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Everything posted by Spots

  1. I know people like those hill people. Those are good people to leave the hell alone unless you know them real good. This was a good episode.
  2. MY last turkey gun was a 500 Grand Slam Turkey with an 18.5 barrel and changeable chokes. It patterned great, was light and carried easily
  3.     Wanna go shooting tomorrow? Lmao
  4. ARe you growing a beard on that ugly mug?
  5. Not at all my friend. Marines are only ugly till we put on dress.blues lol
  6. I don't think they like us lol
  7. Yeah and.knowing the quality of some reporting, imagine how many of those may have been incorrectly named .50 muzzle loaders.
  8. If they knew how easy it was to down a helicopter with any high powered ( and I use the term.loosely) rifle they would shit a brick. I won't go into details but from.first hand experince as a Marine Corps helicopter mechanic, it don't take much. A. 50 would be way overkill. Besides who wants to lug around a 25-30 lb rifle and that heavy, expenensive ammo anyways. I wouldnt mind one for a range toy if I were rich, but thats the only reason
  9. An unloaded mag doesn't do much good in a HD situation, and they take up less room for me, than storing mags and boxes seperate
  10. April 7th is a sunday. Is April 6th ok with everyone?
  11. To anyone who wants to do this, I'm gonna try and get another date setup as the first one doesnt work for alot of people. Look for a pm inbound in the next couple days
  12. Mine knows every gun I own, and even the actual prices I paid lol
  13. So a few weeks ago, I picked up a 1911. It's a Springfield Armory 1911 GI model, that was given to me as a present from a member here, JCJ. And today I picked up a couple holsters and 150 rds of ammo for it. I had also been in contact with another member here about a Kel Tec SU-16B that I was after. He graciously held it for me, even through the panic. I paid $650 for the rifle, 3 stock ten round mags, and 5 30 rd pmags, 4 of those new in plastic. Then I also picked up some 130 rds of 5.56 from JCJ for it today, plus some at walmart and ACE hardware Then today on the way to get the ammo, I mentioned the Ruger Mini 30 that JCJ bought a month ago. He offered it to me for a hell of a deal, so I picked it up today, along with 2 - 20 rd mags, and a stock 5 rounder, and 60 rds of 7.62 for $650. I'm almost afraid to go to sleep, I don't know whats gonna mate, and pop up next lol.
  14. Thats a fun job. The last one I did took the ford dealer 3 tries at the right part...
  15. Yeah and just to clarify the one in Oliver Springs. Forgot to put that up
  16. Also they have some 7.62x39 fir $28 a box. 15 plus boxes. Owner said he had to buy at a gunshow so hes just trying to get his money back. Depends how bad you need it i guess
  17. Ace hardware has 8 boxes of american eagle. 55 grain 5.56 and 40 plus boxes of .22 lr caps (primer fired 20 grains) if anyone has a need. 5.56 is $20 a box
  18. I didn't know if this was by accident or by design. Just wondering as I noticied I lost my pvt chat ability when  I went from benefactor to vendor
  19. Its not a big deal, I understand life happens. It happens to me all the time. Everything is worked out. Look for this bad boy to come up for sale soon
  20. Lol I know the medical would suck, as would a lot of other things. But I would enjoy alot of the stuff top. Especially the muscle cars in the 60's
  21. Late 1800's for the blacksmithing and horse drawn work. Or teenager in the 60's. Muscle car era baby
  22. Not yet but its on its way. Also curious as to whats going on...
  23. Just bought 2 boxes american and 2 boxes of tul. There are two boxes of tul left right now
  24. And btw, for anyone wondering, I don't usually model my ugly mug, my sister is in a photography class, and wanted these for some project.
  25. BIL took a shot on a coyote out harrasing out cattle this morning. We have had several issues, and lost calves to this same pack in the last five years. He knew from the blood he wounded it, but had to go to work, and asked if I'd track it for him. I tracked it by blood and snow tracks for two miles up the ridge. Finally put it down at 150 yds quartered away around 9:00 am. Left the freaking thing to rot, I have a grudge after losing calves to the dirty SOB's. But still wasn't gonna leave a wounded animal to suffer, and it was gut shot and would have died slow. My sister took some pics as I was leaving, this was my first outting with the SU-16, and it performed admirably, as well as my second outting, and first woods trip with my Unclejak's Custom Capote, and it was incredibly warm, even with 25 degree temps, and a wicked 10 mph wind on the ridge tops. Then she was outside with the kids and snapped these in front of my dads antiques shed/ my lil home away from home.


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