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Everything posted by No_0ne

  1. Yes there is, or maybe was, such a store. Tennessee Guns, sometimes called Tennessee Guns International is/was an importer of former Communist block guns and parts since the mid-90's, but got in some trouble with the ATF in 1999 over the importation of some un-modified AK-74 parts or guns.  Charles Jones, the (former?) owner pled guilty to importation by false or misleading statements and was sentenced to probation and fined in March of this year.  At one time, they imported many Mosin rifles (stamped "TGI Importers") and have specialized in PSL's and modified AK's for several years now.  Their website, tnguns.com is still online, but I have no idea if they are still in business or if so, who is running the business as Jones is now prohibited from owning firearms as a convicted felon.  They are/were located outside of Knoxville, in Louisville, Tennessee.
  2. Try the Tarzan approach.  "Dog" ...
  3.   And yet another good reason to not carry a phone around ...
  4.   You don't fix rust with filler, you cut out the old metal and weld in new, then some filler, primer, blocking, paint.  Rust is normally like mice in your home, for every example you see, there are many more in hiding ...
  5. OK, so you lost out on the deal to trade a Sig 238 for a Kel-Tec and some French pistol, good day for you I'm thinking ...
  6. As long as it's not Dick Cheney ...
  7. Dammit!  Now I guess that FEMA and Homeland Security are buying up all the gun cases too...
  8.   No need for me to write all this out again, TDR got them all right the first time.  So score me "ditto" ...    I would also suggest that you take a course or two in statistics, with special emphasis on surveys, the introduction of bias, random sampling, margin of error, etc. as this is a poorly contrived and executed survey.  In addition, it's shocking that you aren't employing better technology to survey your respondents, even an old fart like me realizes there are much more convenient ways to sample populations via the internet ...
  9.   Fans are great, when they are mounted directly in front of a large evaporator coil ...
  10. No AC?  No way ...
  11. It depends on the internal connections of the relay in question, but yes, it's possible to have one "pole" of a relay set up as a "double throw" to make 2 different connections depending on the position of the contacts.  I've wired reversing switches on electric winches using a DPDT (double pole double throw) relay which does that to reverse the current through the motor.
  12.   I have one of those, it's programmable to only alert for your area.  It works as advertised, but I still find myself turning it off on night's like these, as the damn thing keeps waking me up ...
  13. And this is why it's essential to only store beer properly, in the refrigerator, and also why it's important to drink large quantities of it quickly.  Stored beer can be very dangerous ...
  14. I can't even comprehend your post, let alone do whatever it is you are talking about ...
  15.   7.62x54r is your answer.  Millions of dead Nazis, not to mention untold numbers of Russians as well ...
  16.   Sorry, I have to disagree with this statement.  The cars of today are far superior to those of 30 years ago, in almost every way that matters.  Corrosion resistance, gas mileage, power per cubic inch (or liter), reliability, handling and survivability in crashes are all much improved.  Yes, the cars of today are technologically more complex, and many "shadetree" mechanics no longer have the tools or expertise to work on them, and the additional features and technology have made them more expensive, but virtually all parameters of a car's performance are in fact "better" than those manufactured in the past.
  17. Grands homestyle.  Best canned biscuits made, no explosions so far ...
  18. TDR - Once you have attempted to un-delete a deleted thread, you are no longer able to add additional posts. You should delete this post immediately.
  19.   Deleted threads, once deleted, remain deleted, unless said deletion proves deleterious to the ability of the poster to delete previous deletions.
  20. Please delete all these prior delete requests, as the previous posters are obviously just thread bumping ...
  21.   This can be interpreted on many levels.  Sorry, couldn't help myself ...
  22.   No, it's gone the way of the Dodo, and Triceratops ...
  23.   I forget.  Is a metric shit ton bigger, or smaller, than a standard shit ton?


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