Move to a lightly-populated farming region that is well-removed from major population centers. (I can not do this just now)
Learn traditional skills such as gardening, canning, hunting, welding, and home mechanics. (done)
Network with like-minded individuals. (done)
Get out of debt. and stay out of debt. (done)
Stock up on storage food and other key logistics. (done)
Arm yourself and get tactically-oriented firearms training.(working on it)
Develop a second income stream with a home-based business that will be depression proof and resilient to mass inflation(working on it)
Assemble a reference library.(not yet)
Train in advanced first aid.(done)
Get a ham radio license.(why, other than to let people know where you are)
Become involved with your local farmer's market.(working on it)
Join a local Volunteer Fire Department.(been think about this)
What about yall, it all makes good sense.