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Everything posted by wk05

  1. Too bad - was looking forward to being able to OC in TN starting this July, looks grim now.
  2. Permit less open carry? OC isn't ideal, but until I turn 21, I'd make it work!
  3. Yep!  Did a case study about that for a Legal Writing Class I took.  Kind of surprised something hasn't come up sooner.  So, next step is Senate Calendar Committee, then the Senate floor?
  4. The bill I commented about above should have little to no effect on TN Tax/HCP revenue.  Seeings as its not constitutional carry, just car carry, the people it really helps out are those who haven't reached the ripe age of 21 to get an HCP or simply those that for some reason don't desire to have a HCP ( :stunned: ) but want to car carry!  
  5. Just called Sen. Bell's office to thank him for his support of my 2A rights.  They seemed pretty receptive and that it had generally been the case! 
  6. SB 1774 is onto the Senate Calendar Committee!  I wonder what the Amendment it is recommended to pass with is.  Haven't been able to find any documents yet.   Rec. for pass. w/ am., ref. to S. Cal. Comm. Ayes 6, Nays 0 PNV 3
  7.   Attending school now - this (sadly) hits the nail on the head...
  8. Is this another "Constitutional Carry" bill?     http://openstates.org/tn/bills/108/SB1983/
  9. wk05

    30-06 or 308?

    FWIW, I have personally found that sourcing bulk brass is FAR easier with .308 than when I loaded .30-06, as well as good Factory/Target .308 ammo.  Ive been on both sides of the fence, and am sticking with .308 currently for one BIG reason - Short Action. 
  10. Guess I'll be taking my lunch early at the job site and calling those on the committees!  
  11. Re-read it today also and from what I read, it appeared as though there would be "no significant impact" that would prevent it from going to a vote like Mike said above.  Not giving up on this one until the legislative session is over.  Its something I've written my Senators/Reps for since I turned 18 and won't stop until its passed or somebody reintroduces it next year (although I should have HCP by then  :up: ).  
  12. Agreed - I'd call Chip or your other attorney of choice - most any who have estate planning should be able to draft up a trust that checks all the boxes!  I've seen plenty of Bubba'd up "legal documents" from companies who try to draft documents they have no business doing, but I've also seen some pretty great ones - personally, I'd just go the attorney route, much safer on your end.  
  13. Appreciate it, guys.  I'd like to get a CSO, AM, or Civil Engineering Slot.
  14. Hi guys,   If any of you happen to know of any Officers or Senior NCOs in the TN ANG and wouldn't mind sharking their contact info with me (provided they do not care) I would appreciate it!  I'm looking into applying for a slot that has opened up in Knoxville and wanted to get some inside perspective if possible.   -WK05
  15. Time to finally order that BM 2550 mini reflex I've always wanted to carry!
  16. Appears that the Bill in the senate was reschedule for a vote on the 25th.   As for the corresponding house bill, it was "Rec. For Pass. by s/c ref. to Civil Justice Committee."     So far, so good.  
  17. http://wapp.capitol.tn.gov/apps/billinfo/BillSummaryArchive.aspx?BillNumber=SB1774&ga=108 Agrees on the poor wording of the bill. I'm probably the only one on this board (besides Mr. Cain), that hopes to be an attorney :/ However, after reading the above, "TO ME" the intent was to allow car carry like GA has, as noted in the last paragraph of text. "This bill replaces the exceptions described in (1) and (2) with a general exception to the prohibition against carrying a weapon with the intent to go armed so that a person carrying or possessing a firearm in a motor vehicle will not commit an offense if: (1) The person is not otherwise prohibited from carrying OR POSESSING a firearm; and (2) The motor vehicle is privately-owned."
  18. I don't think Haslam will be as much the issue as Ramsey - Haslam "said" (key word here) that he would sign the permit less/constitutional carry pending in legislation. I personally don't think car carry would be a big issue with him. Especially considering the pro-2A safe haven TN is being made out to be and current political climate.
  19. Essentially, if you can own it - you can carry it in a vehicle.
  20.   Glad to see somebody else on the forums sub-21!
  21. I was fairly surprised to see that if flew under the radar here as it was filed in early January.  However, Im assuming that 99% of the members here have an HCP so this is not necessarily "relevant" to them "directly".  
  22. Just saw this on an NRA update and was surprised it hadn't made it on here yet.  This is a critically needed bill for those of us who are not 21 yet, and therefore cannot get a HCP.  Its asinine that I live on my own, work and go to school full time, pay taxes, and can own a handgun, but can't keep it in my car to protect myself driving through not-so-great areas of town after midnight just to get home.     Please contact those on the Senate Judiciary Committee and urge them to support SB 1774.  I feel this has a great chance to pass compared to the "Constitutional Carry" bills in legislature currently.   With only two D's, I see this passing through and onto the floor for a vote, and have little reservation that Haslam wouldn't sign this.     Here's a list of those on the Committee, any emails or early morning phone calls would be GREATLY appreciated, especially by the younger community.      Senate Judiciary Committee (SB 2031, SB 1672, SB 1774, SB 1612):   Senator Brian Kelsey (R-31), Chairman (615) 741-3036 Sen.brian.kelsey@capitol.tn.gov   Senator Doug Overbey (R-2) (615) 741-0981 Sen.doug.overbey@capitol.tn.gov   Senator Stacey Campfield (R-7) (615) 741-1766 Sen.stacey.campfield@capitol.tn.gov   Senator Mike Bell (R-9) (615) 741-1946 Sen.mike.bell@capitol.tn.gov   Senator Lowe Finney (D-27) (615) 741-1810 Sen.lowe.finney@capitol.tn.gov   Senator Ophelia Ford (D-28) (615) 741-1767 Sen.ophelia.ford@capitol.tn.gov   Senator Todd Gardenhire (R-10) (615) 741-6682 Sen.todd.gardenhire@capitol.tn.gov   Senator Mark Green (R-22) (615) 741-2374 Sen.mark.green@capitol.tn.gov   Senator John Stevens (R-24) (615) 741-4576 Sen.john.stevens@capitol.tn.go   http://www.nraila.org/legislation/state-legislation/2014/3/tennessee-pro-gun-bills-to-receive-committee-hearings-this-week.aspx   EDIT - The Corresponding House Bill HB1480 will be heard Wednesday the 19th.     House Civil Justice Subcommittee (HB 1399, HB 1400, HB 1480):   Representative Jim Coley (R-97), Chairman (615) 741-8201 Rep.jim.coley@capitol.tn.gov   Representative Jon Lundberg (R-1) (615) 741-7623 Rep.jon.lundberg@capitol.tn.gov   Representative Rick Womick (R-34) (615) 741-2804 Rep.rick.womick@capitol.tn.gov   Representative Mike Carter (R-29) (615) 741-3025 Rep.mike.carter@capitol.tn.gov   Representative John J. DeBerry JR. (D-90) (615) 741-2239 Rep.john.deberry@capitol.tn.gov   Representative Vance Dennis (R-71) (615) 741-2190 Rep.vance.dennis@capitol.tn.gov   Representative Andrew Farmer (R-17) (615) 741-4419 Rep.andrew.farmer@capitol.tn.gov   Representative Andrew Farmer (R-17) (615) 741-4419 Rep.andrew.farmer@capitol.tn.gov   Representative Sherry Jones (D-59) (615) 741-2035 Rep.sherry.jones@capitol.tn.gov   Representative Mike Stewart (D-52) (615) 741-2184 Rep.mike.stewart@capitol.tn.gov
  23. September can't come soon enough!
  24. Thanks! I really appreciate it. I'll be shooting you a PM shortly!
  25. So, I've always loved going and shooting trap/skeet/sporting clays and feel like learning to dove hunt could be a lot of fun, and a valuable skill at that!  However, I know NOTHING about hunting dove.  Where should I start and what should I read to learn?  What about gear needed/recommended?  The game plan is to hunt the WMA fields TWRA leases around the Chattanooga / Knoxville area for the upcoming season - and go out as much as possible during the season to get some experience.  I remember a thread being "stickied" on the Hunting and Fishing forum about How to Start Deer Hunting, and it provided an awesome insight to all aspects of getting started, Im looking for something similar for dove hunting.  Anybody who could advise me/help me out with how to start dove hunting, I would really appreciate it.      


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