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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Anybody else every had those words in an email?  I got my tracking number for my OSOE Mookie War Rig Lite 8 mag chest rig. I've been wanting this for a while now, and finally had the money saved up for this. I'll be doing a full review once I get it, and get to run it for awhile. I plan to add a V.O.K (ventilated operator kit) in a tear off med pouch, along with a multi tool pouch, and a hydration setup on the back. I'll eventually get a plate carrier to run underneath this, but for right now this is my active shooter/SHTF setup. Watch for a full review on this setup soon   Mine is olive drab   http://soebelts.com/collections/chest-rigs/products/mookie-war-rig-light-8-mag        
  2. So what brands do you guys like? I have some boogie regulator goggles in case of SHTF because I wear contacts and have bad vision, so my eyes are a number one priotity. But normally I just wear sunglasses. Also does anyone wear a red tint, and how do you like them?
  3. Once sat at a stop sign for 3 hours, waiting for it to turn green
  4. As far as why instructors make you wear them, its probably liability reasons for insurance.
  5. I have had jackets ricochet off steel, and return hard enough to put out an eye. I've also had a casing from the shooter beside me hit me. We didn't have to wear them on the ranges in the Marines until the last year I was in, but I always wore sunglasses shooting on sunny days anyways, so I just wear ballstically rated ones for the range.
  6. Carrys velcro gloves, rubber boots, and a map of local cliffs in his "in case of sheep" bag
  7. Was holding said goat still Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  8. I have a cheap CB radio in the truck, with a fire stick, and an amplifier. I can get a long ways with the amplifier, not that I've ever tried because thats illegal. But some of the bigger ones your talking states away lol. It only works if both parties have them, otherwise they can hear you but not the other way around
  9. Almost drown when the truck he was riding in went in the lake. He couldn't get the tail gate down.
  10. So I'm looking for options for short range radios in a bad situation. Range would be as far as possible, but at least 500-800 yds in the woods. Need to be able to run a hands free headset, and need a suggestion for that too. Price and battery life are also major consderations. I have longer range stuff covered, so this would only be for communications while scouting ahead, around camp, etc. Thanks guys
  11. Has hit several people in the face with possums for making fun of his mother. Otherwise known as Diane Feinstein
  12. If they feed reliably I'll load them and run them. If I had my choice pmags, but as long as they feed 100% reliably, its all good
  13. Doesn't know I was with Reid's 20 yr old secretary, and we have video from both offices, though one of them can't be watched on a full stomach
  14. Did have sexual relations with that woman (Dianne Feinstein)...... twice
  15. Dang I had no idea you could pick one up that cheap. The wheels be a turning
  16.   Slacker..... lol I would also like to see this cannon. And we might blow up a knife next time in honor of Dave
  17. Would it be out of line to ask what that upper costed?
  18.   That sucks. I was there most of last year, got out of the military and went through 3 different jobs for business that went belly up. Keep your chin up, it'll work out for you
  19. Once died for 4 minutes in an ambulance on the way to the hospital after suffering a gunshot wound for snoring
  20. There is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_HRyAG2xqU&feature=youtube_gdata_player Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  21. Dual wields .25 ravens in tighty whiteys and body armor while drunk in the street Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  22. God they'd die if they came to the forge and saw some of the things I made out of scrap metal and time. Human nature says unless you lock us all in seprate rubber rooms under sedation, there will always be violence and violent people. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  23. I did not mean to set off 500 lbs at once. I have a nice home and I would like to keep it instead of spending the rest of mynlife wondering where it I went. I just meant to buy it and mix up a few lbs every shoot Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  24. Got his forum name after spending all night drinking in college and getting caught in the closest giving a broom.... well you get the picture Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  25. I'll be planning one for sept. Or october time frame out my way Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere


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