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Everything posted by Jesse

  1. My daughter is almost 7 and has never been spanked or hit. And she is a good kid. We got lucky i Guess.I hope the next is as good.
  2. Im over weight by about 30 pounds...would the Supertick still work for me?
  3. Stealing is multi billion dollar a year business. Some are just random morons. A lot are businesses who hit walmart trucks and stuff.
  4. Snow sucks. Means traffic is worse and you have to leave hours early just to make it on time to work. I rather it never snow on weekdays.
  5. Was it the mega storm they claimed it would be?
  6. Is the red grease not good? Also how much grease do you put on the gun?
  7. Watch it do nothing after all the hype. I remember the super tornado cell warning in the south a couple years ago. All it did was rain. When TN got flooded really bad there was no warning it would be that bad. Things like this are a wait and see what happens. 1 degree could be the difference.
  8. I would get a new area code.
  9. Lol its a ruger p95 it was failing to eject and reload properly after the first 130 rounds. It has 2 recoil springs. I was just oiling it up and wondered if i racked it alot if it would help next time i hit the range. I havent racked it 1000 times though lol.
  10. If you have a new gun and racked the slide back about 1000 times by hand, would that be breaking it in like shooting it? Why exatcly is breaking it in?
  11. HUH? why was she searched if the gun was in her pocket? did someone see it sticking out or something? these reports need more info.
  12. All i need is the History Channel, Discovery, ESPN, Fox and NBC. New season of Gold Rush tonight!
  13. Shooter still on the run with the victims black camaro. http://m.yahoo.com/w/legobpengine/news/3-dead-5-family-members-shot-california-235322223.html?orig_host_hdr=news.yahoo.com&.intl=US&.lang=en-US
  14. Windows 8? Im still on a 7 year old desktop with windows xp.
  15. Lol i dont answer phonecalls unless i know the number. Im surprised he answered for you.
  16. I know what you're saying, but there's still gonna be millions who vote on race alone. Then you have voters who really don't follow whats going on and will vote on who the media is brandishing. If this goes down again as a race thing and a popularity contest Obama is gonna win.
  17. I just cant see Obama losing.
  18. I keep my ammo in my range bag and put the gun in my glove box. If you were to get pulled over and searched, the police would see you are headed to the range and not give you any heat about it. But without a permit i wouldnt drive with my gun unless i was headed to the range.
  19. You should have shot the dad when you saw that. J/k should have told someone that works there.
  20. Theres a video on youtube where 2 guys tried to rob a store. The owner shot and killed one of them. But the law charged his partner in crime who got away for his murder. The store owners had no charges.
  21. So he set himself on fire?
  22. i forgot to mention we had a dog come in our yard and started sniffing our dogs butt and he wouldnt stop. i got my stun gun out of my truck and scared it away with just the sound. not sure how it would do against a crazy pit, but this dog ran away quickly.
  23. A warning shot would make most dogs run away. If that doesnt work and he is biting one of you, i'd shoot it.
  24. Ive tried inside waist band carrying in all positions, but I cannot find a spot where the gun doesnt poke the heck out of my gut and side. STanding isnt so bad but sitting and bending over hurts. How do you guys do it? Ive found pocket carrying is really comfortable for me. I took a cheapo holster and trimmed it down to fit my pockets, I can carry my full size ruger with no problems this way. The grip shows but my shirts cover it with little printing. Anyone else have trouble carrying inside the wasitband? heres my pocket carry setup. I like it but it's not a true conceal.
  25. Smart girl to shoot through the door before he seen her.


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