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Everything posted by No_0ne

  1. And of course, the obligatory handgun
  2. The OP's review is pure fiction.  How do I know?  Because i read all about this rifle on Arfcom ...
  3.   It's called capitalism, welcome to the new normal ...
  4.   We need a "really, really like this" option for some posts ...
  5.   This is not unique to Ruger, all the manufacturers are having the same problems, thus the price cuts.  Black Friday could get really interesting this year ...     While the gist of this post is true, not all forms of ammo are in short supply, or highly priced.  Look at what's happening with many rifle calibers, and even some pistol, prices are in free fall lately due to overproduction and reduced demand ...   And what makes you think that 22lr makers aren't already profiting greatly?  I want a business where my entire production run is pre-sold for years in advance, without any expenditures in additional equipment; if I were making the stuff I would be raising prices, without spending a dime to increase production.  This is the essence of true capitalism ...     Also true, it was hard mot to oversell in the market of the last few years ...     Ruger's hallmark, and why their company can survive these peaks and valley's in the market, with plenty of cash on hand and zero debt to service, they can ride out the storm better than most manufacturers ...
  6.   Doubt it.  It looks like that site is filled with expired ads from 2 or 3 years ago, never updated or deleted.  For example, they have some Bulgarian 7.62x54r tins listed at $68, also out of stock.  That;s 2 year old pricing on that ammo ...
  7. Since when do shotguns have bayonets? :)
  8. A good calibration, equalization and balance tune can adjust to virtually any room parameters, all modern sound systems allow this to happen, many have programs that will get you very close automatically ...
  9. But, why?
  10. First, thanks for posting this, I'm sure it has some valuable information for novice buyers of Mosin rifles. Having said that, I would offer a couple of observations of the author's assertions: 1. Buying a rifle with a good bore is typically a good idea, but doesn't always indicate how good it shoots.  There are plenty of these old rifles with less than good bores that are excellent shooters, and not all mirror bores shoot well, ammo selection probably has more to do with accuracy than bore condition.  There's absolutely nothing wrong with counterbored rifles, most of them shoot considerably better than the non-counterbored rifles, as crown problems are eliminated, and the armorers often selected rifles for counterboring from those with the best bores. 2. Looking for matching numbers is a complete waste of time unless you are very knowledgeable about these guns.  Upon refurbing the rifles, parts were mixed and matched without regards to "matching" parts from the rifles they tore down, part of the refurbishing process was to grind old numbers off and stamp, or electropencil "matching" numbers on.  Collectors can almost always spot minor differences between the fonts of the stamps, few non-collectors can.  Virtually 100% of the rifles being sold today do not have matching numbers, regardless of the claims of the sellers. 3. Hex receivers are no better, stronger, accurate or reliable than round receivers.  The change was made circa 1935-36 to make manufacturing cheaper and easier.  Wartime barrels and receivers often have rough tool marks on the exterior, this makes no difference in the function of the rifle. 4. Headspace is essentially never an issue, these rifles were built to military standards with huge tolerances.  There's nothing wrong with checking headspace, but most collectors and shooters who have a lot of experience with these report that they have never seen one with headspace problems. 5. Laminated stocks, markings, accessories, etc. have no bearing on function, if it's a shooter you want don't pay extra for any of that.  If you find an imperial era dragoon rifle in original condition though, pm me at once!
  11.  The answer to that question mostly depends on who you are asking, obviously those who own or sell the name brands will say yes ...
  12.   This is exactly why I said "they don't".  The ultimate solution for 22lr and other rimfire calibers to become widely available again is to raise the retail pricing to what the market will apparently bear, i.e. around 10-12 cents per round.  When people are no longer able or comfortable paying that price, inventory will build and the price will settle in to whatever folks are willing to pay, keeping in mind that demand was pretty much meeting production before the latest round of craziness ...
  13.       They don't ...
  14.   Welcome to fish keeping, I guarantee that's not the last one that croaks in your tank ...
  15. You need a bigger hammer ...
  16. One thing to remember, their website doesn't always update in real time.  It's not uncommon to have the item in your hands while the site reports "processing". Patience, grasshopper ...
  17.   Or make a post about "45acp or 9mm" ...
  18. I figured this would get your attention xj ...
  19. No Script on Firefox is my choice, has the option to allow scripts on each page.  After a while though, I find it useful to "disallow" all permissions and start over again.
  20.   No, it wasn't ... :)
  21. I still enjoy seeing that movie ...
  22.   He will remain an idiot, regardless of where he lives ...
  23.   Ruger has at least one distinction from most other gun-related companies (and most businesses in general), as a policy they operate strictly on a cash and carry model, i.e. the company never incurs debt of any kind and traditionally carries a rather large cash reserve.  This somewhat insulates their company against the cyclical nature of gun sales, the past 5 years have simply added to those reserves.  Gun stocks became poplar during the past few years due to increased sales, the industry as a whole is in a slump now, thus the lower quotes.  Stock prices rarely reflect the true value of a company, but rather reflect investors' opinions of future values.
  24.   An easy cure for your jealousy, go hang out in Mississippi for a few weeks, you won't care if they have a free guns weekend after that ...


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