics on one of Eric's threads a while back.
  9. Wow, everyone's bitching about the early start after the fact. Why not mention it before?
  10. My fault. I missed the semi-auto part.
  11. Funny stuff!
  12. Remington 870. Best all around shotgun for the price, IMO.
  13. I guess it is early for a lot of folks. I'm usually out of bed well before 7 anyway (6 1/2 month old daughter ) so I guess I'm just an early riser. Maybe it would be better for everyone if we organize a shoot later in the day next time? oh, and by the way, the Camp Jordan show is this weekend, so I probably won't go to Knoxville anyway. The 5th is also the first Tennessee game of the year, so I won't even go to Jordan until Sunday. Very few things take precedent over UT football.
  14. Slick, 7:30 was when we met for breakfast. We didn't actually get to the range until 9. May still be to early for you, but it was nice outside and didn't rain us out.
  15. Alright Folks, it looks like we aren't going to be rained out after all! Like I said before, I'm going to be at the Waffle House at the bottom of Signal on Dayton Blvd for breakfast about 7:30 if anyone wants to come. StrickJ, get yer azz outta bed in the morning!
  16. Inspecting, it wasn't much work. I had the parts blasted by a local company, Precision Finishes, and just made sure the parts were very clean before I started. The spray is actually Gun-Kote from Brownells and made by KG products, and comes in an spray can. It's very easy, just make sure to follow the directions and use very light coats. By the way, thanks for all the compliments and advice, guys. I stripped the butt and forearm back down, and will rework them again to make them even smoother.
  17. Good_Steward

    Top Five

    Hey, the Princess Bride is a cool movie. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
  18. Good_Steward

    Top Five

    Tombstone Full Metal Jacket Unforgiven Crimson Tide Forrest Gump
  19. Y'all going to be at Camp Jordan, Joe?
  20. jt, the 29th is on a Saturday. Come on out, it'll be fun
  21. No, you didn't hurt my feelings. What DOES hurt my feelings is the apathetic attitude that people take about everything in life. It's either all gloom and doom, and "i'll hit you in the back of the head", or just plain not give a damn. That irritates the hell out of me. P.S. - It's a guarantee that you've never punched anyone I know in the back of the head, or you'd be eating through a straw, ya big bully you!
  22. I don't know HotShot, let's say 7:30 for the Waffle House? That'll give us time to eat, B.S., and eat enough TUMS to take care of the Waffle House breakfast.
  23. Sad.
  24. By the way, please RSVP by PM so that I know who, and how many, to expect. Thanks !
  25. People who ask for your opinion, and then get pissed when you give it to them.


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