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Jesse last won the day on August 16 2013

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  • Handgun Carry Permit
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  1. Have to say I'm jealous. I love the wood and shine on that rifle. Is the end made from chrome?
  2. I've seen slow racking as well. I'll make sure to hammer down. lol
  3. Got a new PSI 12 Guage Pump. I have not shot it yet but there was a good deal on it online so i grabed one. Has anyone shot this gun or have owned one? The purpose is just for home defense. Thanks.
  4. I just have a p95 with 16 rounds of 9mm hollow points. and another 15 round mag with normal ammo. I hope to never use any rounds ever.
  5. Another update. Ive hit 1600 miles on my bike and have now lost 45 pounds since March. I can start to see my ribs! Im the lowest weight ive been as an adult. Now that i have the upper hand im gonna take it to the next level. Im aiming for 17% body fat by April on next year.
  6. Please dont, traffic is bad enough. J/k keep in mind to have a nice vaction youll have to visit another state. Most of us head to Florida.
  7. His son will take over but you pob wont notice a change right away. I wonder how Munchak feels knowing the guy who wanted him as the coach is no longer here?. I bet he shakes things up to try and have a 8-8 season. Munch wont be safe with a losing record and no Bud..
  8. Fill it in. Bust up concrete around it and throw that in there to.
  9. Jesse


    Never knew anyone with cancer as a kid and teen. Cancer took my mom, my grandpa,my brother in law the last 4 years. Now ive learned my co workers child has cancer. It does seem to be happening more. I rahter see them work on a cancer prevention. Than a cure.
  10. Damnit, i gotta work Saturday. This shutdown is not helping me out.
  11. I wish my work would slow down enough to get out of working every weekend. Tired of working 6 days a week. I got things to do.
  12. Dude has tea issues. Nobody is that thirsty.
  13. Only cop show I watch is Cops. And they rarely use their guns.
  14. Is the tree dying? Or just the wind.
  15. If everyone was nice like me. Nobody would ever be murdered. But we cant all be cool like me. :)


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