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Everything posted by Spots

  1. I dont want the most gun. I just want the most gun for the size and weight. And that sure aint gonna be .22 lr anything. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  2. This thread is about nothing but validation of your choices to use a .22 lr in either a handgun or long gun. People give you suggestions and you respond by saying that answer doesn't fit your exact parameters. Welcome to the internet. When you post a question here, your gonna get opinons. Some are worth listening to, others aren't worth a tinkers damn. I would advise you read them all and consider them all. There are some very smart people here with tons of experience in survival situations and military situations. If you post a question with options a and b and 90% of the answer list option c, I might take that into consideration. That said, if I took one long rifle and one pistol on a bug out? Im taking my 1911 and my AR soon to be in 6.8. 22 lr is useless for damn near anything other than small game. You can't get consietent kills on medium sized and larger game, you cant do much more than harass a determined attack force. And a pistol is nothing but a qay to fight your way to a rifle. Harder to get good accuracy, less powerful ammo and smaller capacity. If my plan involved a .22 lr anything I would consider adding another weapon and leave the .22 for squirrels. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  3. I posted here once already but I'm revamping. 1. 6.8 SPC 2 AR with full auto and 10.5 barrel with a can. 2. Springfield Armory 5.25 xdm 9mm 3. Custom forged bush sword or hand made skull basher Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  4. Depends on who you are. I can water a garden during a drought, this rain is killing my garden and making everything rot. Not to mention its impossible to masonry work in this crap, it makes driving dangerous, and a lot of low level areas are flooding every week. The grass grows so damn fast I cant keep it cut down, everytime I climb on the mower it either threatens rain or does rain. And with a 3 acre yard, its a pain in the ass for it not to look like a hayfield. I'll take a drought anyday. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  5. Thats your opinion. Ive had my butt saved from stuff it shouldn't have made it through enough times to believe that miracles can and do happen. Its rare to see a self defense shooting on tape, so I guess those never happen either huh? No point in carrying a gun I guess. I wouldn't get into a relegious argument, but I will say that I believe everything happens for a reason. Maybe she got thrown from that car to save a childs life down the road where she would have been driving. Or maybe she was pregnant ornwoukd have been with the next Hitler or Obama. I love people who believe they have everything in complete control and know why itnall works the way it does. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  6. Yeah sadly he didn't shoot the SOB dead. Book him for reckless endangerment for firing a warning shot, and suggest a good range so that next time its not a warning shot. Thieves deserve nothing but the end of a rope or a bullet. The law can say property can't be protected, and lots of people here think no material object is worth a humans life. Well, once you made the decision to steal, your life just became worth a hell of a lot less than my stuff, consdering how hard I bust my ass to barely make it. Maybe next time it'll be a dead thief and a happy ending. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  7. A SIG p226 is one of my favorite handguns. Its on my short list of must buys, its accurate, reliable and steel. And I just love the way they shoot. It is a little higher than $500 though. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  8. I sold two knives last year. Both to members here. One sent a money order, one sent a check two days later. They both disappeared. Literally. Neither was ever cashed, or seen or heard from again. USPS is great on price most of the time, but they are getting fairly careless.
  9. That is cheaper than a lot of places, but that's not fire sale pricing. $1500-$1600 should be average depending on what model you like. I've given serious consideration to a plain jane fiberglass stocked standard as they are a couple hundred cheaper than the wood stocked at $1350. But at this point I don't have enough money for either, so oh well lol.
  10. That's just your standard M1A isn't it, or do they have a longer barrell? You are correct that is the standard. To me it most closely resembles the original m14 design. Springfield makes several model. In full size (22.5" barrel) they have standards in fiberglass and wood stocks. They have loaded and National Match models, with some extra goodies. And they have m21's which is a long distance setup. Then they have scout models which is an 18.5" barrel, and the smallest ones which is the Socom 16 as seen here, and the Socom 2 that adds a quad rail. You can see all models here, and they get them all in with some regularity. http://www.sportsmansoutdoorsuperstore.com/category.cfm/CurrentPage/1/sportsman/semi-auto-rifles/brand/SPRINGFIELD Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  11. You guys are gonna laugh at this.... Battle: Los Angeles. My reason why is because that got most of the shit about the Marines right. The right weapons, getting the boot drunk before deployment, they got the ranks right and how they referred to each other. I didn't hear one person called Sarge or anything retarded. They also got the uniforms and equipment right or at least much closer than almost anything else. And the best part? It shows a lot of CH-46 helicopters and I have a long history with Phrogs. Act of Valor was good, especially the hot extract scene involving the SWCC team. Black Hawk down. Lots of bullshit that takes away from the real story because its a movie but good entertainment. If I was the drying type I would tear up at the scene were the two Delta operator's die saving Micheal Durant, the crashed pilot. We were Soliders and Saving Pvt Ryan are two of the most powerful Ive ever seen. I could never get in to the older stuff for some reason. I do have a soft spot for heartbreak ridge, Full Metal jacket and a few others. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  12. I was wondering the same thing Since I am not a vendor here anymore, then I dont advertise my wares so as not to violate any rules. I post them here because people seem to be intrested in knife making. You are welcome to pm me if you would like though. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  13. Ive wanted one bad for months now, but Ive always had an intrest in them. The only difference is I want one with a wood stock and 22.5" barrel. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  14. Would you prefer an open casket or closed? Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  15. I have. Ive been bite once by a blacksnake when I was 14. I was young and stupid and messing with it and it bit my hand. Then when I was 18 I stepped on a copperhead and it nailed me in the calf. Went home, cleaned the marks, drank some shine and went to bed. Stayed in bed for 24 hours. Felt like shit, but no nasty side affects afterwards. Can barely see the scars now. The blacksnake made me sicker than a dog, had to g9 t9 the doc for antibiotics on that one. I always wear heavy work boots, and have had several strike my boot when I was catching them. Heavy leather boots are a good thing in snake country. Tapatalk ate my spelling. are blacksnakes venomous? sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee No but from what I remember the bacteria in its mouth gave me an infection Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  16. I'll own that rifle before the year is out. Just watch and see. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  17. I have. Ive been bite once by a blacksnake when I was 14. I was young and stupid and messing with it and it bit my hand. Then when I was 18 I stepped on a copperhead and it nailed me in the calf. Went home, cleaned the marks, drank some shine and went to bed. Stayed in bed for 24 hours. Felt like shit, but no nasty side affects afterwards. Can barely see the scars now. The blacksnake made me sicker than a dog, had to g9 t9 the doc for antibiotics on that one. I always wear heavy work boots, and have had several strike my boot when I was catching them. Heavy leather boots are a good thing in snake country. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  18. Screw this much rain. Its killing me at work. Ive been working with my father in law. Hes a general contractor but we do mostly masonry, so rain puts us behind schedule and low on funds. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  19. Bout as big as they are known to get; hell, you might have had the world's record there, could maybe have made a buck some way or another on it! - OS This was about 15 years ago. I was only 10 or so. We might have a Polaroid of it somewhere, Ill ask. Far as I know he just threw it over the hill and went back cutting firewood. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  20. By the end of the night he will be hammered, broke and married to a 40 yr old country music wanna be who is only stripping until she gets her big break. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  21. I poked and prodded it for a few minutes and it seemed very docile. A blacksnake is a whole lot more aggressive. Either way I do not want it around because of my animals. We already spend a metric ton of money on them, don't need another bill. I have seen them bigger but they are a rare sight. I see copperheads 5 to 1 to rattlesnakes. Biggest one I've seen my old man killex by the chicken coop a few years ago. Hes 5'10 and cold hold it by the tail straight out, and its head and a good 6" of body drug the ground. Big bastard. The big ones seem to stay out of sight for the most part. Ive hold old timers talk about digging some huge ones out of rock bars that had probably been there for years when they where mining and logging. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  22. same place where we went fishing? It certainly looked " snakey"... sent barefoot from the hills of Tennessee No, the field up by my dads. I won't tell you how many copperheads came out of that burn pile right next to where we fished when we set fire to it last year.... Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  23. Run into lots of snakes out my way. Bailed up a 4 foot rattler last year in that same field where we had the shoot a few months back. I get probably 6-8 copperheads and 2-4 rattlers every year between my place and my dads. And thats in the immediate vicinity, I dont go looking. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  24. Ummmm. Lol estimated 8" long without tang. Maybe 3/4 to 1" wide at the widest? Started as a 3/16th inch thick at the spine. Still bigger than an 1/8th at the spine Tapatalk ate my spelling.


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