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Everything posted by RED333

  1. Not my point, My point is the stuff should not be legal at all. Someone will try to get around failing the test, courts have not tried this yet that I know of.   Is that company policy?
  2. Most LOEs do abide by the law, any LOES gona post on this?
  3. Not fire you, but you have to go to rehab on your dime here in TN. We had a guy fail for drinking, fired him, had to pay him unemployment. We have to drive company trucks and he could not drive because of the failed test. Sad part, I helped him through rehab, he went back to drinking.
  4. TN already has Castle Doctrine Tennessee has a self-defense law based on the castle doctrine. Enacted in 2007, the law does not require a duty to retreat. It extends the right for persons to defend themselves from attacks by using physical or deadly force in any place they have a legal right to be. The law provides civil immunity for persons using physical or deadly force to protect themselves from an attacker.
  5. Well since we are giving them away
  6. I am a sparky by trade, I hate 3, 4 way circuits. I still think he has a wire pinched, all he did was swap the light fixture.
  7. TDR is right, the man that did mine said "you will be looked at harder". If you have to use your pistol and it is not the one the you took the class with. I dont carry the pistol O used in class. Some in my class rented pistols that day.
  8. And in the mean time, we here in TN must pass a drug test to work. Workers Comp, I have to take the test 3 or 4 times a year.
  9. Pick one of these pics and check yours. https://www.google.com/search?q=3+way+circuit&client=firefox&hs=avn&rls=com.yahoo:en-US:official&tbm=isch&source=iu&imgil=8M616FiEqVy1_M%253A%253Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fencrypted-tbn1.gstatic.com%252Fimages%253Fq%253Dtbn%253AANd9GcSnoLAqGJQbXBseaE0gtlarhLywseFwc0Uy8jeemb26v-2kVs4_yQ%253B443%253B269%253BBKKSsfQxBWtmSM%253Bhttp%25253A%25252F%25252Fwww.how-to-wire-it.com%25252Fwiring-a-3-way-switch.html&sa=X&ei=5hHIUpe1A43YyAGg7oDYCw&ved=0CDYQ9QEwAw&biw=1152&bih=736#facrc=_&imgdii=_&imgrc=8M616FiEqVy1_M%3A%3BBKKSsfQxBWtmSM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.how-to-wire-it.com%252Fimages%252F3-way-power-at-light2.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.how-to-wire-it.com%252Fwiring-a-3-way-switch.html%3B443%3B269 you might have a wire pinched
  10. Geedunk bar Turn-to and Trice Up Two-Digit Midget Steel Beach Picnic Stacking Any one tell me Jar heads and wave riders wait for the right answer.
  11. Target used to sell firearms and ammo.
  12. Safety yes, mag relese and bolt hold no, as that would take a diff lower.   Same as me, he needs to find what eye he is, left or right dominate. I have made up my mind, I will "avoid" spending money on a right hand rifle again. My son is a bit upset about it being left hand, I told him it was my money.LOL Now to get one of those trigger kits from Dolomite.
  13. He is one of the many good guys.
  14. That aint funny. :wave:
  15. Well it is a start. TGO lower, CMMG lower kit (thanks D&T) Stag left hand upper. Gona be a slooow build. [url=http://s896.photobucket.com/user/redintn/media/300%20acc/DSCF0340_zps9ddb10fa.jpg.html][/URL]
  16. That was in my younger days. Wants to know when it will OK to tell his life partner about us.
  17. Wishes he could wear his tutu to the range.
  18. Count me in, depends on the date.
  19. 30 years dry, but did like Jack.
  20. Charlies range on "Owl Hollow Rd" is still open, dont know about today.
  21. My son uses finger nail polish, has a few very small brushes, some nail polish remover. It takes him a bit of time, some times hours. He did my wife's LCR in white, came out nice. He has did his Glock as well. I wont let him do mine or any of the rest of our firearms. I am an "evil black gun" kind of guy.
  22. Titegroup here in all my pistols, 25 ACP, 38 SPL, 40 S&W, 44 Mag, 45 Colt. I dont get the FPS as some other powders, but it works just fine for me. CCI primers, some Winchester.
  23. Wishes for the day he can use a transgender bath room.
  24. Will come by to cut the grass with tweezers, and pay the home owner for the work.


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