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Everything posted by Spots

  1. That was my combat load in the Marines as late as 2011. 6 + 1. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  2. My order will be here tomorrow. Had the post office not dropped the ball and stuck it on the wrong truck for delivery it woulda been here today. I still plan to order a tear off ifak, multi tool pouch, riggers belt, and maybe a few other things from him. Let me know how you like tbat holster, it seems like a good option for those that rotate carry pistols alot Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  3. Enjoys eating blue waffles. Dont google that at work Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  4. Well whatd you order? Don't be shy. I've heard nothing but good things about their gear. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  5. Im in for one Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  6.   Nowadays every gun owner in America can know about confiscation within hours. All without the normal media. Prepping and Militias have seen a massive resurgence over the last few years, and the liberals are gonna keep pushing until they find out just how massive that armed resistance might be.
  7.   Depends on how drunk I get.....
  8. Self medicate? I stand out on the back porch drunker than a moneky with a 3/4 empty bottle of Jack D in one hand, shooting at the thunder with my 1911 in the other. Does that count?
  9. Has roped several goats....
  10. Thats a big nasty looking band of weather according to radar.
  11.   This^^^^ If knowing I'm a gunowner is pertinent to my childs care, I'll find a pediatrician who can operate with less information. Explain to me on way how knowing if guns are in the house or not is going to help you keep my child healthy and happy. The marriage thing is almost laughable in this day and age.
  12. This is another reason I really don't care to speak my mind. I'm everything a progressive liberal hates, and probably on watch list everywhere by now. I'm a white, baptist, conservative gun owner, with time in the Marines, capable of total self sustainment without goverment interferenece, who refuse to be shushed and calmed with some food stamps and other peoples money. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  13. They won't have to look far. They keep over reaching their bounds and taking away peoples right they are very likely to find thousands of them... And yes, the best way to undo their damage is the same way they did it, by a slow indoctrination process. We have been marching towards socalisam and a totalrian goverment for years and years. The common middle cass worker is getting tired of all the taxes being taken out for the ones who do nothing, and the pressure is slowly building. If it reaches to high a point, well history will be written by the victors. And while I don't advise anyone to say anything on the internet they don't want read by every alphabet agency in town, I am a Patriot, a veteran and an American Citizen and I refuse to fear my goverment or be cowed into submission. They won't take my guns, and I mean that with every ounce of willpower in my body. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  14. Very scary times. I fear it will only end with violence. I pray that our votes will turn the tide, but if they begin large scale confiscation alot of people are going to get hurt and killed. From both sides. And I do believe there are indivduals who hope to see us fight back, and hope to see "good guys" get killed. Because the first cop that gets shot will be turned in to a martyr and the whole thing will be used by the liberal media as a perfect example of why we need to repeal the second amendment and confiscate guns. If a gun confiscation goes in to affect nationwide, the only way it will end is with another civil war. The fact that someone hasn't been shot in New York amazes me. Someday soon they will find one who takes "Molon Labe" as much more than a saber rattling slogan and this will come to a head Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  15. They are correct as far as I'm concerned. NOONE is going to take my guns.... I will leave it at that. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  16. Perfecf Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  17. So whats it gonna take? Alof of people have adopted Molon Labe as their war cry. Wonder if any in New York will follow through, and how many here will condem their actions. This is what we have been afraid and vowed to fight folks. Gun confiscation for any reason is an act of tyrannry. If the line isn't drawn here, we can kiss our gun rights, all of them, goodbye in under ten years. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  18. Its long enough for what I need. I have tried it in the situations 8 w8ll be encountering and it has plenty of range. Im not trying to reach states away, I've done 50 miles with it and thats more than I'll ever need Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  19. Wtf....... This country is screwed. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  20. It looks like everything posted requries a ham license. Does anyone have a suggestion for good short range radios. As I said im not looking to chabge my long distance, Im only looking for short range, small groups radios. Other than piercedan's suggestion. I will look into some c9bras with voice activated headsets Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  21. Once asked to come swing my hammer for me... Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  22. Once got angry when his $5 foot long was 3" short and white meat Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  23. Thanks guys. I cant wait to get it and give it a good workout Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  24. I wonder if they need a male machine gunner or something? I'll volunteer
  25. Welcome from Oliver Springs


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