My 60 acre timber lot in middle south TN (Giles County) borders a 2 lane gravel road, with a steep drop-off to a seasonal creek bed on my and my neighbor's land. This ravine is being used as an illegal dump, with tires, furniture, appliances, including TVs and all types of garbage on the slope and creek bed.
County Executive/Highway Department/Sheriff's Department all pay lip service to my complaints, saying the garbage is beyond the right-of-way! Well no ****! Stuff dumped from the road shoulder rolls downhill and ends up on or near the creek bed. When heavy rains occur the **** is washed even further onto my land. The Highway Dept. put up to small black and white "no dumping" signs that are not visible amongst the trees. Sheriff's Dept. has sent county jail inmates to pick up loose litter on the immediate road shoulder, ignoring the rubbish on the steep slope and creek bed. Properly clearing the area would require a concerted effort employing ropes/rappelling gear and winches.
Before you ask, yes, a friend who takes care of the property for me (spends maybe 2 days a week on-site) and myself when I am home on vacation, have searched for leads in the garbage, so far without luck. I have also, at my own expense, purchased and posted large yellow high-visibility "NO DUMPING - THIS AREA IS UNDER VIDEO SURVEILLANCE" signs listing the local reporting telephone number. I have not yet installed video equipment for 2 reasons: cost and the fact that the cameras would trip whenever any vehicle passes by (perhaps 10 to 15 vehicles per hour during daylight hours). Also, the length of road section with the steep drop-off is approximately 700 feet and features somewhat extreme curves.
My neighbor is of course unhappy with the situation but is afraid that the scum responsible for dumping would burn him out if he managed to identify said individuals.
I should also point out that the county only has one legal dump, unlike other TN counties that have established satellite "Convenience Centers" that discourage illegal dumping.
What are my options? Would the TN Department of Environment & Conservation force the county to cleanup the area if I filed a complaint?