So I drive to Caster's place to pick up the stuff I had said I would buy.
I pull up to His place and I was looking for an old dude looking a bit like me.
Hell no, He is a young man, well younger than me by a few years.
I pay for my stuff, shotgun ammo and a 12 pellet mold( that is what call it).
I have not used a mold like this before so I start asking questions, ya know
picking the brain. My goodness, He started to tell me tips faster than I could take in.
Good thing for me I get a bit of it in my brain, the Man knows His stuff.
He has in all likely hood forgot more than I will ever know about casting and reloading.
Anyway to my post topic, made me some redneck handles, dont laugh, they work,
I am a cheap SOB, I do have some coming so chill. they do hold the mold shut well,
just dont open very far, but do work. Caster I did as you said, step for step and this is what came out.
The Lee slugs just there as a comparison.