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Everything posted by Spots

  1. I don't know about a stealth hawk, but Ive seen Pave Hawks when I was in the USMC, and I'd put my money on that being what they were in. You never saw these working with SOAR. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sikorsky_HH-60_Pave_Hawk
  2. I can check the oil filters at my wifes work, I know the parts guys there, its a Nissan dealer. I just need a thread pitch for the adapter
  3. Depending on thread pattern, you could get one of the small import filters that would still allow use of the sights.
  4. I was at Gander Mountain today with my parents before work and they had a decent supply of ammo in, even had some .22 lr on the shelf still. Also found ammo, and 2 different AR-15's at ACE hardware in Oliver Springs. Once AR was $1350, the other was $2700, I'll post the other details in a bit, they were being sold on consigment, just in case anyone is looking.   #1 AR was a Del-ton DTI 15, it was $1350   #2 AR was a Windham Weaponry, with 2 30 rd mags and 100 rds of ammo for $2700
  5. While I doubt its going anywhere, it does make me smile. Consider the $500 fee a luxury tax for choosing not to defend yourself, therefore costing the taxpayers more money in the event of a crime. I don't agree with forcing anyone to buy anything, but then again, they do force gun owners to purchase carry permits in most states.
  6. Hey guys, Ive been giving serious though to having my 1911 polished out and hot blued soon, after doing a tune up, and replacing a few things. Does anyone know any shops local that do this? I wanna get the barrel bead blasted/polished to give it some contrast, along with keeping the soon to be hammer and trigger silver. Does anyone know a place here that does a good polish and hot blue service? This is the finish I'm after, and I know it'll cost to get that attention to detail, because have a blued gun that slick means lots of prep work. Let me know if you know somebody local who can do it
  7. While I think getting it out quickly and in control is the most important aspect, its a good idea to be able to holster without looking if your ever in a situation, because it allows you to keep your eyes on whats going on around you rather than looking the gun into the holster.
  8. If a pane on my dorr had been broken, and he was still fighting to get in after weapons presentation and a verbal warning, there wouldn't have been a warning shot. He would have gotten shot. As was mentioned earlier, it sounds like someone didn't have the mindset to actually use the weapon for self defense.
  9.   No, it is still "your".  My point is that your letter will garner more attention, and a more favorable response if it sounds like you have more than a third grade education. I couldn't care less about grammar and spelling on a forum, but if I am going to send something to an elected official that I want to be taken seriously, I would type it in word and use the free grammar and spelling checks. Its not perfect, but it helps. Also, putting several periods in between sentences doesn't make it sound more serious, it makes it read like a teenager writing a text message to their friends. I understand your sentiment, I'm just saying that it would come across a lot better if it was more grammatically correct, and easier to read with less run on sentences and more proper punctuation. Just my :2cents:
  10. You want my opinion? Not to be a grammar nazi, but your spelling, grammar and punctuation suck if that's an exact copy of what you sent. I learned long ago that if you wanna be taken serious then any written letters need to be as formal and well edited as possible. I get where your going with your letter, and I do agree with you, just saying it would have a better chance of getting a response if it was written a little better.
  11. I thought I'd see who may be interested in this area for a once a month morning get together for a friendly, small group discussion on current topics like Davids get together in Nashville. Just like Davids thread for one in Nashville, reply here or pm, and we will get a date, time, and place setup. Me personally I would prefer not to have someone show up in full tacticool mode open carrying in a thigh holster. So please lets make this a discrete, friendly get together. If anyone has suggestions for a meet place lets here it. I would vote for Shoneys in Oak Ridge, but thats lopsided in my direction, and I don't know enough about Knoxville to suggest anywhere else.
  12. GOt a link? I thought prices were coming down, thats insane. Not that it matters, they lost my business with their price gouging last election
  13. #1 M16A4 just like I carried in the USMC #2 Suppressor for everything I own and ever buy again. #3 Sawed off double barrel pistol, 10" barrels, pistol gripped #4 Ma Deuce .50 cal   Of course I'd have to be able to afford those things also, but since we are dreaming.................
  14. Well looks like I'm building Jaxjohn a Kukri. Cool, thanks for participating everyone. Keep your eyes open for more giveaways
  15. I would say a 300 blkout but you don't want an AR. Maybe an FNAR .308?
  16. I havent heard anything about it in this area, so I guess I'm gonna miss the most of it
  17. Spots

    Sexy shape

    They are nice, but I still think the 1911 has the sexiest lines of any handgun ever built.
  18. I'd rather hit myself in the face with my 24 lb hammer than try to make sense of that crap. Now I know why I stay away from twitter....
  19. Spots

    1911 upgrades

    Ed Brown 1911 National Match Trigger Ed Brown 1911 Hammer Strut Ed Brown 1911 Perfection Sear Ed Brown 1911 Barstock Hardcore Hammer with Chamfered Edges Ed Brown 1911 Perfection Disconnector Ed Brown 1911 Flat Mainspring Housing Chainlink Ed Brown 1911 Tactical Extended Thumb Safety EGW - 1911 ANGLE BORED BUSHING Nowlin Recoil spring(18.5) Nowlin HD firing pin spring Nowlin Hammer Spring Nowlin Match grade sear spring SKINGRIPZ Operator grips   I took the compensator off the list for now, and after a lot of reading, studying and suggestions I decided to go with Ed Brown parts instead of Wilson combat stuff. I added a few things. I'm hoping to turn the gun into a real tack driver, and considered a match grade barrel, but decided to try the bushing and put a lot more rounds down range before that decision.
  20. Spots

    1911 upgrades

          Thats the info I've found on a 1911 forum. While its less effective on .45 acp, it does still have some benefit to combat muzzle rise. And I like it cause I think it looks cool lol
  21. Beautiful.... 1911's look like nothing else, and thats a nice example.
  22. I second One Second After. Very very good book.
  23. Spots

    1911 upgrades

    Id really appreciate that. Just pm me and let me know what I owe you.
  24. Spots

    1911 upgrades

    Its a tang safety. We discussed the beavertail a few post up, I dont get hammer bite and the stock setup doesnt bother me, so Im not sure if Ill do the beavertail or not. I plan to do 90% of the work myself if possible, I like to tinker and I'm pretty handy and learn fast. I wouldn't know about 80's race guns, I wasn't alive till 88. And like I said, that is one concession to looks. I like how they look on the gun, and I figure with a bushing compensator I can always easily remove it with no other changes.
  25. Its been disabled due to server issues   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/57589-tapatalk-disabled-until-further-notice/   http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/topic/57605-anyone-else-having-a-problem-with-tapatalk/


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