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Everything posted by Spots

  1.   It seems to ok. I set it on the smallest setting (2 moa dot) and sighted it in with 3 rounds. Its very easy to dial in, and after 60 rds, some slow fire and some rapid fire, its holding up. I pikced it up cheap from a member here, I'll eventually be going to a much higher priced, nicer optic, but it works well for now
  2. So I finally got my Archangel stock (Valentines Present) on my Ruger mini 30, and decided to get some pictures of it, my 1911 and my pack together. My sister is taking a photography class, so she did the pictures for the practice. I'm loving the new stock on the rifle. Anyways let me know what you think
  3. Yeah I was edumacated at anderson county. I graduated class of 06
  4. Well after a lil head scratching and a call to promag I got the stock installed. The rear site was a huge pain. It must have been torqued in at 500 ft lbs and sealed with unicorn blood. I ended up drilling it out. Current optic is a tru glo, will be upgrading to something nicer soon. Also equipped with a 30 rd mag. I like it, sorry for the horrible pics
  5. Can you say like a cat in a room full of rocking chairs? I wish the brown coat santa would hurry   Date                                       Time                             Location                                          Event details February 8, 2013                      06:57:00 AM                 Oliver Springs, TN US                       Out for delivery I will give amazon one thing, it left the warehouse Spartanburg, SC last night at 800 pm, and its supposed to be here by 400 pm. Fast shipping
  6. Short version: Woman says she voted twice, and doesn't think its illegal. Video at the bottom of the link   http://chicksontheright.com/posts/item/23795-voter-fraud-is-just-a-made-up-republican-fairy-tale-right-democrats
  7.   Let me guess you fed it after midnight with some hollow points, then let it get oiled up and stuck it somewhere safe. Its home breeding evil black rifles right now, that will take over the town
  8.   Don't leave it alone, or you'll come back and there will be more of them. Then once new guns come along you need new mags, more ammo, different caliber ammo in this case. New stock, new sight, new sling, the list goes on and on and on.....
  9. I love how another country's government condemns us for using deadly force. Control your drug and weapons trafficking and help us lock down and patrol our borders, and we wouldn't need to use deadly force so often. Far as I'm concerned we don't use it enough. You wanna control the drug problem? Start shooting traffickers and smugglers on sight, along with dealers and user's. This meth, cocaine and heroin problem is killing this country, almost as bad as the budget, illegal immigrants, and gun control. I was called racist the other day for wanting to lock down the borders. I' m not a racist, I'm a firm believer in the fact that if you want to immigrate here, you should do so peaceably and legally, just as my ancestors did, and just as law abiding people have for the last 200 years. Fill out the forms, become a citizen, pay your taxes, and contribute to society as a whole. Instead they would rather sneak drugs in and government provided guns out, or sneak in, work for a few years, while being on welfare, free healthcare, and God knows what other government assistance, and then once they've milked it long enough, they head back across the border to where they have been shipping that money all along. Nothing but a parasite on the underbelly of this country.   /end rant
  10. Ouch that higher than a kite
  11. I think thats gonna cost a little more than mine did.... lmao Good lucj though
  12. Just got shipping info. Eta tomorrow by 800 pm
  13. Spots


    from what I can tell by looking at arms list and other website including retail sellers the panic seems to be coming down and items are slowly coming back into stock
  14. Cool, I really need to make a couple small knives for my bag like that
  15. Your friend needs to file a complaint with the Police department. They were 100% wrong about the round in the chamber. And I have never heard of a police officer running a s/n without probable cause. Where and when did this happen and what police department?
  16. Can't see any reason to leave immediate area honestly. My night kit is a loaded 1911, loaded Mini 30, good flashlight, and a charged cell phone. What would force you from the MBR? The way my house is setup it would take a freaking platoon to force me from my bedroom.
  17. She asked what I wanted, and I told her a new stock for my Mini 30. Dolomite showed me this stock the other day, and I think it looks amazing, as well as having awesome reviews. So I just ordered one off amazon, it'll be here by friday according to shipping info. Now I just need an optic or backup iron sights for the rail on top. This is the best Mini stock I've seen and I can't wait to get it My mini right now And what it should look like by Saturday
  18. My post above was working with what are I was given. My current choice is a Ruger Mini 30 and a. 45 acp 1911
  19. Large bore rifle and .22 pistol. Id rather have the more accurate rifle chambered for deer sized game and defense. Pistol for backup and small gams.
  20. Figures. Lets just forget our history...
  21. I just left south clinton pawn and they have a Bushmaster heavy barrel in stock for $1500. As well as several boxes of 7.62 x 39, tulammo and somd brass case, Also several brands of 5.56/.223 including hornaday, and they have a box of pmags on the shelf. Just thought Id pass the knowledge on.
  22. You can say its like full auto, but that doesn't make it more dangerous. There is a reason the M16A2 and A4 have 3 round burst instead. Full auto is hard to shoot and get controlled hits. A hammer or controlled pair is more than enough to put down the average human. Ill take a good reliable semi over full auto any day for a bad situation. Me personally, not a slide fire AR is less dangerous if anything. More chance for a jam, less muzzle control. Ill take a spray and pray over concentrated and accurate sustained fire anyday
  23. I hated the drive from Cali to home. Did both the 40 route and the southern one. Nothing in New Mexico or west texas except desert and scrub brush. Ill take my backwoods and mountains thank you
  24. Outback behind my place. Seriosly though if you ever wanna come out on a weekend or something and put some rounds down range let me know. I live on several acres outside of Oliver Springs, and can go to my d mans for more acreage if needed.
  25. Id skin on for a hat if I ever shot one worth a damn. Everyone Ive ed has been small and mangy with a bad coat.


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