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Everything posted by RED333

  1. Baseball lost me in the strike years. The other sports lost me with the kneeling and taking sides on the flag. These clowns, so called pro athletes, are overpaid. Yes they are good at what they do, but not worth millions. Just my $0.02
  2. Here is the one I have, it work well, as well as a 30 dollar loader will. I like it, just have to jiggle it a bit ever now and then. https://www.butlercreek.com/magazine-loaders/hot-lips%2Fsteel-lips-loader/BC-24211.html
  3. I have one can’t remember the manufacture. When I get home this evening I’ll look it up and post it up.
  4. RED333


    I only have 3, a Bauer, Raven and a Beretta, all 25 ACP. I call them my “get off me gun”.
  5. or for sale.
  6. Very cool, congrats!!! Get ya a piece of oak round, 2 to 4 inches thick, put the edge into the round for display. This is ash and much thicker than you need.
  7. RED333


    Paid ours on Monday, I like having my money all year, never did worry about paying at tax time. Wife used to hate it, now she enjoys the money all year.
  8. RED333

    Flag pole

    Nice set up Hozzie! I found some chain link fence top pole in a dumpster.
  9. Go into the talk with you family with some good info. I have a Recoil-reducing stock on one of my 12s, it works well. You can invest in Reduced Recoil Ammo. Here is a good read. https://www.luckygunner.com/lounge/taming-12-gauge-shotgun-recoil-management/
  10. We have a winner here
  11. It all depends on what amp hour battery you use. The string trimmer will last about 1.5 hours with steady use, the hedge trimmer a little less with a 9 amp hour. If you can use the hedge trimmer for 30 mins straight you are doing something, it is a bit heavy. As far as batters have not had an issue yet. My son has had the chain saw for 2 years now and no battery issue, it is a beast. The battery will last long long enough to fill a small truck cutting 3" to 5" logs, that is with a 12 amp hour battery.
  12. I have the electric Milwaukee trimmer with the different quick lock feature. The hedge trimmer works great to keep the "tall stuff" at bay.
  13. I tried chain saw, jack chain, small cable and a few other things. I could not keep the home made stuff on more than a few minutes. Please show a pic and explain how you made this work. Here is the string I use
  14. Well the left wants our firearms, both want our money. I would like us to keep our firearms.
  15. Now that is scary!
  16. Like about a hundred times It is a shame how the .gov gets away with the crap it (.gov) pulls. The best hope we have it to vote.
  17. Me being cheap, I threaded a 308 rifle barrel and. 12 ga shogun chokes. You can get the tools you need on eBay or supply houses.
  18. Now dont get me wrong, I love all the women in my life, and if I offend, well to bad A woman's life is run by emotion, man's life is run on logic. If you ask me to explain you would still not understand.
  19. Man what a loss, prays to his loved ones. "Simple Man" and "A few More Rednecks" apply these days
  20. I voted no, however my boss now requires we follow Davidson County guidelines, so we were one where we can't maintain 6 feet distance.
  21. We watched this the other day, not my kind of game, BLUNT FORCE TRAMA https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3520290/news
  22. Gar is a game fish in Tn, can not bow fish them.


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