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Everything posted by Spots

  1. If younpack your kit right, the bag will float. We had to pack our ILBE packs and do swim qual with them in the Marines. I can float a 70 lb pack pretty easy. You can buy military waterproofing bags,or just use contractor trash bags. Put the bag in your pack open, pack everything in bag, then tie with paracord. Pack anything in outside pockets inaide of sealed ziplocs. You can make the pack float enough to use it for a float device to lay on and kick your way across a creek or river. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  2. We got issued them, but they stayed in the armory with our rifles. We only drew them for training or deployment. I have no idea if anyone else gets issued any kind of knife anymore. I got a lot more use out of my pocket knife and multi tool than I did a large fixed blade, but I still like to always have a large fixed blade Having handled both, I prefer the OKC. Its heaver, longer blade, and it has two functions. That said I wish tbey had a plain edge version, Im not a huge fan of serrations. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  3. As far I know, no units bave been issued Kabars for awhile now. The OKC3 has taken completely over. You will still see Marines with person Kabars at times, and almost ever Marine I know owns for, even if its just for Nostalgia reasons. I prefer the leather handles, but like that sheath. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  4. Double tap
  5. My letter to that school would be unprintable on this forum. People, includint Doctors, goverment officals, and school officals need to mind their own damn business. I have two sisters who teach middle school, and one of them quit to teach my nieces and nephews at home. Thats how screwed this system is. Everyone who can should pull their children from school in favor of home schooling. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  6. Those people amaze me. "If the shtf I'm bugging out to the mountains"... Oh yeah? Newsflash. There are already people living in those mountains. The family land I grew up on and that my parents and sisters still live on has been in the family since the civil war. And if they think those rough as a cob hillbillies like myself and others won't use force to keep you off our land and away from our resources, then they are sadly mistaken. This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but please, if you plan to bug out, make sure you have an exact location in mind, preferably that you own and mantain, but at least have the owners permission and visit it often, or you might be better of bugging in. I'm hunkering down on the land here, and hope to travel to my folks place from time to time after it calms down. But even if your in a suburb, hunkering down under a roof in a neighborhood you know kay be much better than sleeping in a state park or on someone elses land you dont know with the 1k's of others who bugged out, wondering if you might get shot by a land owner or feelow survivor. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  7. If the time comes you think its happening, then go. Like Macgyver said, speed is everything. By day two the roads, side streets, and every other passageway will be clogged to the point of insanity, and rioting may already be breaking out leading to looters and other nasties. Id say recognize the problem and as soon as you think its time, head to the car and get moving. Push as far in the direction of home as you can as fast as you can. When you cant drive any farther, grab your bag and start walking. Try hand railing the road, keeping it about 100-200 yds off one side or the other while your in the woods to minimize chances of ambush Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  8. My sisters always called me Jordie, since my real name was Jordan. Well when my niece started talking she tried to say Jordie but it came out Dottie. I was dot going into the Marines, and then a friend started calling me spots and it just sorta stuck. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  9. I much prefer simple high carbon steels for knives. They are easier to heat treat, hold a great edge, and can be differentially tempered easily giving a soft springy back for super strength and a hard edge that holds up well. ive beat on mine enough to appreciate high carbon steel. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  10. I have one of these, and if you can afford to feed them, they are great. Ours lives outside along with a small maltipoo who comes in, eats and immediately starts begging to go back out. He bonded instantly with our small dogs and protects the whole place, nothing strange comes or goes with his big ass laying in the yard. We live on several acres and he is free to roam where he wants, but he doesn't leave our land. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  11. This in and of itself isn't unusual. We (Marines) constantly deploy on MEU's which are Marine Expenditary units. Its basically a response force. We load a Helicopter Squadron, a Harrier squadron, a bunch of grunts, AAV crews, and support equipment and troops onto a navy LHD and go cruise around for 7 months. We get replaced on station and come home. There is always 2 - 3 MEU's out, and their replacements doing work ups to replace them. So its not unusal to hear about Marines sitting off the coast of a trouble spot. Good or bad, its what we do. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  12. Ill stick with my all natural look. Its face kevlar. Rated to .50 bmg Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  13. Depends on whether he had his socks on or not whether hes actually nautralized. This thread is like a train wreck, on fire, running over a school bus full of those dogs on those horrible commercials. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  14. If your ever back my way New River and the surrounding mountains after dark if your a stranger. Very clanish backwoods people that don't like strangers. Better than it was 30 yrs ago, but still some rough people if you dont know them. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  15. [quote name="DaveTN" post="1025678" timestamp="1378140499"] He was criminal that opened fire on cops. It was the next day; he had been given many hours to surrender. How long do think they should have baby sat him?[/quote] I dont know. How would you feel if some overeager sniper (who must have sucked at shooting to shokt him twice and still not put him down at 200 yds) shot your wife in the face, holding your child while trying to hit someone running through your front door? It was a bad shoot, even the justice department agrees. I guess its never a bad shoot for you as long as he is wearing a badge huh? You realize that shot would bave gotten a military sniper in a combat zone sent to Leavenworth for murder? Think about that...... Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  16. Back when he was a cop the justice department would cover up everything you did, since you were just doing your job and all, just like the brown shirts. God forbid the justice department make a good ol boy answer for his wrong actions. He should be in prison for murder 2. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  17. Maybe he shouldn't have taken a shot at a man running for cover, that wasn't an immediate threat, without issuing a surrender warning, and without knowing what was beyond his target. He was a fucking trigger happy idiot who shot and killed an innocent woman. And you are defending him. Thats whats wrong with this country Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  18. This is why I hat3 the man working for Troy Industries now. He was the spotter for these shots. "Before the negotiators arrived at the cabin, FBI sniper Lon Horiuchi, from a position over 200 yards north and above the Weaver cabin,shot and wounded Randy Weaver in the back with the bullet exiting his right armpit, while he was lifting the latch on the shed to visit the body of his dead son.(The sniper testified at the later trial that he had put his crosshairs on Weaver's spine, but Weaver moved at the last second.) Then, as Weaver, his 16-year-old daughter Sara, and Harris ran back toward the house, Horiuchi fired a second bullet, blowing off half of Vicki Weaver's face and killing her, and wounded Harris in the chest. Vicki Weaver was standing behind the door through which Harris was entering the house, holding their 10-month-old baby Elisheba[51] in her arms.[53] The Department of Justice Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) Ruby Ridge Task Force Report (June 10, 1994) stated in section I. Executive Summary subhead B. Significant Findings that the second shot did not satisfy constitutional standards for legal use of deadly force.[54] The OPR review also found the lack of a request to surrender was "inexcusable", since Harris and the two Weavers were running for cover without returning fire and were not an imminent threat. The task force also specifically blamed Horiuchi for firing through the door, not knowing whether someone was on the other side of it. While controversy exists as to who is responsible for approving the ROE that were being followed by the sniper, the task force also condemned the so-called "rules of engagement" allowing shots to be fired with no request for surrender." They took a bad shot, on shitty shoot on sight ROE. And still people defend their actions as right. Maybe he should have let that shot go. Seems even the legal system agrees he was in the wrong. So go ahead and support you good ol boys with a badge Dave. I hope it rest easy on your mind that you have no issues with murder as long as the man behind the trigger has a badge. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  19. [quote name="DaveTN" post="1025637" timestamp="1378137473"] Vicki Weaver is dead because of Randy weaver and Kevin Harris. The first shot Horiuchi took hit Weaver; the 2nd went through Harris and killed Vicki Weaver, he hit both his targets on the run. I’m not upset they hired Houriuchi’s spotter. Weaver and Harris should be in prison for murder.[/quote] Oh I'm sorry. I thought the man who shot and killed an unarmed woman holding a 10 month old child should be in jail for murder. As should his spotter. They would quickly run a military sniper up for doing the exact same thing, so whats the difference? Maybe they should have left the people at Ruby ridge alone is what they should have done. Not that your postion suprises me. You defend to the death anyone with a badge or goverment title. Even a piece of shit like this. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  20. Yeah they lost me as a customer now and forever. And not only did they hire a murderer, he is defending the man Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  21. I don't know about nastys, but Dave brought some wild hog bacon to the camp last year and that was some amazing stuff. Best I ever ate. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  22. If I missed another thread about this, I apologize. So it seems Troy Industries is making some questionable hiding decisions. They hired a Chicago anti-gunner, though they did fire him. They have also hired a sniper from Ruby Ridge, and in the face of public outcry, they are defending his actions at Ruby Ridge. http://www.thebangswitch.com/the-hiring-follies-of-troy-industries/ And now they are facing the consequences for it. Hammer Head Armament has posted om facebook that as of cob today they will be suspending zales of TI products until further notice. Im glad compaines will stand up for what they believe in still. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  23. Spots

    Plow day

    Yeah hes a big ol' boy. Gentle as a kitten though. It is hard work, but just like the masonry work I do, people doing manual labkr together find a way to have a good time doing it. I have every intention of keeping the traditions alive so people can see what it was like. I'm glad we could make you happy lol. One of the reasons we take pictures now is that my dad and mom won't always be there for the Grandkids to remember, and someday everyone will be to busy to come help in the garden. So make the memories now and they will last a lifetime Honestly that is the eaiser path. The other two options are doing it by hand or dragging the rototiller out and using it to plow. Those are both hard and more of a pain than the horse. There is no point in bring the tractor out, its to hard to maneuver in the fenced in garden. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  24. You know, as much as I'm wanting an M1A full size with a wood stock, 5hat Socom 16 would be a nasty hog gun. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  25. Spots

    Plow day

    Ive heard that from a lot of people. I think the rain rotted a lot of peoples stuff in the ground. Yeah its a whole lot faster and much more fun. Tapatalk ate my spelling.


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