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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Lol Young guys are never a bad thing as long as there safe. Less than 24 hours folks. Should be a big fun event. If anyone has a camera feel free to bring it, but be sure to ask permission to take pictures of everyone you want to take a pic of. Some people don't want their faces and guns on the internet.
  2. Go easy with a fine grit belt. I usually do an 800 grit, 1200 grit then a leather strop belt with compound. Finish of on a clean hand strop Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  3. I use a 1 x 30 harbor freight belt grinder and can make a blade shave quickly Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  4. Has been on Jerry Springer twice. Still hasn't found the real father
  5.   Not a problem at all man. Family should come first.
  6. Voted for Obama
  7. He dresses like a woman, including high heels and a mini skirt when grocery shopping.
  8.   Everyones situation is different. My plan calls for a 9 mile hike straight across country to my Dads place if the truck is not a viable option for some reason. I'm not trying to cross the country, only 3 ridgelines that I've hunted, camped and hiked my whole life. Also I don't have kids to worry about
  9. Me personally, I plan to take the overland route if I have the need to travel after a SHTF event. I am more comfortable in the woods, food and water are easier to obtain, and its easier to hide your back trail, and avoid detection. I plan to stay away from all marked/cleared right of ways including railroads, as they will be come magnets for other travelers.
  10.   What chest rig do you run?
  11. I'll also have a seat open. I have a regular cab Dodge Dakota, so one person, and your gear will have to be laid in the bed securely. I'll be the last to leave the shoot so keep that in mind if you want/need to ride with me. Your car can sit at Food city, noone should bother them there.
  12. How many can you fit in an ammo can? Edit: Or I could just count to 28. I love it
  13. Alright guys, its getting close. T0 those meeting me, the address to the Food City is: My phone number is Let me know if something comes up or if you need anything. Any targets you can bring will be appreciated. Lunch will be brownbagged. Also, if anyone has IFAKs, blow out kits, or emergency medical kits, please feel free to bring them. We hope and pray nothing will ever happen, but we want to plan for that possibility.
  14.   Oh no. Hopefully everyone gets better. We will miss ya if you don't make it, but its still 3 days, so there is still hope
  15. This young lady shows more common sense in this one speech than our entire goverment has shown in years. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L_-N9_tnWBo&sns=em Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  16. If you didn't hit the primer, you could probably hit it with a hammer with no ill effects other than denting and warping it. The only time I've ever heard of a round going off from being dropped is a .22 rimfire. And Ive never seen that in person.
  17. I pulled 27 of them off one of our outside dogs last week. And had several on me after spending a day in the woods last weekend. They are out in full force this year, and will probably be horrible before summers out.
  18. If that passes then we have only seen the beginning of the panic. And how exactly do they think they will register magazines
  19. Stupid fat thumbs. Skills* Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  20. No they had a write up on this system in a mag a couple weeks ago. Itd be a nice setup for just getting hits on a stationary target, but can't replace the stalking skis of a true sniper Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  21. I ran #11 caps on mine and just pinched then a hair tight bedore putting them on. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  22. Any time brother. I got a couple for sale right now. Or trade if you have ar stuff or .223 ammo Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  23. Looks like we will have at least 20 people. Probably more. Heck yeah just 5 days
  24. Naw, none of the ones on that link are that ugly. :flame suit on: Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  25. This from Don: Just read through all 15 pages and I am deeply humbled by the outpouring of support, prayers and well wishes. And I cannot begin to express my gratitude to the wonderful folks here for their words of encouragement during what has turned out to be one of the most trying times of my life to this point. After 5 surgeries to this point and with at least one more to go , it's been rougher than I'd really like to admit. But learning to take it one day (or sometimes even one hour or one minute) at a time has made it easier and all the kind words and deeds here have made it worth it. And again, left me deeply humbled. Thank you. As Dave and Spots have mentioned, I get to keep my foot - despite the best efforts of 158gr .357mag hollowpoint to remove a goodly portion of the bones from my ankle, down - but never be able to bend my ankle again, although I hope to be walking again within the next 6 to 8 months. Thanks for everything. Don Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere


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