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Everything posted by RED333

  1. Cost of what you want is gona be high, I dont know of a product that will "stick" when blown up. Just how high is the crawl space? A 10 x 20 could be done in about a hour with normal insulation.
  2. Buyer beware, you became aware and backed out, no worries.
  3. Now I do have a laser for a Glock, it shows how much ya shake trying to shoot.LOL Good training.
  4.  I would be willing to bet your FPS are up from the factory ammo. I need a chrono as you do.
  5. A laser and light combo, looks cool, but just not, well cool. LOL
  6. Yea, but if you miss a charge not a big deal, double a charge and, well it aint good.
  7. Does it feed well, I tried one a few years ago and the first few had so much spring tension it was tuff to cycle. It was the reason I went with a Saiga 12.
  8. Buy a truck, go to bed, wake up a bad guy. Yep, the is America, WHAT A FRICKING JOKE!
  9. We reload a LOT of 40 S&W, do it all on a single stage turret, you have to manually rotate the turret for the next step. We reloaded close to 200 rounds a day in the week and shoot on the weekend. It does take time, as you get into a system, it goes fast. De prime and size a few 100,  (223, trim, bevel the mouth), Set primer on 50, charge powder on 50, set bullet on 50. Case prep on rifle will take most of you time.
  10. You will have a good time reloading, but read, read ,read a lot before ya start. All powders are by weight, ya set the measure to drop the weight you want. IT WILL VARY a bit from drop to drop. If ya load for consistent shoots, you will have to load each and every shell the same. That means weighting each and every charge by weight. The press is made to load a lot of rounds fast, the powder charge will be a bit diff from case to case.
  11. There are lots of these places in a car, WTF!!!
  12. The earthly punishment is small potatoes compared to what is waiting for them on the other side.
  13. It was put to a vote, the Dems have the most votes and we lost.
  14. That is the best part on Commie Core, yea I spelled it wrong. If yall have not been keeping up on what CC is you are so far behind. History is rewritten to make the good stuff look bad for a start. The dumbing down is the worst part, if you have a smart kid they WILL BE HELD BACK! Smart kids will not be allowed to take advance classes.
  15. Good way to take light from the ACA.
  16. SLINGS BRASS FOR A MILE!!! No lie, we have one, shoots great, likes steel cases, but you will not find the ejected cases.
  17. RED333

    Ruger SR 45

    Well I am a dumb ass, SR is not Super Redhawk. I am going to the corner now.
  18. Happened to me a few months ago, to my wife last week. Both times the bank stopped the payment and called us to see if we did the buy. As both were in other states and we were here, the bank knew it was not "like" us.
  19. Wish you were closer, I could recommend a good teacher.
  20. Any idea what caliber it is? Could be "made" fake rounds to display.
  21. WAY COOL, thanks for sharing.
  22. RED333

    Ruger SR 45

    Congrats, you can load that HOT and have more knock down power than a 44 mag We have a Black Hawk in 44 mag and a Uberti in 45 Colt. Both are a hoot to shoot.
  23. Ladyhay, you are in need of some training, I know I am a bit late, ask at the gun shop.
  24. Mine like a 45 Colt the best, try "finding" that ammo at a good price. Thank goodness for Caster teaching me how to cast.


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