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Everything posted by Good_Steward

  1. Holy cow. And I thought my mom had a hard time feeding me and my brother........
  2. Same here, at 6'6 and 260. Funny thing is that my wife is 5'3 and 115lbs. My "Baby brother" however, is 6'5 and 310 (former collegiate athlete, guess what sport and position lol). I have noticed there are quite a few big guys (6'3+ and 225+) posting here.
  3. My name is Cliff. This is me in Puerto Rico getting aquainted with a coconut full of rum. Good times.
  4. I don't think that you understand what I am saying here, Jamie. I absolutely agree that the guy did not have a right to have this fire put out. Fine. He didn't pay the $75. What I DO have a problem with is the firefighters, and whomever gave them their orders, as they stood and watched it burn. There is legal and illegal, and right and wrong, and I'll personally be damned if I ever compromise my values and my integrity by standing idle when I have the means to help someone. You are right, the way some people think is pitiful. I think I mentioned that before. The people that burn me up to no end are the liberal spread the wealth jokers, but by even standards, someone that agrees that it is ok for someone to stand around while someone watches their life go up in smoke and ash, while not even attempting to disguise the truth that this was a "tough crap, pay your $75" lesson is just as bad and worse. This country used to have morals, a set of values that included helping your neighbor when you could, or giving a stranger a hand with a flat tire, or picking strickj up off the side of the road when he needed help. Now, we have become so jaded that we think it's OK, that it's right, to stand and watch someone's life flame up, because he didn't pay up. I reiterate, this is not about legal, illegal, required, not required. This is about the moral fiber that made this country great. We're not talking about a hand out, it's not welfare, hell, the man offered to pay up! This is about helping a fellow man in desperate need, and my brothers think it's ok to let him suffer. Obviously, not many people on here have ever needed someone else's help.
  5. Wow. This has devolved into comparing the man to an illegal alien. Here's the thing: They stood and watched it burn. THEY STOOD AND WATCHED IT BURN. I don't give a damn who you are, and fellas, I'm as conservative as they get, but if you would stand and watch another family's house burn to the ground, while not even attempting to help, you are as bad as the liberal free loaders you all hate. Probably even worse. I hear all this talk about people using their firearms to protect someone else's life, but you think it's ok to stand and watch a man's house burn to the ground, and chastise him for not ponying up $75???? Pitiful. Says it in your sig line Jamie, what's right ain't always legal, and what's legal ain't always right. This may have been legal, but it damn sure wasn't right.
  6. I can understand both sides, but that doesn't mean I agree. If there is one person here who says that they could have stood there without trying to help that family, then there's nothing I can say to you. Must be hard to look in the mirror or sleep at night. This is not about politics, folks, this is about $75, and letting a man lose everything over $75 to prove a point.
  7. Absolutely right. Good for you, because, unfortunately, in our society too many good people look the other way. "Evil wins when good men do nothing"
  8. Not too bad, especially since this is EPB's cheapest (just switched from comcast paying more for their service)
  9. Let me know if you need a tent, RW, and I'll bring an extra.
  10. The place is bloody big, Rob. Somewhere between 79 and 82K acres. I have hunted there several times, but it's been almost 10 years. Be like starting all over again. I'll likely be hunting with my M77 .25/06 or a 336 30/30 (should be familiar to you).
  11. My permit came today,as well. Haven't been on here much lately, been recovering from a pretty nasty car wreck (broken leg, collarbone, and right arm) but will be good to go way before bow season, and certainly before this hunt. RW, I would imagine everyone would bring their own tent, as I do not imagine spending the night in a tent with Robtattoo would be much fun for anyone.
  12. maybe I'll catch up one day. 2+ years and 449. Wait! Make that 450!
  13. JohnnyFox, where are you at in East TN?
  14. Welcome, RedFive, from the other side of Hamilton county. Shooting is certainly an addictive pasttime, and you and your family will enjoy it immensely.
  15. Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency - Quota Hunts Follow some of the links on the "For Hunters" tab. Good reading.
  16. you'll like hiwassee refuge, Conrad. Good hunt.
  17. Well, Rob, we drew the catoosa hunt. Better now? CATOOSA--GENESIS (ANTLER RESTRICTIONS AP 1 DEER, BUCK ONLY; WILD HOG, NO LIMIT, EITHER SEX 12/02/2010 12/04/2010 Awarded
  18. hehe, I see you got the Carl "5% upcharge" lecture. Carters, not so good. range ventilation is an open door. I blow black boogers for 2 days after shooting there.
  19. In your hypothetical, both are hunters. Both have had to pay attention to find out where the deer where, both are attentive to the habits of the deer, and both are harvesting meat as an end result. I have taken deer early in the season that I would let pass if I had already had some in the freezer. After I put that meat in the freezer, I've let a ton of 'em walk, because I wanted one in particular. Not for the meat, since I already have that. That's a bonus (and usually not as good as the < 2 yr old that I've already taken). Most of the time, since my son and I are the only ones who eat venison, I end up giving a lot of meat away. I want that one, because I've picked him out as the one I want for whatever reason, usually that rack on his head. So, I guess that's my answer. I'm sure it'll send some people into a frenzy because I admit I'll let a lot walk to take a "nice" deer. But, then again, I'm probably not too interested in their opinion of me, anyway.
  20. Prentice Cooper is a good range. That's where my son is shooting in my avatar. That being said, get there early, before the unwashed masses arrive. I've had people shoot while I was still downrange on multiple occassions, and been muzzle swept countless times. I refuse to shoot there anymore if other people are there. Most people there are good folks, but there's always one . . . .
  21. Patience, my friend, patience. (I think there's a G'n'R song in there somewhere)
  22. The "Ace of Spades" wow.
  23. I haven't, but I would. Basically the Euro version of the .30-06, which has killed probably as many whitetail as anything, except maybe the 30/30.


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