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Mister L

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Everything posted by Mister L

  1. best place to get Magnesium Blocks with a striker is at Harbor Freight for about 2.95 each. it's good to have a mora knife 1092 carbon steel in your bag. you can find flint alot of places on the ground and with the carbon steel knife you can get fire if it's not to wet of conditions. (char cloth)
  2. This could be around the corner for us here in the US. Make your voice heard, call your congressman and representative constantly.   https://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=fGaDAThOHhA
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  3. I did think he was want to make an exploding compound,, sorry
  4. If the law catches you making something like that they will label you a terrorist.  It's not that expensive to buy exploding targets that are legal.
  5. The Canadian View of USA It is interesting that less than half of US voters get this!  Yet the cause and effect is so clear.    http://www.pierremp.ca/budget/
  6. Never argue with an idiot, on lookers will not know which one is the idiot...
  7. Does this surprise anyone.   DHS Allows Saudi Passengers To Speed Through Airport Security http://www.mrconservative.com/2013/03/6881-dhs-questioned-over-decision-to-let-saudi-passengers-skip-normal-passport-controls/
  8. How the DHS Plans to Deal With the Patriot Movement http://occupycorporatism.com/how-the-dhs-plans-to-deal-with-the-patriot-movement/
  9. Pretty bad, I wouldn't be suprised if we more of this all over the place.
  10. Something is going on with our leaders in Washington. Here's a compilation of news clips that will get you thinkin, start at 0.50 to skip the bad intro. kind of long, but good.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsVOzOea6og 
  11. Cold Steel SRK-38CK. I have one of these and to me it is one of the best knifes you can get for the money (85.00). Watch the video.   http://www.coldsteelknivesdirect.com/srk
  12. My son did a thru hike 4 years ago, 2 things he always would tell anyone planning on the hike is to get a hammock sleeping bag and a very good pair of shoes. The hammock sleeping bag to keep the mice off of you and a good pair of shoes is so you don't get stress fractors in your feet. Took him 6 months. When you get to the Shenandoah Valley you can go 2 ways ether canoe the river or hike the trail, he did it both ways. He said the canoe trip was worth doing. Ether way counts toward the hike. Wish I didn't have to work, I would put it on my bucket list.
  13. I found in a GFS store in rivergate area a dehydrated soup mix. Comes in 3 flavors for 6 bucks a bag and it makes a gallon of good tasting soup. Also they have bags of dehydrated re-fried beans for about 5 bucks and it makes about a gallon. You don't have to make the whole bag, just want you need at the time. Good prepper store.
  14. Don't be to quick to believe everything Snopes puts out.   http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/2695832/posts
  15. Nancy Pelosi we must pass it to know whats in it. Why would that put an extra tax on a fishing pole and other sporting gear, It is out of control.   http://www.infowars.com/medical-excise-tax-on-retail-receipts-show-how-were-screwed-by-obamacare/   Here is where the lists are.   http://www.irs.gov/publications/p510/ch05.html  
  16. Agenda 21 and more.
  17. Here is a better video of it, showing females shooting.   women-take-joe-bidens-buy-a-shotgun-advice‏ http://www.ijreview.com/2013/02/38482-humorous-women-take-joe-bidens-buy-a-shotgun-advice/
  18. Ya, all the main stream new networks picked this up----- my bad they didn't. I wished even one of them would pick this up and bring light to it. It a shame that we do not have a true media source. they are all bought off some how. Great little girl.
  19. I love this judge, she says it like it is but the elected AXXHOLES don't want to hear this.   http://video.foxnews.com/v/2138468100001/
  20. The sad thing is that he will be sued for damages in a civil suit.
  21. I make my own pepper volka for bloody mary's. Just use a couple of dried ancho chili peppers and a half dozen jalapeno (cut in half), pour in your volka and let it set for a week. The ancho's give it a great flavor and color.
  22. This started a while back and it has not gotten alot of attention. Along with exectutive order 13603 and 13575, the federal government is expanding it's powers to make this come true in our life time.   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TzEEgtOFFlM    http://www.infowars.com/executive-order-13575-theft-of-rural-and-agricultural-lands-for-un-agenda-21/    http://www.nowtheendbegins.com/blog/?tag=executive-order-13603     
  24. Looks like the security is for land not people. DHS Raids Gun Collector – Confiscates Nearly 1,500 Guns – No Charges Filed Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/02/dhs-raids-homeowner-confiscates-nearly-1500-guns-no-charges-filed/#ixzz2JxbEEMbz
  25. I watched the Ultimate Weapons on the Barrett 50 and thought it was very possitive. Mr. Barrett was only talking about military use only. The Barretts own The Armory off I-24 exit 98, very cool store. Lots of PDW's.


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