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Everything posted by Spots

  1. Hes been a member since Jan. 2010 and hes 59. Not really a new guy or a young whippersnapper. Just openly saying what alot of us are thinking. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  2. Hes just like the rest of us. Tired of $100 bricks of .22 lr on armslist. Its one thing when its a faceless armslist poster, but I thought the benfactors here were a cut above. Most of them are, there just happens to be one person here who is ok with gouging the piss out of people. His buisness, but many here, including me have loonnnngggg memories. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  3. Whoa whoa whoa. Anyone interupts my soa theres gonna be hell to pay Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  4. If your just grinding them out then you need to keep them cool or they will lose there temper. So you cut/grind then dunk in water when it gets hot to the touch. Its a slow process. The thing your talking about is if you have access to heat treat. Then you cut it out, heat it to non magnetic and qu3nch in oil or water depending on the steel. Afterwards you temper it in the over or in the fire to abiut 375 degrees to keep it from being brittle. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  5. I forgot the Guard units. I wouldnt be suprised to see them with Alice gear and A1's half the time lol. I have a friend who was an Armoror in the Marines from 92 to 2000. He said when he got stationed in Korea they still had racks and racks of A1's and 1911's. The military hangs on to that shit forever.. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  6. Holy crap. I thought the Army went completely m4 like 3 years ago. I had no idea they were still fielding A2's. And yeah, the Afghans need to stick with AK's. Their weapons "maintenance" is enough to bring a tear to my eye. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  7. Is that by choice or necessity? When I out in 12' they were trying to finish up converting the whole Corps to A4's and M4's but that may have not happened yet. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  8. Do it..... I guess its only appropriate since you building an A2 for the OKC3S has inspired me to build an A4 like my issued rifle. I like the A4, but if (when) I build one I'll probably end up getting a rail mount carry handle so I can shoot some old school irons also. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  9. Very nice! Its should make a nice companion to the new OKC3S. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  10. Working horses is a big one. I also like doing some light logging running a chainsaw and swinging an axe. My big one is blacksmithing. Nothing works the pissed off outta ya like swinging a 24 lb hammer as hard as possible in a small shop when its 90 degrees outside and 115 inside with the fire going. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  11. I have one of the blue cups you mentioned. I use to tote a small stainless coffee pot and that cup in my camp gear and my get home gear. Yeah it added weight and bulk, but I've found its a fair trade off for the mood boost I get with a cup or 5 of real coffee, and the effect is ten fold when I'm in a bad situation like heavy rains, cold weather, etc. The stanley kit has replaced it for everything but car camping. Ive done normal percolator coffee and instant with it and love it. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  12. I have one of these in my kit. 24 oz single wall cook pot with two 10 oz cups. Small, portable, light weight, works great boiling water or coffee, and you can can cook soup and other stuff in it also. Walmart has them for $14, and they are a great deal for that price http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B005188T90 Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  13. Nor would I. But I did a lot of training with them the 5 years I was there. They are great for homeland defense, but would play a very minor role in a large scale conflict. The numbers and equipment just isn't there, and its not what they are trained for. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  14. Actually a well designed bowie tip will cut through body armor like butter. Its hard to describe for me typing, but if we ever get together I have one I can show you what I mean. But I understand what your saying. I think the biggest reason for the change to the OKC was to combine the bayonet and fighting knife, and the OKC3S was the best mix of the two. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  15. [quote name="Oh Shoot" post="1028728" timestamp="1378596850"] Same basic skinny tang weakness though. Plenty strong enough to kill somebody anyway you can think of, but might not survive making an emergency fire. - OS[/quote] Which is why I own a Kabar, and plan to buy an OKC3S but my woods knife is a full tang custom. A fighting knife is not a camp knife is not fillet knife. Tools for the job kinda thing. The kabar is a nasty weapon, and one I drew lots of inspiration from in what makes a good fighter, though I am a fan of Bill Bagswell and James Keating views on the tradtional 9-11" bowie being the ultimate bladed weapon. But its not the perfect camp or survival knife Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  16. So do I. They are both good blades. Im just saying the OKC3S isn't a whole ton better than a Kabar. Ive used and carried both in the service, and a Kabar out of the service. The Kabar may be a little dated but its not a bad blade, and is much more proven then the OKC3S right now. Besides, I'm not a huge fan of serration so that prevents me from being a full retard fan of the OKC3S Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  17. I wouldn't go that far. The Kabar is still an icon, and loved Marine Corps wide. It served with distinction for years and is still a Marine Corps favorite. They are both good blades Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  18. Japan has no sta ding military. All they have is the Japanese defense force. Good guys, but not big enough to be players at this stage. Thats why we have so many military bases there, especially on Okinawa. This is gonna be bad if it goes off. It wi involve the whole world. The lines are quickly being drawn and we do not have the leadership to survive a world war. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  19. If you were willing to pack one it would work well. Just seems to bulky for me, but my bags already kinda full. Id rather take the strip down method, but I'm really comfy in the water. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  20. If you need to cross a water and its cold, strip your clothes off and put them in your bag to keep them dry. Cross either naked or in your skives and plan to change them. Once on the other side, towel dry off as much as possible, and if you can build a fire. Get dressed quickly once dry. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  21. [quote name="RED333" post="1027660" timestamp="1378430555"] Batten down the hatchs guys, its gona get bad.[/quote]I prefer lock n' load. Cause if this starts world war 3, we will be invaded this time around, instead of fighting om foreign shores. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  22. You can do the same thing with a shirt or blouse. Ive floated for hours by laying my head back on my blown up uniform blouse. Just blow into collar then pull tight around neck. Repeat until you have an air cushion under your head. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  23. Its this one. Just a more permanent solution and a little nicer. http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B004V1NCAY/ref=pd_aw_sims_1?pi=SL500_SY115 They make all different sizes. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  24. Yeah everything in my bag is either in ziplocs or trash bags. I actually use an ILBE right now and it floats just fine. I want to order the new style waterproofing bags with the one way air valve but they are freaking expensive. Tapatalk ate my spelling.
  25. [quote name="mikegideon" post="1027545" timestamp="1378423111"] I've been handling both as we speak :)[/quote] Yeah yeah, brag about it. Seriously though, get that rifle built and bring them out and I'll show you the basics on knife and bayonet techniques Tapatalk ate my spelling.


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