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About R4MBO

  • Birthday June 9

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  • Interests
    Hunting and tinkering


  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  • Carry Weapon #1

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  1. Yellow Spot is a great choice!
  2. Got a brew based on the GooGoo cluster waiting on me at home from the Mantra Brewery in Franklin.
  3. A friends of mine has their 20. It performs well. I have added the 30 to my Christmas list.
  4. Your thread has talked me into getting one as well...just been looking and trying to find the best price. Northern Tool and Home Depot have them for $949 so let us know if you find a smoking deal somewhere.
  5. R4MBO

    Go Vols!

    Can't argue with you there for this year at least...
  6. R4MBO

    Go Vols!

    Active...just deflated from the losses and the fact that we a have key player leaving in the middle of the season.
  7. Been on the waiting list for two years as of this next week. Stinks the wait will probably lengthen, but maybe a site will be found that can accommodate more members.
  8. What a game! I'm still a little hoarse and my ears are still ringing from yelling the whole second half. That was one of the best game atmospheres I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of.
  9. Man, I'm jealous. I haven't found that in my area. I keep a bottle of Green Spot around and hear that Yellow Spot is incredible.
  10. I recently switched to the Saddleback front pocket ID wallet and feel like I'd have a hard time transitioning to something smaller...also on the insurance stuff, if you keep a picture on your phone then you'll probably always have it with you if you are like most people nowadays.
  11. Would the two tone be an option? Not sure of the grind so may not be. Just haven't seen any of the these with that blade style yet (could have missed it) and thought it might make it extra special.
  12. So much for self-control
  13. Thank you, Willis! Picked mine up from him today and am beyond pleased. This is my first Protech. Aside from being aesthetically pleasing, the opening mechanism is a blast, the deep carry pocket clip is exactly what I like, and the size is perfect. I hope everyone enjoys this as much as I am. And yes, I had to rub it in that I already have this in hand since I live so close to Willis!
  14. Phlster iwb...great for appendix
  15. I was able to snag a bottle of Noah's Mill last week. Only saw one on the shelf.


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