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Everything posted by Spots

  1. No they won't. The main reason I choose wools is because it will insulate when soaking wet, and its fire resistant. While fleece/polyester insulate when wet, it melts/burns very fast and can be dangerous around fire.
  2. Will a standard m4/AR hand guard fit it? Or does it have to have a DB specific handguard
  3. Thats a sexy AR. I really like the case also
  4. I agree. If your willing to stiff someone, why not just out them publicly. At least then their character will be known.
  5. Oak RIdge is out of everything constantly. Clinton normally has ammo 4 out of 5 times. Its just kind of a gamble. South Clinton has ammo almost all the time, if your willing to pay the price for it.
  6. I actually saw a book on amazon the other day that was titled how to convert a Mini to full auto. Didn't know it was legal to sell something like that, but I figured if they were selling, that a select fire model had been made at some point
  7. Looks good. I bet thats gonna be fun to move to the range now lol. Really good job
  8.   I never realized until I saw these pics that the mini was still such a popular patrol rifle for some. Makes me want to hang on to mine even more now.
  9. I have't seen 9mm in awhile. Walmarts have been out of everything but shotgun and 30-06 lately. I have started seeing 7.72 and 5.56 on the shelfs more and more though
  10.   A lot of people, myself included, got a message saying it would be up to a month before I see my refund due to new laws and regs trying to stop identity theft.
  11.   Why?? I've carried one in the gun rack on my old truck for years, and have never had an issue. Its pretty sad when people are scared to legally carry a gun to the range. Hes not talking about slinging it and walking into walmart, hes talking about carrying a legal long gun, int he floor board of his own vehicle on a legal range trip...
  12. If you have an HCP, you can have a loaded long arm, no round in the chamber unless your life is in danger. If you don't have an HCP, ammo and long arm must be seperate   From my understanding, it doesn't matter where the long gun is. Just like an HCP holder can carry a loaded shotgun in a truck rack
  13. I guess I'm not seeing the ammo shortages others are out here? I can almost gurantee to find 7.62, 5.56 or .45 acp everytime I got out if I hit a few stores. A certain local walmart gets orders in every other day or so, a lot of bulk pack stuff, and South Clinton Pawn has had 7.62 on the shelf for 3 weeks, though its high priced. Frontier firearms had a case of Tul 7.62 and a case of norinco with a 5 box limit the other day. Maybe the ammo shortage is just worse in other parts of the state   What I mainly noticed was that an AR 15 or a bulk pack of ammo used to sit on Armslist for 2 hours tops. Now they are not being bought quickly, and are being reposted several times with price drops. PEople are slowing down and becoming pickier about prices for ammo, and not over paying for bottom dollar AR's. At least thats my view
  14.   I have had this thought for awhile. I really want to pick up an AR to play with, and I have the feeling that they will be flooding the market very cheap, very soon. Lots of people without disposable income bought a lot of high priced toys on credit
  15. So slowly, over the last 2-3 weeks I have started to notice prices slowly dropping, and supply slowly catching up. I keep a watch on armslist, and I have noticed that AR's are starting to sit there for a few days, and not selling at double the MSRP like they were. People are still buying, but they are getting pickier and watching their price vs value more. I have also noticed that I can get ammo almost every time I go out now, if I'm willing to do a little driving, and searching and calling. Its not the constant stream of no's it was. I know ammo is still scarce and will be for a couple of months to come, and prices are still high, but I think the worst of it may be over, if nothing crazy happens.
  16. This is the message I'm getting   "The PayPal site is currently experiencing technical difficulties with our credit card processor. We are working to solve this problem as quickly as possible. If you would like to Send Money, please fund your payment with your PayPal balance, PayPal Credit or bank account. If you would like to use your credit card, please return to the PayPal website later to complete your transaction. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause."   And its a pvt seller, so I doubt its his end
  17. I'd dont even know how to figure this, or even if I want to trade lol. It was just a thought, and Id always wondered how to price AR's   Here is how I stand on the Ruger   I paid:   Rifle, 2 20 rd mags and 5 rd mag - $650 with 40 rds through it. I have put an additonal 40 through it. Rifle is less than 2 months old Ammo - 300+ assorted rounds. All bought post panic Sparta stock- $250 Tru Glo - $50   That is my actual paid price. So I have $950 minus ammo. So what kind of AR's would make sense if I was looking at trades? The Ruger mags are $35 each, and the rifle was $750 two months ago.     Disclaimer:   I'm not saying I would trade for an AR, just trying to get a ballpark on what to tell this guy since he keeps asking
  18. From what Ive found online the bush woulda been bottom of my list and the M&P at the top. Just because Ive found thread after thread about carbon-15 issues. The ATI is by far the sexiest looking, but looks dont mean anything if it doesn't run. My only ruger complaint is I've had a couple light strikes on steel cased wolf ammo, I'm gonna order up a stouter hammer spring and see what that does
  19. Basically a guy is trying to trade me out of my Ruger Mini 30 I just finished building up. He has those to offer, and I'm weighing my options
  20. Is anyone else having paypal issues? I keep trying to send a payment for some gun parts to another TGOer and it says their credit card processor is off line. Anyone else tried to use it today and had issues? Its been ongoing for a couple hours now
  21. The guy is nothing but a liberal begging for attention. Otherwise he could have got rid of it in pvt and no one would have ever known.  Btw if your gonna try to make what your doing a religious/morals thing, you might want to read the WHOLE bible.   He quotes the bible here,   Isaiah 2:4   "They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore."       But maybe he missed these   Psalm 144:1-2 Blessed be the LORD, my rock, Who trains my hands for war, And my fingers for battle; My lovingkindness and my fortress, My stronghold and my deliverer; My shield and He in whom I take refuge; Who subdues my people under me.   Joel 3:10 "Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruninghooks into spears: let the weak say, I am strong."   Ecclesiastes 3:8 A time to love, and a time to hate; A time for war, and a time for peace.
  22. So i've been looking at AR's recently and had some questions. How do you value consumer built AR's. Like company x lower, company y upper, and company z sights. Is it the sum of the parts? And my other question. I have found 4 ar's and need good honest opinons. Lets say these are all the same price, All include 2 mags and some ammo. Which one would you choose? M&P 15 sport, nib Bushmaster carbon-15 ATI HD-16 mid-length Troy forearm, flattop Palmetto state Armory, carbine length, with detachable carry handle Out of those 4 which is the best for a personal defense weapon, range gun, and coyote gun?
  23. This one feels really good. Its hefty for sure, but it feels as solid or more so, than the stocker did.
  24. SO with some firearms changes and this thread, I've not set my bag up a little different. I now carry:   Fieldline 3 day assault pack Bladder of water 70 oz 6 power bars Good thick needles and thread 4 1911 mags loaded + 100 rds fmj ball 2 20-rd ruger Mini 30 mags loaded + 200 rds FMJ Nomex and Kevlar gloves from my USMC days Zip lock bags Zip ties 200 ft of paracord Fire starter kit - Flint and steel, char cloth, several bic lights, fatwood, jute rope, Magnesium fire block, dryer lint, vaseline cotton balls, hand sanitizer 1 roll of tp (for comfort) 4 pairs of sealed socks 1 pack mole skin 1 bottle of foot powder Toenail clippers 2 extra pairs of contacts plus solution/ 1 extra pair of glasses Eye drops Compass and topo map of the area 2 flashlights and a head lamp Pens and pencils Duct tape Super glue Canvas blanket roll with wool blankets, and wool capote coat Bleach for purifying water   With this setup I feel confident I can easily make the 3 day trip, and if the 3 days turns into a month, I feel I could still survive as long as I could hunt and find water, which come pretty easily after a lifetime in the woods
  25. Its looking good. How do you plan to heat treat the 1095?


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