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Everything posted by RED333

  1. Older cast had a larger nickle content that the newer stuff. Makes for a smother surface, and better heat.
  2. Bicycle with a car ALT on it, as much as "YOU" want to peddle to get as much power as you need. Get a "ONE" wire ALT, makes good 12 VDC.
  3. The commies (progressives) are rewriting history to fit their view on what should have happened. In 50 or so years people will not know what happened.
  4. We have a winner!!!     Is a Hugo the same as a Cadillac? Both will get ya there, one is a bit better ride. I can not put my finger on "why" some are better than another. They just "are".
  5. We have bout 10 of them, LOL, thanks.
  6. I watched the show every week, bout the best show on the tube. I know it was "TV", they make a product in the USA, used firearms. Most of all they pray on "TV", something ya do not see any where else. Some have complained about the guns and praying before. The family said they would not change their ways, so now this happens. Go figure We can not speak our minds now with out being labeled by others. For a long time a lot of stuff was in the "closet" now we are in the "closet". Yea, some will pipe up saying "not me", well when was the last time you "open carry". Christmas attacked, Gun people attacked, God fearing people attacked, freedom of speech attacked, I could go on and on. More and more we are being put into the closet, gona get small fast, dont ya know.
  7. Egg poacher.
  8. YOU ARE NOT FUNNY!!! :rofl: Glocks are worth 100 dollars a piece. Yes. please be careful when out and about.
  9. O YEA, post it!
  10. [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/cast%20iron/DSCF0337_zps443ee7f0.jpg.html][/URL] Left is a new one, I have not had time to work it up. The Middle is a Wagner, right a Griswald. [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/cast%20iron/DSCF0336_zpsdc7e9138.jpg.html][/URL] and the rest of what is made ready to cook. [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/cast%20iron/DSCF0329_zpse0c7a988.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/cast%20iron/DSCF0330_zps5acb434d.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/cast%20iron/DSCF0332_zps6182d2d8.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/cast%20iron/DSCF0334_zpse10f9d87.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/cast%20iron/9615ff2c-c486-4c1b-98c9-0b30bf1b414b_zpsa1401b22.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/cast%20iron/DSCF0339_zps8b3d3d14.jpg.html][/URL] [URL=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/cast%20iron/DSCF0338_zps2d853897.jpg.html][/URL] Just a bit over half of what we have. Wife buy them at yard sales, we have been collecting them for 20 plus years.
  11. Come Hell or High Water we have to take the Senate and keep the house. No two ways about it, get out the vote!
  12. Ya done real good on the reload stuff!!!
  13. I know you paid attention. read a good bit, and took notes. Just chose the first thing that come into your head after you read the question, do not change the answer if you go back and look over what you put down the first time. The correct answer in in your head, trust your self!
  14. Caster's plus a few   Mold Dies Press Lead Reload book Melt pot Brass Primers Powder
  15. They did not have one at the school in Sandy Hook, they do now.
  16. My prayer everyday "Thanks you Lord for another day, please look over all of as we need you help, thank you Lord for another day." Glad she is doing well.
  17. :slapfight: :snore:
  18. On 1/1/2014 CA gun buyers will be put into a data base that is kept past the 5 day norm. State law now in CA.
  19. An armed officer stopped it, something did come out good from Sandy Hook.
  20. I bet not many think of this.
  21. Now we know the "rest" of the story. :rofl:
  22. Ramlo, ya got some good looking rides, why not get some else to run across town in.
  23. My $0.02, keep it stock, keep it clean. You will put a bunch of money into a almost 30 year old truck, for what? You will not get a lot of pep out of the 305. When you go with bigger wheels and tires you put a LOT of strain on the running gear, and brakes, putting in a set of gears and you will take out U joints. Keep it clean, I like the way it looks.
  24. For evil to win, good people must do nothing.
  25. WOW, is about all I can say. I pray for them all.


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