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Everything posted by Spots

  1. I've disposed of several with a .410. When you live in a log home you will find out that they can be incredibly destructive. So far I havent found a non lethal means of keeping them away that works Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  2. Did you watch the videos? This is supposed to be a funny thread, not an actual discussion on which caliber is superior Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  3. Yep, same guy that made mine, I love his stuff. I'm thinking about selling that one, to pick up his NSW chest rig.
  4. Welcome to the mad house man. Semper FI from a Marine brother
  5. I carry a 45ACP when I just want to scare the thugs; I carry a 10MM when I want to do real damage. 9MM and 40S&W are for guys who actually want to carry a 45 or 10MM but are too wimpy) :) Well they don't call it .40 short and weak for no reason lol. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  6. I would like to see what people are running for gear carrying, etc for a shtf situation. Be it a battle belt, a chest rig, a plate carrier or any other on body equipment. This is my setup. Right now I use an SOE Mookie War rig light, 8 mag. I also use a BDS universal thigh holster. One day I get all my gear together and put it on and snap a pic. I'll be adding a 6x6 chest rig medical pouch for my blow out kit and an NSW admin pouch, for pen, map, gps, multi tool, etc as soon as the funds are avaliable or Ill be switching to the SOE NSW chest rig. Ill update my pics as I add gear, lets see what your using. BDS holster, I had a snap off to size out a spare. I wesr it with both straps tight. This holster will fit virtually any handgun, I carry a fullsize 1911 in it, but it can be adjusted in tiightness and for barrel length Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  7. We saw mill alot of our own out, and drop several large trees a year. Most sawmills won't look at anything less than 10 acres of timber now. My uncle recently sold 90 acres of timber rights and only got 3 bids. Most milling companies are looking for 100's of acres not a couple hundred trees. I would just get a timber cutter to price out felling it and you doing the clean up work. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  8. Its not about real fur trade era Mountain Men. Its about 3 guys who live in the backwoods and call themselves Mountain Men. One is Eustace Conway. He talks about how poor he is, but he teachs a 3 hour spoon carving class thats $150. A one day blacksmithing class is also outrageously priced. He is a fraud of the highest order, as well as having been accused of animal curelty several times by former students. One more famous story included pictures of a horse tied close to water that hung itself after days of thirst trying to reach water. It is the typical over dramatized bullshit that seems to populate TV nowadays. That show in particular rubs me the wrong way because I was raised that way so I notice every little detail that is wrong. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  9. The one about useless conway and those other two? No thanks.... Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  10. It is none of the goverments buisness. If you think you have nothing to hide, let me know how you feel when your 5 year old daughter gets strip searched at the air port. No big deal she has nothing to hide either right? Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  11. At some point it has to stop being about money and start being about what is right and wrong. I don't have one and have no intentions of getting one, but to be honest with you I don't really care what the Supreme court says. An infringement is just that. The Constitution is the law of the land and I will follow it until I die. Those are God given rights, and as such, no man can take them away. The right to self protection and to be self goverened is a natural right, and that means being equally as well armed as those who might chose to take away those rights. Sadly we have become a cowed Nation who lets politicians tell us what we may do. This stuff didn't happen in years past because people simple told the Goverment where to put it. And yes I know the NFA has been around since 1934 and I have no idea why they put up with it back then, consdering that they made an Amendment banning alchol and people like my family continued to make and haul it irregardless of what the Goverment boys said. Some people still feel that way Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  12. You're right...I have all my teeth. I also have insurance to cover my "stuff" As far as my neighbor's "stuff" goes; I'll call 911 and be as good of a witness as I can but he's responsible for his own insurance. ;) Ive got an insurance policy also. Its called a 1911. Why should I stand by while someone walks away with the stuff I bust my ass 6 days a week to earn. They used to hang thieves in the west, and the world was a better place for it. The guy in Alabama made a bad call, but at least he did something instead standing there with a finger in his ass trying to decide. If you need something, gas, shoes, clothes or food, knock on my door and I'll give you the shirt off my back. Several people here have met me and can tell you I will give to no end. Steal from me, hurt me or my family and I might go to jail, but your a dead man. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  13. Some people realize how stupid and unconstitutional the NFA laws are and are sick and tired of paying to exercise their rights to be "legal" for some jack booted thugs. Like was said above, you only get in trouble if you get caught. If you buy it as a solvent catch, last I checked its innocent until proven guilty, at least for a little while longer. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  14. Here are the pics Brent sent me. Railroar spike knife he hammered out after a few min. Of basic instructions. The deuce The forge and anvil. Notice the steel striker and char cloth tin. And bigbabysweets really roughing it with Wendys Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  15. Nice bike, but not my kind of scoot. Theres an 08 Hertiage classic at my wifes dealership that I could buy at dealer cost, which is $9k. I just really want a Dyna, really drooled over the Fat bobs for awhile and a few others. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  16. Shoot me a PM if you find an HD and I can give you some intel on it. When I first got mine, I did a BUTTLOAD of research on them, had to though cause I'd been running sportbikes for years before that and then switched all of a sudden, haha. Ive been a big Harley guy for years, did a ton of research and almost bought one twice in the Corps. I just haven't found exactly what I want yet. Thanks for the offer though Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  17. My first bike was an xr 100 and I taught myself to ride. My second bike was a yz 490 2 stroke with an Al Holley built motor. At the age of 13. I rode it one tight single track and turned into a good dirt rider, but that was one hell of a learning curve. My first street bike was a GSXR-750 at 17. Yes God watches over stupid people lol. I havent owned a bike in awhile, but Im currently looking for either an HD Dyna or a first gen Vmax. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  18. No I wouldn't. Christians are quickly becoming one of the most persecuted groups in America. If he was a muslim there would be 1k's of liberal groups backing him up. I would support his freedom to do so, but I would know he did it knowing the country wouldn't dare badmouth a minority, where as this young man is a white, Christian male, quickly become the most hated kind of people in America. Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  19. One more pic. Left to right: Me (Spots), Bigbabysweets, and UncleJak Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  20. Im biased like bbs since Im a knife maker, but a handmade knife is something that is unique and will last forever. A forged knife can even have intials stamped in the blade. Or you could buy some nice carry knives and have custom sheaths made Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  21. I think I just drooled on myself. Beautiful rifle my friend Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  22. Heres a couple of pics from sunday morning in the monsoon. This is bigbabysweets. Viking beard and all And heres the group who spent the night, in fron of the deuce Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  23. Uh, I think those honors may go to Insane Clown Posse and Slipknot. :ugh: You just compared slipknit to icp? I love Slipkont and hate icp. 90% of new country disgust me, bout the only new country I like is Hank The Third and a few others. The one I hate the most is that chew tobbaco song... Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  24. I knew Id end up in this thread somehow. Maybe some 0000 steel wool? Id test first though on a ppace you cant see as well Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere
  25. I have carried bowies with 13.5" blades in a blade cover sheath with a frog or stud iwb. It slides down my left thigh cross draw style with the handle under a t shirt. If I have to defend myself with a blade, I want it to be a large bowie Sent from the backwoods of Nowhere


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