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John Wells

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Posts posted by John Wells

  1. After reading the opinion of the Judge, it looks to me like this is merely a formality that the Mosque will adress at a public meeting. The notice requirements for the meeting shouldn't prevent further approval or construction of the building as Mr. Corlew pointed out in his opinion. The mosque is a religious building and as such is afforded protection under both national and state constitutions.

  2. I second what Mr. Stegall commented on above. Just for clarification, your post says when your lease is up in March. Is that 2013? If so you may time to get your form 4 back before you move. If that's the case then I'd say go ahead and set up your trust and make your purchse. If that is a typo, then I might just wait until you have an address here in Tennessee to use.

  3. From everything I've seen, the BATF folks will approve the transfer with a self-prepared trust, however, I wouldn't reccomend going that route even though it's cheaper. I am an attorney, so take it with a grain of salt. I'm not fishing for business here, but you need to understand that there are some concerns with using a trust that was not prepared specifically to deal with firearms. Better to have the trust prepared correctly for what you will use it for on the front end.


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