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Everything posted by RED333

  1. Old news, in CA after the 1st of the year, all firearms, pistol, rifle and shotguns that are sold will be kept in a book or on a list forever with the state. In DC you have to registered every 2 years, every firearm.
  2. For the LEO to say "There are to many guns" scares me a bit. Why would he make say that, why is he worried about a legal carry? We that are legal to carry are not the ones he has to worry about.
  3. Well yea it is a good deal, they go for a lot more than that. Ya done good, real good. However a light will give you tunnel vision, all you will see is what is in the light.
  4. Taught my son how to make them, you can do it.
  5. Sorry to hear about yalls dog, prays on the way.
  6. I say we take firearm laws back to 1800. The 2nd does not say what kind of firearm we can not have.
  7. Welcome, only one rule, newby buys first round, make mine a 7mm Rem Mag. Do you have your carry permit? What do you carry? Ya get to shoot much?
  8. Yep, safes are on sale every week.
  9. 22 revolver Magnum revolver Mid caliber revolver 10/22 rifle .308 semi Bolt rifle Semi 12 Ga Pump 12 Ga Black powder rifle Black Powder revolver   I will add a 50 cal semi rifle at some time.
  10. Like most of us, I am on more lists than you can shake a stick at. Sad we have to a government that thinks we are all bad.
  11. Got me out of bed, we went into our new room, all OK here.
  12. We have 3 factory stock 10/22s, all shoot well, as well as we shoot. How does yours shoot? A lot of people build them up, spend a lot of money on a rifle that shoots well out of the box. Me. I like to spend my money on ammo, scopes, and gear. Just my $0.02.
  13. I do not for sure, but Cracker Barrel pulled the Duck Dynasty brand with Phil's face and dropped the price on the rest of the stuff.
  14. The Bible is way to complicated for me. I just try to fallow these.   I am the LORD thy God Thou shalt have no other gods No graven images or likenesses Not take the LORD's name in vain Remember the sabbath day Honour thy father and thy mother Thou shalt not kill Thou shalt not commit adultery Thou shalt not steal Thou shalt not bear false witness Thou shalt not covet
  15. O we have 8, no 9 dogs now, something or someone is getting me out of bed. :rofl:
  16. I still say you shot very well, where you on a bench, rest, bags?
  17. And Cracker Barrel is out.   http://www.tmz.com/2013/12/21/duck-dynasty-cracker-barrel-phil-robertson-boycott/   We called a bunch of Cracker Barrel stores, and the managers told us the products that were removed were the ones that had Phil's face plastered on the packaging.  Almost to a person, the managers added, "We still offer a wide variety of Duck Commander products," and then we heard a click.
  18. It was all a poly to get Phil in line, did not work like Ass & Enemas wanted. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2527430/Hung-dry-Duck-Dynasty-star-family-lash-A-E-making-controversial-interview-public-suspending-homophobic-comments.html   Sources within the close-knit Louisiana clan say they are convinced A&E are manipulating the controversial situation to bring them – and particularly Robertson – back into line after Television executives grew tired of the family pushing their deeply-held, Christian beliefs. They also think the network could have done something to stop the controversial GQ article being made public, because an A&E representative was present during the interview with patriarch, Roberston, 67.
  19. The NSA has been in town for a LONG time, we are just now finding out about it. Funny video
  20. I make my wife get up.
  21. What more do you want, 1 hole at 100 yrds? :up: With the way I shot, I am happy to hit a paper plate at 100 yrds.
  22. Wont work, now if you are a female, you would have something. :rofl:
  23. CONGRATS!!!
  24. We can read. :rofl:
  25. Older cast had a larger nickle content that the newer stuff. Makes for a smother surface, and better heat.


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