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Everything posted by wk05

  1. Mike hit the nail on the head for the caliber selection.  I think a .30-30 barrel, or any of the magnum handgun calibers should do the trick with a longer barrel length.  Also, check out JDJ Barrels if you really want to make it something unique.  Lots of caliber choices, and they'll make it to your specs, and ensure it will be safe with your frame.  
  2. Calling my senator back home this afternoon.  I know he's pro-2A, so he "should" support this.   EDIT: UPDATE - I received an email back from my Senator, Dickerson.  Here's the gist of what he said aside from personal views, "This bill is in delayed bill committee which means it will face an uphill battle this year.  I will speak with the senate sponsor of the bill, while doing my own research into the bill.  Thanks again for contacting me."
  3. I know of somebody with a late 1960s TC Contender.   It was purchased with .357Mag and .22WMR barrels, so .357 is definitely GTG!  They've also got a .222 Rem (purchased new with the gun),and a .410/.45LC.  All of that being said, I'd go for a .357/.44, the frames can handle it, they're easy to reload for, and EXTREMELY accurate, and I wouldn't hesitate to take a shot (at a reasonable distance) with a .44Mag!     As for the split lock/one piece lock, I'd have to go dig mine out and check, but I "think" that all of mine use the single piece.  If I remember right, I did quite a bit of research and found that the split lugs came along as TC started doing the Easy Open conversions on the G1 Contender frames (NOT advised to send it in).  
  4. HOPE scholarship for another year, plus don't want to get into the grey area where I'd need a TN permit since my name is on a residential lease. I've thought long and hard about it though!
  5. I'll say this, as a responsible 19 year old, I genuinely appreciate any attempt to allow me to not just car carry, but CCW. If this passes, I'd be the happiest person in the world!
  6. Outstanding!  It may be time to cash out an old investment and SBR an AR!  
  7. Does e-Filing apply for F1 SBRs and the like with a trust?
  8. Allright!  I'm ready for civ-legal auto knife carry! 
  9. I will be writing my state Rep & Senator today! I think GA law is a prime example for this.
  10. A change I would suggest, and STRONGLY advocate is the legalization of car carry for those who cannot obtain a HCP (due to age, or just don't want it).  If you have the right to have a loaded firearm in your home, you ought to be able to keep it in your vehicle.  TN law is so ambiguous when it comes to transporting firearms, this would just make it a much simpler affair.  Not being able to obtain a HCP due to age, I struggle with the immediate vicinity phrasing of TN law.  When something such as that is not defined by law, it worries me.  What I consider to be not in the immediate vicinity, and a police officer consider immediate vicinity could be two different things, and would just add a layer of protection to pro-2A citizens.  Considering most, if not all states surrounding TN allow it, I believe it is time that TN allow the 18-20 y/o pro-2A citizens to be able to legally carry in their vehicle.  What are your thoughts on something like this?
  11. I'd love to grab one, quick question though. How do stripped lowers work when shipping through FFLs (I've read about some issues as stripped lowers can be used to build a pistol)?  Are those under 21 but over 18 out?  If It's possible, I'd LOVE to get a lower.  
  12. Depending on the details, count me in for one!
  13. Awesome! About to order a Benchmade 2550!
  14. Cleared yesterday, can't wait till the third!
  15. Hey guys, I am looking to have a stock hydro dipped in multi-cam in Tennessee. Any suggestions for vendors who offer this pattern at a good price?
  16. Quick question, if I do not have a Concealed Carry Permit, what are the regulations for keeping a weapon in the vehicle. I know that the gun and ammo have to be separate, but does that mean a pistol locked in the glove box and a loaded magazine in the trunk inside of a toolbox is okay? Just curious.


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Tennessee Gun Owners (TNGunOwners.com) is the premier Community and Discussion Forum for gun owners, firearm enthusiasts, sportsmen and Second Amendment proponents in the state of Tennessee and surrounding region.

TNGunOwners.com (TGO) is a presentation of Enthusiast Productions. The TGO state flag logo and the TGO tri-hole "icon" logo are trademarks of Tennessee Gun Owners. The TGO logos and all content presented on this site may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission. The opinions expressed on TGO are those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect those of the site's owners or staff.

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