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  1. New edition of the USCCA magazine (Concealed Carry) has a fabulous article about how to know if the lawyer defending you after a defensive shooting is the right person for the job. As a retired lawyer of 34 years (who never did trial work), I loved this header on the article: "SELECTING THE RIGHT ATTORNEY TO REPRESENT YOU IN A SELF-DEFENSE CASE IS LIKE SELECTING THE RIGHT DOCTOR. IF YOU NEED A HEART VALVE REPLACED, YOU NEED A SKILLED CARDIAC SURGEON, NOT A GENERAL PRACTITIONER. A DIVORCE OR DUI LAWYER MIGHT BE ABLE TO GET YOU THROUGH THE ARRAIGNMENT, BUT THAT'S IT. YOU NEED A TRIAL LAWYER WHO KNOWS HOW TO DEFEND THE INNOCENT." Even better is the advice about a lawyer who immediately starts talking about a plea-bargain to you. Fascinating discussion about the necessity to seek out a specialist who knows how to direct the defense of the case and move the jury toward finding you innocent, and not moving the jury toward perhaps convicting you of a lesser-included offense with less jail time. I supervised insurance litigation for a mid-major carrier for 25 years, and I often had the same experience with defense counsel. If their first thought was "what can we settle this for", regardless of the liability picture, I went elsewhere. This was written by Schuyler P. Robertson, who is NOT a lawyer, but I nevertheless absolutely concur with his recommendations. I have my problems with USCCA, but this article is must-reading for anybody who thinks they may ever have the need to use deadly force in the defense of themselves or their family. It is not presently available online, but many of his previous articles are. I'm not going to risk copyright violations by posting the article on here, but if anybody wants to email me, I can provide a scanned copy.
  2. Well, from the sounds of it, looks like I'm gonna be waiting for the next time Metro Nashville PD does one of those fabulous "gun buybacks" to rid our streets of all the danger to humanity, and maybe get myself a hundo or so for the drive in !!! Got a reader that volunteered to post the pic of it. Hopefully he's able, but it sounds like youse guys have nailed it ! Appreciate it.
  3. Looking for someone that can give me some background and info (including worth) of a .22 pistol, blued, 3" barrel, black plastic 2-finger grip. Only engraving on the gun is s/n 2006 on the underside of the trigger guard. "US" on upper part of both of the plastic grips. Reportedly belonged to my wife's grandfather during WW I. He was not an officer, but I've been told it's an officer's "vest pocket pistol". Will not operate single-action or double-action, but it will break open and the ejection rod functions. I have a photo but it says it's too large for the website (16,000 kB), and I'm not skilled enough to reduce the file size. Tried making it a zip file and it didn't change. Pulled up the help page for Microsoft 365 but none of their function suggestions pop up. If someone knows how, I'll try, or I can email you the photo. TIA
  4. Some Nashville suburbs are apparently unaware of that change. They have local ordinances banning any firearm carry in city parks, regardless of license. Can you cite me to a provision of the statute that supports that ?
  5. Ya might want to keep your weapon fairly well concealed as you check out the possible threat at the front door/back door/garage door/wherever. Just in case..... New Mexico police fatally shoot resident in "horrible error"
  6. I have a friend in Orlando that complains about numerous cops that seem to be on a "gotcha" jihad against concealed carriers who inadvertently print or reveal. He's like, guys, really, have you nothing better to do with your time - like go after gang-bangers riding around with AK's taking pot shots at each other just for shiites and giggles ??? I concur. After moving here from Ohio, it could be much, much worse. They just recently did away with the requirement that you "promptly notify" (whatever the h*ll that means) LEO when you are carrying. Good luck when the cop orders you to shut your mouth upon initial contact, then arrests you for Failure To Notify. It has happened.
  7. "I feared for my life, and shot to protect myself. I intend to cooperate fully once I have spoken to my lawyer." Then STFU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. "...Hes not exactly worried about company repercussions, because any man in his right mind would rather forfeit his job than his life...." Or as a friend of mine who is not nearly as diplomatic as you once said, "I'd much rather be alive and looking for a job, than to be a dead guy who followed orders."
  9. "...Mr. Dickens fired his 1st shot at a distance of 43 yds from a kneeling position from cover and the active shooter was hit and also hit by 2nd shot...." Surprise, surprise, surprise !!! Pvt. Gomer Pyle
  10. Seems to me that would be a dandy legislative effort for the next session !
  11. The owner is Simon Property Group. They are notorious anti-gunners. They ban firearms in every mall they buy, which is a lot. https://fox59.com/news/greenwood-park-mall-had-policy-against-weapons-ahead-of-sunday-shooting/
  12. So the 22-year old "hero" (per the Greenwood police chief) who skillfully took out the mall shooter before his fatality count could get above 3 was not violating Indiana law when he carried into the mall, only mall policy. Signs prohibiting concealed carry in a business (or creating, as I like to call them, "Criminal Protection Zones") do not have the effect of law in Indiana. The worst that can happen is, the mall can ban him from the property. Ouch. https://bearingarms.com/camedwards/2022/07/18/indiana-mall-gun-free-zones-n60522 In light of that, does anyone think there's any chance of similar legislation in TN at some point ?
  13. https://americanmilitarynews.com/2022/07/fbi-to-illegally-harvest-gun-carry-license-holders-personal-info-missouri-ag-says/ Good for Schmitt for standing up to the gubmint and enforcing Missouri statutory law. But I surely can't imagine that OUR Federal gubmint would EVER use that information for any improper purposes. Anybody have any contacts in TN sheriff's offices that can find out whether they are intending to do the same thing in Tennessee ??? And if so, does TN statute prohibit the Feds from coming in and harvesting STATE licensure information like this ? Gotta wonder..........
  14. I recently acquired four pistols (two .45, two 9mm) that were last shot anywhere from 6-12 years ago. They were not cleaned after their last firing. I have not used a bore light to view the bores, so I don't know how bad the damage is. Am I risking a problem if I thoroughly and repeatedly clean these barrels and then fire the weapons ? Or do I simply need to throw new barrels in all 4 ? I am no gunsmith, but I can manage that.
  15. To put it mildly, assuming that is what the ADA said. Things do get lost in the translation. If that is an exact quote, then this ADA has a problem understanding the law.


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