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Everything posted by RED333

  1. and non of the links work, :rant: :rofl:
  2. Well i can see you having to teach the kids to not touch any more.
  3. Yall should be ashamed, talking of burning free range wood, ashamed you should be. We use "Tree Surgeon" cut and supplied burn materials, and it is free. :cool: :yum: :wave:
  4. A little help http://forums.gunbroker.com/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=426766
  5. Ladyhay, take you pistol to a gun shop and get them to look if it can shoot "+P", like another said, ya need to know. There are 3 in town. Link to google search. https://www.google.com/search?q=Savannah%2C+TN&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=com.yahoo:en-US:official&client=firefox#q=gun+stores+in+Savannah%2C+TN&rls=com.yahoo:en-US%3Aofficial
  6. Just proves that doing any thing wrong will get attention, speeding is not the worst, but up there. 2nd, when you do get pulled over you were doing something wrong, just do the right thing. Be smart, not a smart ass. This could have turned into a death of a child over bullheadedness.
  7. Paint what ya got, meat tenderizer and go to work. Small link chain is next, them drag on some gravel and your are done.
  8. SOoo, THE SYSTEM WE HAVE IN PLACE WORKS, O my goodness, what will the left do now?
  9. My 2 most favorite singers, Hank Jr and Charley, neather will be on the left of anything.
  10. If you are going by my post, I push the boolit with a powder charge, it is fired out of the barrel. You will not be able to "push" with a rod and your hand, beat it out with a hammer. Do not try to use a hammer and rod, you will get it stuck. "Slug your barrel", google it.
  11. Way to go Luke, letting her pick her Christmas gift is a win, win.
  12. R_Bert it is a Uberty 1858 New Army Target Carbine
  13. I have read that a barrel will slow down a boolit about 25 fps and a round about rule. I dont shoot a lot of BP, I have shot the C&B rifle 6 times, it shot well, just powder is the cost that keeps me from shooting more. I did just get a new mold for my C&B 44s and will try them out again.
  14. Get a hold of the factory and check the gap. Yours might be out of spec.
  15. Sounds great, what time do we eat?
  16. Welcome, newbe buy first round, make mine a 44mag.
  17. Good action, dumb movie.
  18. My wife does not like a holster that is on her waist, to bulky she says. With the clothes most females wear it is hard to find them something that hides well and "fells" right, we went to a gun show to try and find something, found nothing. I know I will get nailed for this, females like comfort and when it comes to this kind of thing that is what they look for. My wife carries her LCR on her hip, just not much. Take her and the pistol to a gun show, try a few out.
  19. Driving home to night, not much on the radio so I tuned in the OL stand by 650AM. CDB was on and he played this, I just had to CRANK IT UP A BIT http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Au6qBLgk1A
  20. Black powder cap and ball revolving rifle, good shooter. Load the cylinder just like a C&B pistol [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/pistols/BuntLine44BP_zps05d23eba.gif.html][/URL]
  21. I know it is a haul, but D&T will as well.
  22. UM, deer can not read. :rofl: :rock:
  23. Got this from a pawn shop for 30 dollars [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/firearms/casecover.jpg.html][/URL] With my S12 [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/firearms/DSCN2276.jpg.html][/URL]
  24. Hey Luke, give me a yell(PM) we have a G23, LCR 38, and a 25 ACP. Yall are welcome to stop by and test a few. If She is not used to shooting an automatic, the revolver might be the way to go.


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