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About CaleR

  • Birthday April 22

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
  • Law Enforcement
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  • Carry Weapon #1
    Glock 43X

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Just Getting Started (2/5)



  1. Actually saw one get hit this morning on the road in Wilson County... They're here.
  2. Crazy how it works, but it does for some reason.  I can do it, as can my grandpa, but my dad can't.  Skipped a generation I guess.
  3. Did you go 35%?
  4. Ours is a 1991, still being used almost daily.  Love it.
  5. Nevermind.  Out.
  6. That's beautiful.  Good job
  7. Can I be your second son?  I'll mow the yard...
  8. Welcome! 
  9. CaleR


    I played it with one of my buddies, it's a very fun game.  
  10. Just ordered one, we'll see how it does.  Thanks for the heads up!
  11. Congrats on a new family member!
  12. A very well dressed cheetah.  No particular reason.
  13. Well I think I'll just stay far, far away from all that...
  14. Thank all of you for your service.


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