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Everything posted by Spots

  1. It wont burn the carbon out but it will remove the temper from it unless you can keep it under 200 degrees. Basically if its hot to the touch its to hot. You reharden and retemper it after doing the grinding. If youd anneal it before cutting and working you wont wear out as many gridning disc Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  2. Btw the knife looks really good, great work. As far as fusing two blades, the only way I know of would be forge welding as broomhead said. Basically you pull both pieces of metal to welding heat, flux and hammer them together. It would be just like making damascus. Itd be much simpler to buy thicker steel as that much weldind would be hard. Though you could use that and some mild steel and make it into forge welded damascus and it would make a great blade. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  3. Most older leaf springs are 5160 or 6150. Those are two different metal types, Im not confused lol. They average 2.5" wide and 3/8th thick and take a lot of heavy forge work. Stock removal would be even harder and they make a good blade but its heavy. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  4. Sounds limr you handled it well. As a side note, and I am not condoning this at all, always park close enough that your door will reach far into the lane when shielding another car. I may have a.... friend who once opened a drivers door and headed around the hood on an asshole who did the same thing, like he was gonna run them over. He didnt swerve in time. His insurance bought the door back and I have a feeling he never did that shit again. sent from the backwoods
  5. I have no idea who costa is. Off to google. sent from the backwoods
  6. Looks like a water snake. Dont know anything more specific but Ive seen the same kind around creeks and ponds alot. sent from the backwoods
  7. Thats a nice handgun. Nowhere near a $6k worth of nice handgun, but I do like it. sent from the backwoods
  8. You can drink all the beer you want at 17/18 with military ID. Yeah and when your command catches you you will go to Non Judicial Punishment and lose one rank, half a months pay for 2 months and 3 months of restriction. It is NOT legal to drink under the age of 21 even if military and the military will happily fry your ass for it. I had plenty of friends who learned that the hard way. I just got off Active Duty from the Marines last year. The only area where you can drink under 21 was at the Marine Corps ball, and that was at CO's discretion. Also when I was stationed in Okinawa the drinking age for military was 20 yrs old to coincide with Okinawan law. That had only went into effect 6 months before I got there. sent from the backwoods
  9. If it was a 7.62 x 54 and looked like a long barreled ak then it was a psl. sent from the backwoods
  10. Dude sounds like a troll looking for attention. sent from the backwoods
  11. Well, here is a newsflash for you.........underage drinking is a crime ABC agents focus on in every state. You are not going to see ABC agents investigating crimes like murder, rape, robbery, etc.... They are going to focus on alcohol related crime, that is their job. Odds are that Harris Teeter store has a track record of selling alcohol to underage people, so the agents are merely focusing their efforts where the crime exists. They are going after the buyers, but ultimately want to get the sellers. That being said, and if the news story is accurate, the tactics they used are just plain dumb. Swarming three young ladies in a store parking lot, at night, in plainclothes is just ridiculous. At the very minimum, the agents who make the contact should be in some sort of uniform that makes them immediately recognizable a LEOs. And here is another suggestion for these agents: in the future, it might be prudent to have an agent in the store to verify that someone actually bought alcohol.....and not bottled water. These guys were full of the stupid. I can only hope that they will look at this, learn a lesson and change their tactics. Sorry sore subject. Kinda like NFA laws. I can join tbe military at 18 (17 with parental consent) and go fight and possibly die for my country but I can't drink a beer. Like I said, maybe we could focus all this time and money on real crime instead of having another useless agency like the ATF. sent from the backwoods
  12. Ok this is the first one to say it in a way I understand it. Kind of like the brick and mortar stores that post no firearms don't get my business. The only problem with this is that the reason they don't get my business is because it affects me personally. I don't see how supporting equal rights for homosexuals affects me in any way. Ok so you guys just don't like them using the word "married"? You know that is just a descriptive term right? If you get the same things from being "married" or have a "civil union" then they are synonyms and mean the same thing. Why doesn't the church just call it a "زواج" or "×—×ª×•× ×”"? I mean since Christianity came out the middle east that is likely what it was called in Arabic and Hebrew. What I am getting at here is that is just a word used to describe a legal status. To quote one of my favorite comedians: Just because the government says it is ok doesn't mean they get into heaven. lol As for coming to your church to get married, they want to get married in a church that discriminates against them as much I wwant to get married in a Muslim, Rastafarian etc church. Come on do you really think they want be married there or are pushing to make it law where your church has to marry them? They don't like you just as much as you don't like them...maybe more because you are affecting their lives much more than they are yours. Pedofiles don't effect my life either because I dont have kids, but I still disagree with them and think its morally wrong. I bet they hate me because I vote to keep their lifestyle illegal. I wouldn't support a business that supported pedofiles, just as I won't support one that supports gays, liberals, or any anti gun campaign. Those things don't affect me personally, but I do honestly believe that homsexuality, along with lots of other things, leads to the moral decline of this country which affects me and future generations.And I'm not saying gays are more likely to be pedos, id say your average pedofile is a 40 something single male with no homosexual tendencies in the open. And yes marriage is just a descriptive term. So why do they want it applied so badly, if a civil union granted them the same rights? That argument goes both ways. sent from the backwoods
  13. It said she was 20. Probably trying to bust underage college kids buying beer. You know, instead of worrying about a real crime. sent from the backwoods
  14. If that had been my wife or one of my sisters there is a very good possibility one ofnthose agents would be shot right now. All the stuff they put out there about plains clothes guys pretending to be cops for various reasons, and these idiots think its a good idea to run up on two females in a parking lot because they "might" be carrying beer. Why not just write down the tag nukber and havea uniformed officer do a traffic stop? This is going to end the same place as no knock warrants. With a lot of good cops dead over a bad decision to raid the wrong house or rush up on the wrong people who had done nothing wrong. sent from the backwoods
  15. I think I just twitched. That dumb ass doesn't need a driver license, much less a firearm sent from the backwoods
  16. Btw I think this fits here. And its from youtube. NSFW and very offensive. Incredibly funny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2byD0ytOWwY&feature=youtube_gdata_player sent from the backwoods
  17. This is very true. And its most visible in the military. You can stay single, live in a barracks, and get paid less, or you can get married, move off base as a low rank, get paid a ton of extra for housing and food, get seperations pay when deployed, etc. Marriage should have no affect on rights or benefits. sent from the backwoods
  18. The ones I can find that I use, yes. Youtube, google, gmail, google maps. I dropped the last 3 after the gun stuff awhile back. Like I said earlier. Don't flash it in my face and I dont give a shit. Just like being gay. Respect me in public. Dont stick your tounge down each others throats, dress and act at least a little modestly and I really don't care what you do in the bedroom. I want straight people to act the same way. A little modesty on both sides of the sexual coin would do this country some good sent from the backwoods
  19. I boycotted google along time ago after their little anti gun crap. sent from the backwoods
  20. I love those uppers. I really really want one. Looking forward to hearing a range report on it. sent from the backwoods
  21. Most peoples problem with it is that at marriage was a relegious institution long before the Government got involved in it. It doesnt have to do with rights. I dont care if they want a civil union with all the rights of a marriex couple. I would just personally prefer that we protect the sanctity of tradtional marriage. But thats my personal opinion and I'm pretty damn happy that one personal opinions can't run this country. sent from the backwoods
  22. I don't agree with government limiting rights either. Just because something is legal doesn't mean I have to agree with it or that its morally right. I choose not use youtube now because they sent me an email and have big banners on google proclaiming their pride in the LGBT community. I do not agree with that lifestyle and think its morally wrong. I'm not saying they don't have rights, just that I don't have to support them. I'm with daddyo. I dont give a damn about starting some movement. I come here for good discussion which is what I get, especially with post like these. As far as pulling out of any company that supports gay rights heres how I see it. I will conitinue to support your company as long as you don't push the issue in my face. If I see an ad or a banner that says you do it then I'll stop. Just like anti gunners. I don't give a crap if you like guns or not. If you post an anti-gun sign I stop doing business with you. Your choice to stand up for your beliefs and my choice to stand up for mine. sent from the backwoods
  23. Spots

    ATV question?

    I prefer a 4x4 quad. We have a Honda Rancher that gets used for all kinds of chores. If I wanna go fast in the woods I'll take either a 2 stroke dirt bike or a rail buggy. sent from the backwoods
  24. I agree. That term has never made any sense to me whatsoever. Being phobic means being scared of something. I assume it was meant as an insult as it seems to be a current theme that if you disagree with homosexuality, it means your scared your gay. Welcome to Amerika V2.0 comrades sent from the backwoods
  25. If voicing my opinion that being gay is morally wrong makes me a homopobe then I guess I'm a homophobe. If you guys will excuse me I have some skinheads over for a beer and a cross to burn later tonight. >_> I love how disagreeing with something makes you a bad guy instantly. I also don't agree with abortion. That doesnt mean I hate people who have had one, or who do agree with it. I don't agree with the gay lifestyle because of my relegious beliefs. That doesn't mean I hate gays or that Im gonna bomb a gay marriage ceremony. I guess some people believe in freedom of choice as long as you agree with the majority sent from the backwoods


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