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Everything posted by RED333

  1. I found them, just up the road in KY bullpupunlimited dot com, My Son is wanting one, but 350 is a bit much right now.
  2. You are taken the shotty apart and shipping it to me for testing, be sure to send LOTS OF AMMO! PM with address inbound.
  3. I use these [IMG]http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac165/redintn/308%20bullet%20drop/BulletDrop.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac165/redintn/308%20bullet%20drop/20041231025thru29.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac165/redintn/308%20bullet%20drop/308drop.gif[/IMG]
  4. Welcome, congrats on the HCP class. New guy buys the first round, make mine a 12ga "00"
  5. My OL has that very rifle, a lot of fun to shoot. Her's is a "Rifleman" model, larg loop with the screw that will pull the trigger when the action closes, we paid to much for it but She is very happy and that is what counts.
  6. Wont work in my Earth Stove, looks good in a fireplace.
  7. Congrats, you might find a few at the gun shows, we found 2 LEO mags at one.
  8. Welcome, come home safe. Sent from the far side of the Moon by laser.
  9. Welcome to the froum, Rule 1, first round on the new guy, make mine a 7mm please.
  10. Great post, thanks, BUT it wont stop the post guestions "What caliber is better?"LOL
  11. http://data.hodgdon.com/cartridge_load.asp David sells "Titegroup" it is what I use for 40 S&W, good powder.
  12. It is to late to worry about what you putting on or have put on the internet. I am sure Big Brother has been watching froums like this for a LONG time.
  13. My Saiga 308 will shoot it, bad groups, now my Son's CETME loves the stuff. He can shoot very good groups with steel case ammo.
  14. Still need to know what caliber you are going to shoot. David is the best place to buy from. Make your own boolits, best you can get. [IMG]http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac165/redintn/MiHec%20mold/401mehic-1.jpg[/IMG]
  15. Got to a bit of casting today with my new mold. Also "made" a mold heater, got this from Caster, the thing works great. Boolits cast .402, 182 to 183 grans with the large hollow point. [img]http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac165/redintn/MiHec%20mold/castingsetup.jpg[/img] [img]http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac165/redintn/MiHec%20mold/moldheater.jpg[/img] [IMG]http://i896.photobucket.com/albums/ac165/redintn/MiHec%20mold/401mehic1.jpg[/IMG]
  16. [quote name='jcoosi' timestamp='1353511355' post='849109'] My supplier had plenty just some assembly required on my end. [/quote]I am gona use this line, good one.
  17. I have been wanting an AR in .308 for a bit, prices are a bit high for the stuff. So for now I will just stick with my Saiga in .308.
  18. I D 10 T Sorry man I could not help myself.
  19. [quote name='Garufa' timestamp='1353371410' post='848485'] Go buy a reloading manual or two. You have a lot of studying to do. Reloading is not hard at all but I suggest you start with the basics. What's an ak45? [/quote]I think He ment AK47
  20. So you dont have a firearm of any kind? Just backwards from what I did, not a big deal. I started with 12ga, now it is 40S&W, 38 Special, 308, and 7mm. Do the reading Frank said to do.
  21. Now that is the info I was looking for!!! Great hunt, and as to why the 2nd buck did not see yall, He had other things on His mind. Wait a min, sitting in lawn chairs, give me a break
  22. Thanks for shairing, good story, LEOs do work hard, we have one that lives at the end of the road, great guy, a farmer off duty, if there is such a time.
  23. Um, ya got the GPS way point on the site? Good hunt, nice kills. A bit more info, did they run far? Stand or from a hide? How far of a shoot?
  24. Here is the number I do believe they are, was over that way this past week, lot full of cars. They are behind Wendys. About This Store 1150 Genie Lane Smyrna, TN 37167 (615) 220-5900 Store Hours Mon-Sat 8am-10pm Sun 9am-8pm
  25. [quote name='VERO1' timestamp='1353251633' post='847604'] Currently we have 4 rescue cats and 3 rescue dogs. I wish I had more space! [/quote]All 8 of our dogs and all 4 cats are strays.


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