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Everything posted by RED333

  1. To far for me, GLWS.
  2. 5 your lucky number? Just asking, have not seen a price like that before. GLWS
  3. Blow Em up on social media, hit their uh, Twitter, Facebook, and all their accounts.
  4. I bought a winchester 1200 many years ago from target on whitebridge road, yes target used to sell firearms. I added the bayonet lug heat shield myself. So to answer your question, no not a M12.
  5. I will just leave this here, yall discuss among your self's.
  6. I picked this up today, what a pleasure to meet a fine member how long little community.
  7. Am I having deja vu?
  8. Wait, what, all this was for nothing?
  9. By the picture, it looks low profile already
  10. I am in need of this from time to time, and the older I get the more I need.
  11. Threads do not get deleted. You can changer the tag to "Sold" and change the title to SOLD as well. The thread will drift to the back of the section.
  12. Thank goodness it is wrong handed, very nice rig, GLWS
  13. The only way I can figure it out is to turn the phone upside down when you take the picture and they'll come out right side up . Good looking scooter there buddy
  14. That could end so wrong.
  15. These shoes are made for chompping, and that's what they're gonna do
  16. $250, that's a damn good buy. Wished it was closer. You ever get to nashville and still have it.Give me a shout.
  17. Price is in the last line, 1k. I want to see some pics.
  18. Does the ammo have magazine spoon speed loader?
  19. Do not sweat the small stuff, i got points given to me when I was a member for about a week. Posted some inappropriate pictures.


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