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Everything posted by Good_Steward

  1. I carry a Ruger RH .454 Casull. It’s like the hand of God reaches down to touch them and said “lay down”.
  2. Good job! I went through a tough period in my life that saw me concentrate on only furthering my career. Pretty single minded conviction. I went from a very athletic 220lbs to 293lbs over the course of about 8 years. I took no time to take care of myself mentally or physically, and it took a tremendous toll. Since January of last year, I have dropped 60lbs and lowered by body fat % from 33 to 15. I will likely not hit my previous mark of 8%, but am really targeting 10%. For me, seeing my 40th birthday on the horizon last year really kicked me into gear.
  3. Great link! Wow!
  4. Attaboy!!! I love the bee threads here.
  5. Huh? Someone attempted to murder the guy and it's his fault???
  6. Yep. This article was very obviously satirical.
  7. If by bear repellent spray you mean a .454 Casull, I agree wholeheartedly... :) 
  8. hey, it only took me 7 years to get to a grand. I should hit your number in 21 total years. 
  9.   Correct me if I am wrong: I read your posts as simply saying that if you are on a bike, you have to keep your head on a swivel and be very, very alert of your surroundings and ride very defensively. I agree with that. Bikes are a thing of beauty. I don't know what I would do without that outlet, but you have to be 100 times more cautious because you are far less noticeable and people, in general, drive like assholes. I would certainly agree with all of that. As far as rider / driver fault, this video is a clear indication of fault at the feet of both. It's just that one had overwhelmingly more severe repercussions for his lack of judgement. My $.02. 
  10. In this particular situation, they were both driving / riding like assholes.  I agree with you, though. We all have to be on the lookout for each other. Couldn't tell you the amount of times i've nearly been splattered all over the road because of some jerk playing on his/her phone while driving. 
  11. 1 click will excorcise this demon. Zeiss be with you, my son.
  12. Holy oil being Kroil, right???
  13. Congrats on the new bike!
  14. The great thing about Tennessee, and the southeast in general, is that there is very little riding off of interstates that is not incredibly scenic. I have ridden 33 different states in the last 3 years, and am always glad to be home after these rides. I've seen a lot of land, and nothing compares to where we live. The Rockies are majestic, but harsh. Not at all like Appalachia, where everything is full of life. The deserts out west are scenic for the first 15 minutes, but the flatness and monotony of the view wear on you. Not like the gentle up and down and sweeping curves like we have here to keep you engaged. The buttes in Utah are amazing, but the abrupt hills of the Cumberland plateau shame them. I could go on waxing poetic for a while, but the fact of the matter is that we live in the best motorcycle riding land in the U.S. Also, Kansas, Eastern Colorado, Nebraska, Wyoming, and Iowa have absolutely no redeeming qualities for motorcyclists. Horrible flat, windy terrain. YMMV
  15. My old FJR still speaks to me in my dreams... ;) great bikes.
  16. Two words: Cherohala Skyway   Beautiful ride. 
  17. Since we are showing off bikes...My 2014 Victory Cross Country. I took this on 348 in between Blue Ridge and Helen, Ga. Rained like crazy most of the way, but what a view with the clouds hanging low in the mountains! And this was taken about a mile from my house on Signal Mtn on my knockaround bike: 2013 Honda CB500X. That's Chickamauga Dam / Lake just left of the wind screen. My 2012 Victory Vegas: Hot Rod bar hopper in progress. No sport bike, but damned fast for a cruiser..
  18. When in doubt, reply "I am on crutches because I shoved my foot so far up some senile old jerk's ass that I broke 16 bones dragging it out"
  19. There is nothing in this world like the solitude provided by a bike on lonely stretches of road. Most of my life epiphanies have happened on long, long rides. you get about 8 hours in on a trip with minimal stops for gas, and it honestly gives you so much time to reflect. It really is cathartic. 
  20. That took some work to haul this thing home upside down!!
  21. Good thing is that even though they can say it, it doesn't mean that they aren't accountable. Someone, somewhere knows who this person is and are waiting to give them their just desserts. Think of it that way. And whack 'em in the mouth if you're the one who knows who they are...
  22. Personally, I don't think there should be any payroll withholdings. I think everyone ought to have to write the check for the full amount every year on April 15. And then have election voting the next week.


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