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Everything posted by Good_Steward

  1. Which brings up another question: When (if at all?) is Merle going to reenter the plot (aside from being a hallucination)? Kind of left it hanging out there when they showed the sawed off hand....
  2. Must be zombie sympathizers undermining forward thinking defense tactics. On topic: Kinda shocked by the Dale death. I agreed with what he was saying about the rescued boy to some degree. I may be reading more into it overall, but to survive against a hoard of undead brain munchers, while also murdering another person trying to do the same thing makes us look at humanity in a different way. Our humanity is what keeps us running as a whole. When we start seeing people as a disposable means to an end, well, then we are no different from the terrorists we are fighting in real life, right now. That being said, sometimes very complicated moral decisions need to be made to insure survival of our family, or group.
  3. Nope. I was referring to the whole "Hey everyone, I stole this article from the Cimmerian" in bright red letters.
  4. Not sure what happened here, but it's pretty darn funny . . . . .
  5. I see that quote, and raise you a "Swamp People". Best. Show. Ever. But it is certainly the exception.
  6. Ahhh, but you are not taking into account for the fact that the ballistics fired out of the 20" barrel lever .454 vs. the ballistics charts only showing for a 7.5" .454 (300 gr @ 1,600+ FPS). I'm telling you, this is one heck of a versatile round in handgun or lever.
  7. lol - the bean counters always win at the end....
  8. "- Can i make her as good of a hunting dog as a "full bred" registered lab? They say she's full bred but there's really no way to tell." To answer this question: Absolutely. Dogs are very intelligent animals (some more than others), and some of the best hunting dogs I have ever seen have been mixes. Just like a child, you have to give them direction, clear expectations, reward for good / wanted behavior and discipline for unwanted behavior, and your dog will be just fine.
  9. I like to stay out of the norm, I guess, but I LOVE my PUMA .454 Casull lever. Also have a Ruger Super Redhawk in the same caliber that I enjoy handgun hunting with. Think .44 Mag on steroids . . . And a 7.5" barrel .454 is pulling nearly identical ballistics (velocity and energy at the muzzle) as a .45-70 with a 24" barrel.
  10. Almost every 15 / 16 year old girl I have ever met has / had the Cinderella complex, same as this one. Most grow out of it, and while I think just about everything the father said was pretty spot on, the actions look to be counterproductive. JMO.
  11. Sure! Everyone blames the QA/QC folks!!
  12. Well, I have seen the good, bad, & ugly from Prentice Cooper. Met some great folks, and met some folks who shouldn't have access to a cap gun, much less live ammo. Shooting was great (very) early in the day before all the yahoos roll out of the bed. Met most of the good folks there at that time of the day.
  13. Welcome from another Chattanooga area gun owner!
  14. Actually, there are many instances of this cartridge being used out west for long range Antelope all the way up to Elk. This is a very versatile cartridge. Many loads that throw a 120gr bullet over 3K FPS. http://www.chuckhawks.com/why_25-06.htm
  15. Short, sweet, to the point. Nothing better can be said about this round. Fantastic cartridge.
  16. Benjamin Jacob. Good, strong, traditional names.
  17. Maybe he didn't realize the store only carries $999,525 in change in the till?
  18. LOL....Sarcasm is much more a writing style than the snide remarks usually associated with the term. Mark Twain or Jonathan Swift, for example. And quite honestly, this article is saturated with it.
  19. I have seen the error of my ways. Please consider my previous statement retracted. By the way, I actually, honest to goodness, belly laughed at the verbage and body language used to describe the possibility of Guam capsizing.
  20. Obviously, high IQ's were banned in those positions already.
  21. I have always enjoyed Dave Barry and his *ahem* unique perspective. He is almost always spot on, when you read in between his personal brand of sarcasm.
  22. The birth of my first child, my son, and the death of his mother and my wife less than a day later. That happened 11 years ago the 28th and 29th, respectively, of last month. It was shortly after that when I gave my life to the Lord. Five years ago, I remarried, and almost three years ago my second child, my daughter, was born. Life is so full of "life changing" events that it is almost impossible to remember all of them, because some may be so subtle that they are not even truly recognized at the moment. Those are definitely the ones that stand out above all in my adult life, though, without a doubt.
  23. Thanks, OhShoot!
  24. Just a thought from my favorite economist: China Trade: Myths vs. Reality by Walter E. Williams on Creators.com - A Syndicate Of Talent If you have never read this guy before, you are in for a treat.....
  25. I wouldn't call it redneck so much as a rite of passage. I would venture to say that countless kids in this state, and probably a whole lot of other states as well, unwrapped their first .22 rifle today. It was commonplace where I grew up to hear the sounds of rifles and handguns echoing off the ridges on Christmas day. Passing on the love of all things outdoors (and all things that go BANG!) to the next generation. I would imagine that there are quite a few nicked fingers from the first pocket knives this afternoon, as well.


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