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Everything posted by RED333

  1. What a crock of crap. I have not and after this will not buy from them.
  2. These will be one in the same, as soon as the first bail out comes around. Yes there will be rationing and death panels before it is over with.
  3. It is all about Knock Out Power   Caliber in diameter times bullet weight in grains times velocity divided by 7000   .44 Magnum 240 gr. slug at 1400 fps : .430 X 240 X 1400 divided by 7000 = 20.6 Knock Out (KO) .270 Winchester 130 gr. slug at 3100 fps : .277 X 130 X 3100 divided by 7000 = 15.9 KO   http://www.customsixguns.com/writings/common_sense_handgun_hunting.htm
  4. Makes ya want to go out and buy some water, dont it?
  5. Search "fanny pack holster"
  6. I likey that rifle Spots!!!
  7. I do have a few LW barrels for our 40 S&W Glocks, but no caliber swaps. We have not had any problems at with the LW barrels.
  8. There is a cap the will hold the spring in, just pry it out. Then you can get a look at the spring.
  9. Ya cant, they recruit new members.
  10. I went, tried to get to yalls booth, so many people.
  11. I feel this is what pisses um off the most, they "NEED" a man to make things happen.
  12. Our daughter has the stuff, doc said it was walking pneumonia. Confined to bed, and no work.
  13. A man and wife were camping next to the lake. The husband would fish in the morning as his wife would tale pics of the view. One after noon she asked if she could take the boat and take pics from the lake. So out she went, well the game warden come up in his boat, sees all the fishing gear and asked the wife if she had a licenses to fish, she said no, I am not fishing. Game warden said makes no diff, you have the gear, I have to give you a ticket. The wife said fine, but I am calling the police, you have the gear for rape. All in how you look at things.   and a bag.
  14. EEOC pulled some thing like this a few months back, Holder is just one of many.
  15. :up:
  16. Issa, Huckabee, and Paul are still out there, some where. I am in the boat, "who is gona run"?
  17. An assault rifle is a selective fire (selective between semi-automatic, fully automatic and/or burst fire) rifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachable magazine.[1] Assault rifles are the standard service rifles in most modern armies. Note the difference between the assault rifle and the battle rifle. Assault rifles use smaller cartridges and are used at closer ranges than battle rifles. The larger sized rifle cartridges used in battle rifles make fully automatic fire more difficult. Fully automatic fire refers to an ability for a rifle to fire continuously while the trigger is pressed and held; "burst-capable" fire refers to an ability of a rifle to fire a small yet fixed multiple number of rounds with but one press of the trigger; in contrast, semi-automatic refers to an ability to fire one round per press of a trigger regardless of how long the trigger is held. The presence of selective fire modes on assault rifles permits more efficient use of rounds to be fired for specific needs, versus having a single mode of operation, such as fully automatic, thereby conserving ammunition while maximizing on-target accuracy and effectiveness.   http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assault_rifle
  18. How is he getting hooked up so fast with the bundle of trees? Impressive flying!   2nd vid, man on the ground, very good flying!!!
  19. WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS! So 10 black kids and 20 white kids get caught coming in late in a week. Does the school punish 10 out of each race? These idiots are tearing this country apart, piece by piece.
  20. WOW, did not know this, would like to see what the new coach at Penn state will be making.
  21. This happens to Vandy all the time. they are not a football school. Vandy will not pay to keep any coach, after all it is for the kids. LOL
  22. Tanker, if you dont buy the rifle you will kick your self for the rest of your life.
  23. If ya go commando, you will not have to worry about this.
  24. Welcome to the 3rd most free state in the Union. We have both semi and revolvers, my wife carries a LCR, she like it a LOT, can hit with it very well. As others have said try a few, Most women have small hands, and stay away from double stack mag pistols. My wife is that way, but likes her Glock 23, she just does not carry it, to hard to hide. Have fun at your training, gona get a carry permit?
  25. If the stock dont work out, check out these guys. http://rifle-stocks.com/sporter_hunting_styles.htm I have one of their stocks on my 7mm.


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