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Everything posted by RED333

  1. Caster I have a .54 round ball mold yall can use. Send me a PM, I also have a "00" buck shot mold.
  2. I can see you need to be taught the proper word for shooting from the left side of your body. It is called "CORRECT HANDED" not left handed, as we are the only ones in our right minds.
  3. DADBURNIT, you got my heart racing.
  4. So if I read it correct, was it put into law?
  5. Jacketed are a slide down the barrel diff than non-jacketed. Pressures will be diff. Look, find the powder you want to use, go to their site, look for data, if it not listed, use what is listed. There are SO many powders out there, I use Titegroup for all my pistols, I am not reloading for matches or long shots, all my reloads are for plinking and fun.
  6. Yep, done a few in the past.
  7. Nice Mossy, congrats. When the bear is coming at ya you will never feel to kick!
  8. I agree WC are tame, If ya reload you can make them very tame
  9. YOU A LUCKY MAN!!! To have a good OL is PRICELESS!
  10. When you get that trick going there are a few us that just might pay you to tell us the trick!
  11. David you do what you have to do, you are a fair and good man. No one will fault you for doing it, I for one will buy form you if you are around and have what I need.
  12. Post from another forum(Saiga12) made by MfWiC   "The power of the sword, say the minority..., is in the hands of Congress. My friends and countrymen, it is not so, for The powers of the sword are in the hands of the yeomanry of America from sixteen to sixty. The militia of these free commonwealths, entitled and accustomed to their arms, when compared with any possible army, must be tremendous and irresistible. Who are the militia? Are they not ourselves? Is it feared, then, that we shall turn our arms each man against his own bosom. Congress has no power to disarm the militia. Their swords and every terrible implement of the soldier are the birthright of Americans. The unlimited power of the sword is not in the hands of either the federal or state governments but where, I trust in God, it will always remain, in the hands of the people." The Pennsylvania Gazette, Feb. 20, 1788.
  13. Not if you are in the GOP
  14. I would bet money on it, this all a shame, lives lost, lives ruined, I have shead more than a few tears over this. All because of a nut case stole a firearm and did a very bad thing!
  15. UPS will ship it, you have to have a hazmat thing, tell them it is ammo, shipping is a bit more. I dought you have the hazmat, go to ups store and ask. I get ammo shipped to my office a bit.
  16. Show off, :up: Wish mine had not of fell out of the boat when it fliped the other day in the river.
  17. I would drive up from Nashville just to see the show, but I have better things to do with my time and money. Any way someone can post a few pics of the crowed, outside before thew doors open?
  18. My OL is a great woman, born and raised in the hill of eastern KY. Mean, smart, GOOD LOOKING, and a good shoot. Cooks like only my mother can and more then half the time  better. She is behind me 100% on the firearms thing. Understands why we reload from the money side, and now from the higher tax side. She is more worried about what the grubment (yea i spelled it wrong) is trying to do. I lover Her more and more everyday!!!
  19. What time is it now? As in the past, just mins away.
  20. David I have my adoption papers ready to sign when you are ready for me to be your new son. :wave:
  21. If you are worried enough to think of letting them use a firearm when you are not there, take them with you. That easy, I say no, and it is unlawful.
  23. I aint going to another one for a bit, although the "show" would be a good one.
  24. Only way to have to many mags is if ya go swimming, then ya might sink.


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