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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Spots

    Vacation Idea?

    If I was doing it vacation style? Guns and ammo half price, stand by Helicopter exfiltration and CSAR unit in case I get in a bad situation, and group rate discounts so I could go in with a team
  2. I'm building myself a new bowie whenever I finish current orders. I think about 10.5" of 1084 blade with a nice handle should carry well
  3. I know what your thinking, but its not that kind of gun rack. I just bought a Dodge Dakota 4x4 and I am looking for a gun rack that will mount to the back wall of the cab behind the back seats. It only needs to hold one rifle' and I would prefer it be completely out of sight with the bucket seats back in normal postions. If anyone has seen anything like this let me know. Thanks
  4. Some guy just emailed me about an armslist ad for my ruger I forgot to deactivate. He wanted to trade a mossberg 715t for a mini 30..
  5. I saw it also. It sucks that those went through the rough cause I really wanan get one to plink with. But not at that price lol
  6. Seems cool enough. Better than the reality tv take over that has dominated history lately
  7. My uneducated guess would be swat team leaders.
  8. The favorite weapon of the Hells angels is a ball peen hammer for that reason. Does this count as a shop hammer?
  9. My dad has been in Martial arts since the 70's so I started young. I have 14+ years and black belts in Tae Kwon Do, Judo and hapkido. I was a brown belt instructor in MCMAP in the USMC and Im currently taking jiujitsu. One thing I have always been taught is never fight fair. If im down to punches, kicks and throws so be it. I feel confident in my abilities to at least put up a good fight. But if at all possible Ill find a rock, a stick, or preferably a knife or gun to sway the qdvantage in my favor. I think its good to study something to at least understand the basics. But remember this when it comes to weapons defenses and things. The best thing to have in a knife fight is a 12 gauge shotgun. Criminals use weapons to gain unfair advantage. If you take away that advantage by producing a weapon with equal or greater power and you posses equal or greater skill, a good 75% of criminals will run and live to fight another day. And you are at least on equal footing with the other 25% that decides to fight. Thats where viloence of action comes in. If I think you intend to kill or maim me, I will try to retaliate with an overwhelming violent action, being as aggressive as possible to end the fight quickly Edit* Im fairly certain looks help also. I had a lot more people try to pick fights in bars when I was clean shaven and young looking while in the Corps. Everybody seems to leave me along now that I'm bigger and have the big beard. The permanent pissed off look probably helps to lmao I think the old mountain man look helps lol
  10. I've been researching SBR Mini 14's and Mini 30's trying to find out if there are gas system issues if I run a 13-13.5" barrel with a pinned break to make it legal. Well I found this, which is obviously under the length requirements, but its honestly got me considering an SBR stamp for the first time. FOr those of you who have done it, is it a hard process, and is it worth it to go through the hassle or should I just cut it, attach a brake and be done with it at 16.1" with a brake? I'm in love with this look though
  11. I just upgraded to a Note 2 from a Droid Bionic. I love this thing. It is huge, but thin and comfy in the pocket. Its about perfect for what I need. So far it runs great, though I'm still learning the phone. Anybody else have one of these?
  12. I'll start carrying my big bowies more if this passes.
  13. Has anyone else been watching this series on Nat Geo? I've watched both episodes, and so far I'm loving it. Its not to overly dramatized, and shows the flip side of deployments with them joking around and just hanging out at times. I have considered rejoining the military just to take a shot at PJ last year, and I'm still considering it, so that makes the show even more interesting to me.  Also check out some of there training sometime. It is just as intense as any Special Forces group on the planet, with the difference being they are trained to go in a get fallen comrades as number 1 priority instead of kicking in doors.
  14. Ok i guess Ill be that guy. What makes it special?
  15. Let me.range find some of our family land. I may be able to setup a 1k range. Ill just have to check. I paced my field last week and I have 400 yds avliable right now if you guys wanna make the trip out here
  16. Depends on the car. Now if we start talking Rally? Oh yeah..... Nothing like a awd turbo car doing 90+ mph sideways through the trees
  17. I'll watch the wreck highlights later. Other than that, I have no interest in people turning to the left for hours on end   NSFW language warning   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UC9Zi1Fpq1Y
  18. Spots

    RRA LAR-47

    I know if I could find one I'd buy it in a heartbeat. Its more or less exactly what I'm looking for, as long as it runs good
  19.   Does it have the same feel as a stock Saiga? I'm really interested in that setup. Also will it run drum mags?
  20.   I thought about doing what you did and trying to find one unconverted so I could build a Kushnapup. I wanna hear a report on your trigger feel though, I wonder how its gonna feel in the bullpup stock
  21. 14-15" would be ok. I just want to end up with a gun that is 18" overall with a break, there are plenty of options on different length breaks to get it where I want it. I'm also gonna do a collapsible stock, with a railed forarm and foregrip. Trying to build the smallest most manevaurable shotgun legally possible without a stamp.
  22. Yeah there is a spring on the bolt hold open, it was installed wrong when I first got the gun. And no I hadn't found that forum yet, Ill check it out. Thanks man That'd be cool. And no, it feeds bulk pack 7.5 shot remington just fine. It does stove pipe with the drum when its fully loaded, it'll stove pipe a couple rounds, but it quits doing it as as you shoot it dry, like it wont do it with less than 12 rounds in it, so I think the spring in the drum may be super stiff. I haven't tried high brass through it yet, but I think the extra umph will make it operate fine with the drum. I also have a question about operating mods if I cut it down to 13.5" and weld a 5" break on it?
  23. Spots

    Which one?

    Probably a rifle. Hard choice, but a rifle can take game at longer distances, as well as being faster to reload and more dangerous at longer ranges than a shotgun if you have to defend yourself
  24. Not rivets, they are bolts. And yes they are e-clips like that. And I'll take the tweaking under advisement, this is the most fun gun I've ever owned by far.
  25. Alright I bent the spring, and Ive dumped 4 mags and a drum through it, so far no issues. I'll keep an eye on it, I'm still gonna order up a new spring just in case. I know the circlips wont hurt anything Dolo, it just makes it a pain to pull it down and put it back. Thanks for the explanation on the tapco hammer


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