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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Do any of you guys have smart phone apps you use for shooting? I have a ballstics calculator I use for estamating drops during intial sight in and for comparisons. Right now I want an app that will use gps to measure distance walked in yards to measure off ranges, but haven't found anything. I'm on an android jellybean system if anyone knows of an app that will work to measure distance. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  2. Idk I stayed plenty warm out at PI in January with a wool blanket. And the wool capote jak made me will make you sweat in 15 degree weather. Im a wool fan. And Jak I washed that capote in hot water and dried it and it didnt even phase it Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  3. Save it. Ill need another custom sheath soon lol. Or maybe a 24 hour belt kit like we discussed Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  4. I looked at them, and wanted them, but I figured someone needs them more than me. Just like the .40 ammo. I dont have a 40 and im not gonna hoard what I dont even need. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  5. Theres another option. They might come to my home. They won't need to search it to find out where my guns are. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  6.   Yep same here. Former Marine, gun owner, NRA member, etc etc. I have no fear of my government.
  7. Lol congrats you addict
  8.   Yeah I know. I honestly don't care if they know what I have. All mine went over board in a tragic fishing accident. Of course if they are asking, well...... We won't go there.
  9. I thought it was illegal for the 4473's to be copied or removed from the premise, including by government agency.  I forgot the store had to keep them
  10. No, its specifically illegal for them to do that. And even if you bought a new one, just tell them you either lost it or stole it
  11. No. There is no such thing as gun registration. The background check forms must be destroyed every 24 hours according to law
  12. I wish more people open carried. Guns will continue to be the target of liberal hatred until they go back to be as normal as someone wearing shoes. The only way to stop people from having an irrational fear of guns is if they see then everyday, and realize that a gun is only a tool, just like a multi tool or a hammer. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  13. They can only do that if you let them. Home school your children, and drive those values home. Just as was done to you and me. And take a stand against the goverments encroachment on your life. A man who is afraid of his goverment is not a freeman, but a slave already. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  14. I'd say closer to two. Halfway through Obamas second term. I always thought this country would stand and fight if anyone tried to take their guns, but people are so politically correct, and/or to scared of the goverment that they won't dare speak of standing up to gun confiscation or *gasp* a revolution. I said it before, and I still stand by the fact that I will not be afraid of my goverment, and their jack booted thugs, and I will not give up my guns. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  15. I think my plans may have changed. My wife is wanting a pink AR target rifle....
  16. Well I think we got well over the 100 mark. Wife is wanting me to build this one for here.
  17. Also check out UW gear also. They make a nice chest rig setup. They also make a bandolier setup Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  18. If $115 is cheap you really need to look at soe. The one I have was $150, and the micro rigs are $100. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  19. Everything I have seen from soe is top notch. I may order a micro rig which has 2 double mag pouchs and a small admin/medical pouch as my active shooter rig, and use this for property patrol in a shtf. Also the micro can be a backup for a friend. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  20. Lol I try. They will easily fit pmags with ranger plates. I didn't realize but the flaps velcro front and back, and will adjust to fit ak mags, and easily fit 2 ranger plated usgi mags without adjusting at all. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  21. 16" .50 beuwolf in all likelyhood. Close range hog thumper. Either that or a side feed .50 bmg bolt gun Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  22. I dont have a pmag with a ranger plate to try but I can check a gi kag with a ranger plate when I get home and report back. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  23. Yep I plan to. Its almost to nice to do that..... Almost lol Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  24. Heres some pics. I couldn't be happier, this thing is built like a tank. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  25. I carry a zippo for my smoking habit and a bic for survival. The zippos can leak out as well as evaporate. The bics are a seaped system Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere


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